lojo commented on the word english reasearch paper
so taylor how did you manage to run over annie?
November 4, 2008
you are so weird "prolagus".....hee hee lol
yeah john shut up!
so....your point?
whats your secret???
lojo commented on the word deep and wide
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
bonnie i dont know if io can tell her i dont want to be friends with her
so taylor your saying that if you yell at me and i yell back then you wont be mad at me?
bonnie i do think that you might be friends with her again and so will i probably.
hey hey hey bonnie cool it.....lol
you cant just drop a friend....i mean cause like if she goes to the counselor about this then what are we going to say???
it seems like it!
i love you too......uh i really dont know. like you and her act like your best friends all the time so i dont know if you can tell her you dont wanna be friends with her or not
come on brennah comment us again!
what about it? (bonnie)
we know its not her you ree rees!!!!
oh my god that was really scary
lojo commented on the word english research
yeah but i am real;ly scared to sya that because if she goes to the counselor about this then what are we going to say.
well we cant just all say we dont want to be friends with all at the same time.....well i guess we could
would you ever say you didnt want to be friends with her.
no i wouldnt.....why?
can you break that down for me....please?
hey taylor
wait what do you mnean bonnie?
lojo commented on the word research
i mean....i dont know i am confused. i mean i like her but she can be really annoying sometimes. you know what i mean?
sooo......anything more about brennah?
(bonnie) what about your upper lip?
i think i burp i might blow the whoile school away.........hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha
hahahaa then do it....i want to laugh
hee hee
so what do we talk about now?
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
oh ok.
well its kinda the same thing....i think
oh ok. well it does seem like what kelsey would do.
i hate how she always plays dumb...dont you?
wait does this mean that we all dont like her or are we just doing this cause were bored?
no we wont!!!!!
i wont tell her anything cause i am talking about her too.
taylor who are we talking about?
bonnie.... what does kelsey say about brennah?
woah woah woah kelsey hates brennah?
i thought they were like best friends
hey guys
Comments by lojo
lojo commented on the word english reasearch paper
so taylor how did you manage to run over annie?
November 4, 2008
lojo commented on the word english reasearch paper
you are so weird "prolagus".....hee hee lol
November 4, 2008
lojo commented on the word english reasearch paper
yeah john shut up!
November 4, 2008
lojo commented on the word english reasearch paper
so....your point?
November 4, 2008
lojo commented on the word english reasearch paper
whats your secret???
November 4, 2008
lojo commented on the word deep and wide
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
bonnie i dont know if io can tell her i dont want to be friends with her
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
so taylor your saying that if you yell at me and i yell back then you wont be mad at me?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
bonnie i do think that you might be friends with her again and so will i probably.
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
hey hey hey bonnie cool it.....lol
you cant just drop a friend....i mean cause like if she goes to the counselor about this then what are we going to say???
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
it seems like it!
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
i love you too......uh i really dont know. like you and her act like your best friends all the time so i dont know if you can tell her you dont wanna be friends with her or not
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
come on brennah comment us again!
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
what about it? (bonnie)
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
we know its not her you ree rees!!!!
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word source card
oh my god that was really scary
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word english research
yeah but i am real;ly scared to sya that because if she goes to the counselor about this then what are we going to say.
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word english research
well we cant just all say we dont want to be friends with all at the same time.....well i guess we could
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word english research
would you ever say you didnt want to be friends with her.
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word english research
no i wouldnt.....why?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word english research
can you break that down for me....please?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word english research
hey taylor
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word english research
wait what do you mnean bonnie?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word research
i mean....i dont know i am confused. i mean i like her but she can be really annoying sometimes. you know what i mean?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word research
sooo......anything more about brennah?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word research
(bonnie) what about your upper lip?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word research
i think i burp i might blow the whoile school away.........hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word research
hahahaa then do it....i want to laugh
hee hee
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word research
so what do we talk about now?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
oh ok.
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
well its kinda the same thing....i think
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
oh ok. well it does seem like what kelsey would do.
i hate how she always plays dumb...dont you?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
wait does this mean that we all dont like her or are we just doing this cause were bored?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
no we wont!!!!!
i wont tell her anything cause i am talking about her too.
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
taylor who are we talking about?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
bonnie.... what does kelsey say about brennah?
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
woah woah woah kelsey hates brennah?
i thought they were like best friends
October 31, 2008
lojo commented on the word peer pressure
hey guys
October 31, 2008