luckyluc commented on the word taboo
forbidden from use
May 21, 2009
luckyluc commented on the word proud
feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an act
May 14, 2009
luckyluc commented on the word ambition
a goal or a strong desire for success
luckyluc commented on the word grow up
to get older or to become an adult
luckyluc commented on the word admire
to respect of a person or thing
Comments by luckyluc
luckyluc commented on the word taboo
forbidden from use
May 21, 2009
luckyluc commented on the word proud
feeling pleasurable satisfaction over an act
May 14, 2009
luckyluc commented on the word ambition
a goal or a strong desire for success
May 14, 2009
luckyluc commented on the word grow up
to get older or to become an adult
May 14, 2009
luckyluc commented on the word admire
to respect of a person or thing
May 14, 2009