lyuds commented on the word mandalay
September 8, 2008
lyuds commented on the word froglicking
I heard that such things happened, People got high off of everything..some still do
lyuds commented on the word leptosporangiate
Ex: This day is more exciting than leptosporangiate ferns.
September 3, 2008
lyuds commented on the word dere
can be used as a verb or noun
lyuds commented on the word игра�? в бло�?шки
sure does
ee-gra (r is rolled) v bloshki
August 29, 2008
lyuds commented on the word frown of approval
The best way to go about approving
lyuds commented on the word paraproteinemia
Paraproteinemia: The presence of a monoclonal gammopathy in the blood.
lyuds commented on the word supple
jello: firm yet supple
lyuds commented on the word magic
A thing that must be in the air if people are ever going to fall in love.
lyuds commented on the word old age
I guess I will never be old!
lyuds commented on the user frindley
thank you for the word help!
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the list pseudo-seduction
This is one list that would confuse many a lady. Bravo
lyuds commented on the word xylology
The study of wood
lyuds commented on the word narwhal
The narwhal revenge toys are great, I actually saw those at the store the other day...
lyuds commented on the word saturnine
Merci beaucoup
(I am pleased as punch)
lyuds commented on the word partialist
"One who holds that the atonement was made only for a part of mankind, that is, for the elect"
May this word be used in reference to weather?
Ex: a saturnine wind
lyuds commented on the word grody
gross, filthy, etc
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word eejit
Irish term meaning idiot.
lyuds commented on the list unkind-words
:)well, I am always open for experimentation
lyuds commented on the word failwhale
oh goodness, this is a great word
yeah, I guess I don't need to make my lists open, it is a lonely thing to do things by yourself though...Thanks for your help guys it is awful nice
lyuds commented on the word hyetal
(adj) pertaining to rain
lyuds commented on the word grand rapids, michigan
Has a long, cold winter
thanks! yeah, im just getting the hang of all this, I was trying to start with a couple easy lists. Why I chose insults? I have no clue. Oh well
anyone is free to help... if you would like..
lyuds commented on the word simp
short for simpleton
lyuds commented on the word eszet
Thin slices of chocolate meant to be eaten with bread.
A German tradition.
lyuds commented on the list cities-i-would-like-to-see-destroyed-in-disaster-movies
I wrote my city down as well, they never mention Michigan in movies unless it's about a horror story in the woods (or a Michael Moore film).
lyuds commented on the word dross
bio-hazardous materials..
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word xanthasoma
Large leaves that vary in color. Common name: Elephant ear.
lyuds commented on the word natant
(adj) something that is either swimming or floating in water.
lyuds commented on the word la boca
No worries, its beautiful. So colorful!
lyuds commented on the word arboraceous
Example: forest or michigan :)
lyuds commented on the word liverwort
Also known as Hepatic
lyuds commented on the word my generation
Oh dear. It looks like your right!
All generations do strange things. Mine uses hott to describe anything that they like say lol as opposed to saying that something is funny or hilarious.
August 24, 2008
lyuds commented on the word orchidaceae
Part comes from the Latin word orchis and ό�?χις is from the Greek meaning testicle. It really is fascinating.
lyuds commented on the word couay
oh! Alright, that would make sense. Thank you
lyuds commented on the user catkisses
i do enjoy your lists :)
couay means cake? huh...
flowers that please the eye candy palate
Comments by lyuds
lyuds commented on the word mandalay
September 8, 2008
lyuds commented on the word froglicking
I heard that such things happened, People got high off of everything..some still do
September 8, 2008
lyuds commented on the word leptosporangiate
Ex: This day is more exciting than leptosporangiate ferns.
September 3, 2008
lyuds commented on the word dere
can be used as a verb or noun
September 3, 2008
lyuds commented on the word игра�? в бло�?шки
sure does
ee-gra (r is rolled) v bloshki
August 29, 2008
lyuds commented on the word frown of approval
The best way to go about approving
August 29, 2008
lyuds commented on the word paraproteinemia
Paraproteinemia: The presence of a monoclonal gammopathy in the blood.
August 29, 2008
lyuds commented on the word supple
jello: firm yet supple
August 29, 2008
lyuds commented on the word magic
A thing that must be in the air if people are ever going to fall in love.
August 29, 2008
lyuds commented on the word old age
I guess I will never be old!
August 29, 2008
lyuds commented on the user frindley
thank you for the word help!
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the list pseudo-seduction
This is one list that would confuse many a lady. Bravo
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the word xylology
The study of wood
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the word narwhal
The narwhal revenge toys are great, I actually saw those at the store the other day...
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the word saturnine
Merci beaucoup
(I am pleased as punch)
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the word partialist
"One who holds that the atonement was made only for a part of mankind, that is, for the elect"
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the word saturnine
May this word be used in reference to weather?
Ex: a saturnine wind
August 28, 2008
lyuds commented on the word grody
gross, filthy, etc
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word eejit
Irish term meaning idiot.
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the list unkind-words
:)well, I am always open for experimentation
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word failwhale
oh goodness, this is a great word
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the list unkind-words
yeah, I guess I don't need to make my lists open, it is a lonely thing to do things by yourself though...Thanks for your help guys it is awful nice
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word hyetal
(adj) pertaining to rain
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word grand rapids, michigan
Has a long, cold winter
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the list unkind-words
thanks! yeah, im just getting the hang of all this, I was trying to start with a couple easy lists. Why I chose insults? I have no clue. Oh well
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the list unkind-words
anyone is free to help... if you would like..
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word simp
short for simpleton
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word eszet
Thin slices of chocolate meant to be eaten with bread.
A German tradition.
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the list cities-i-would-like-to-see-destroyed-in-disaster-movies
I wrote my city down as well, they never mention Michigan in movies unless it's about a horror story in the woods (or a Michael Moore film).
August 27, 2008
lyuds commented on the word dross
bio-hazardous materials..
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word xanthasoma
Large leaves that vary in color. Common name: Elephant ear.
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word natant
(adj) something that is either swimming or floating in water.
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word la boca
No worries, its beautiful. So colorful!
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word arboraceous
Example: forest or michigan :)
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word liverwort
Also known as Hepatic
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word my generation
Oh dear. It looks like your right!
August 26, 2008
lyuds commented on the word my generation
All generations do strange things. Mine uses hott to describe anything that they like say lol as opposed to saying that something is funny or hilarious.
August 24, 2008
lyuds commented on the word orchidaceae
Part comes from the Latin word orchis and ό�?χις is from the Greek meaning testicle. It really is fascinating.
August 24, 2008
lyuds commented on the word couay
oh! Alright, that would make sense. Thank you
August 24, 2008
lyuds commented on the user catkisses
i do enjoy your lists :)
August 24, 2008
lyuds commented on the word couay
couay means cake? huh...
August 24, 2008
lyuds commented on the word orchidaceae
flowers that please the eye candy palate
August 24, 2008