maire commented on the word fester
gunther's rage on the line at the BMW factory was mounting because the boss kept after him to work fester and fester.
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word pustule
he wanted to get his boil lanced before christmas, but the dr. insisted that he wait pustule...
maire commented on the word fibrillation
working with textiles made phyllis so excited, she was often in a state of fibrillation...
maire commented on the word debridement
trying to figure out what debridement would take the rest of de groom's life.
maire commented on the word asthma
asthma has often said, don't forget your puffer,dear.
maire commented on the word cadaver
you must be crazy to think we cadaver have a relationship now that you're dead.
maire commented on the word porphyria
i'd like to marry you,your highness, but i can't porphyria might make me clean the purple toilet bowl.
maire commented on the word proctalgia
we 80 yr. olds are all for feeling nostalgic about the 10th month of the year,traditionally time for our annual colonscopy appointment...
maire commented on the word furuncle
sounds like a furry carbuncle,a boil that has burst and been left unattended so long that there is green mold growing on the edges...a condition one might wish to exist on auntie's hirsute husband perhaps...
Comments by maire
maire commented on the word fester
gunther's rage on the line at the BMW factory was mounting because the boss kept after him to work fester and fester.
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word pustule
he wanted to get his boil lanced before christmas, but the dr. insisted that he wait pustule...
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word fibrillation
working with textiles made phyllis so excited, she was often in a state of fibrillation...
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word debridement
trying to figure out what debridement would take the rest of de groom's life.
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word asthma
asthma has often said, don't forget your puffer,dear.
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word cadaver
you must be crazy to think we cadaver have a relationship now that you're dead.
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word porphyria
i'd like to marry you,your highness, but i can't porphyria might make me clean the purple toilet bowl.
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word proctalgia
we 80 yr. olds are all for feeling nostalgic about the 10th month of the year,traditionally time for our annual colonscopy appointment...
November 1, 2007
maire commented on the word furuncle
sounds like a furry carbuncle,a boil that has burst and been left unattended so long that there is green mold growing on the edges...a condition one might wish to exist on auntie's hirsute husband perhaps...
November 1, 2007