Makeekula commented on the word hoohiki
Hawaiian - to take an oath, to vow, to promise
August 14, 2012
Makeekula commented on the word Hanau
Hawaiian - to give birth; to be born
Makeekula commented on the word kokua
Hawaiian - help
Makeekula commented on the word wikiwiki
Hawaiian - fast, quick
Comments by makeekula
Makeekula commented on the word hoohiki
Hawaiian - to take an oath, to vow, to promise
August 14, 2012
Makeekula commented on the word Hanau
Hawaiian - to give birth; to be born
August 14, 2012
Makeekula commented on the word kokua
Hawaiian - help
August 14, 2012
Makeekula commented on the word wikiwiki
Hawaiian - fast, quick
August 14, 2012