"Tradesmen with English goods were tarred and feathered, and angry apprentices began 'houghing' soldiers (cutting their hamstrings), which was immediately made a capital offense."
3b. any place, as a house, room, or shack, where a serviceman sets up housekeeping with a local woman.
Also, hootch, hoochie.
1950–55 prob. < Japn uchi house (by back formation, construing -i as -y2); initial h perh. by assoc. with hut or < Ryukyuan dial. form of uchi with prothetic h-
Variants: val-pak, valpak, valpack. Seems to be some sort of large folding garment bag.
From A Rumor of War, by Philip Caputo, p. 153: "He... climbed out to get my valpack from the back seat." p. 155: "I dropped my valpack on the wooden pallet that lay alongside the cot."
"Worried about whether they'll be able to perform sexually or not, men can get caught up in the observer perspective, distractedly watching themselves anxiously to see whether their worst fears will be realized. Masters and Johnson called this kind of behavior 'spectatoring.'"
To be symmetrical in (Brian) Greene's world, a theory that mathematically defines some universal physical law can't break down when the surrounding circumstances of time or place change. It must work everywhere, without exception, and, as Greene states, everywhen.
From My Friend the Fanatic, by Sadanand Dhume, p. 149: "In the nineteenth century, Makassar (in Indonesia) gave the world the hair oil whose popularity led to the invention of the antimacassar, a cover to protect furniture in Victorian drawing rooms."
From Miracle on the Hudson: The Survivors of Flight 1549, by W. Prochnau and L. Parker, p. 34: "On Flight 1549, Smithsonian scientists concluded that the bird parts, known as snarge, removed from the engines, wings, and fuselage came overwhelmingly from Canada geese but also from ducks, doves, and various songbirds."
from Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku, 2008, p. 81:
"The smallest chunk of the brain that can be reliably analyzed by an fMRI machine is called a 'voxel.' But each voxel corresponds to several million neurons, so the sensitivity of an fMRI machine is not good enough to isolate individual thoughts."
An area in enemy territory or in threatened friendly territory, seized by airborne troops for bringing in supplies and additional troops by airdrop or landing. ;)
Comments by man
man commented on the word hough
from Piracy (by Adrian Johns):
"Tradesmen with English goods were tarred and feathered, and angry apprentices began 'houghing' soldiers (cutting their hamstrings), which was immediately made a capital offense."
March 23, 2011
man commented on the word hooch
from dictionary.com:
–noun Military Slang.
1. a thatched hut of southeast Asia.
2. any living quarters, as a barracks.
3. (esp. during the Korean War)
3a. a prostitute's dwelling.
3b. any place, as a house, room, or shack, where a serviceman sets up housekeeping with a local woman.
Also, hootch, hoochie.
1950–55 prob. < Japn uchi house (by back formation, construing -i as -y2); initial h perh. by assoc. with hut or < Ryukyuan dial. form of uchi with prothetic h-
October 6, 2010
man commented on the word val pak
Variants: val-pak, valpak, valpack. Seems to be some sort of large folding garment bag.
From A Rumor of War, by Philip Caputo, p. 153: "He... climbed out to get my valpack from the back seat." p. 155: "I dropped my valpack on the wooden pallet that lay alongside the cot."
October 6, 2010
man commented on the word spectatoring
From Extreme Fear, by Jeff Wise, p. 96:
"Worried about whether they'll be able to perform sexually or not, men can get caught up in the observer perspective, distractedly watching themselves anxiously to see whether their worst fears will be realized. Masters and Johnson called this kind of behavior 'spectatoring.'"
August 23, 2010
man commented on the word everywhen
To be symmetrical in (Brian) Greene's world, a theory that mathematically defines some universal physical law can't break down when the surrounding circumstances of time or place change. It must work everywhere, without exception, and, as Greene states, everywhen.
July 28, 2010
man commented on the word satisfice
Combination of satisfy and suffice. Apparently coined by Nobel Laureate Herbert Simon in his 1957 book called Models of Man.
July 21, 2010
man commented on the word 触手系
shokushu-kei: tentacle style, as in "tentacle sex"
July 11, 2010
man commented on the word fleer
From Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, Act I Scene III, Casca speaking:
"You speak to Casca, and to such a man
That is no fleering telltale".
July 3, 2010
man commented on the word antimacassar
From My Friend the Fanatic, by Sadanand Dhume, p. 149: "In the nineteenth century, Makassar (in Indonesia) gave the world the hair oil whose popularity led to the invention of the antimacassar, a cover to protect furniture in Victorian drawing rooms."
June 21, 2010
man commented on the word snarge
From Miracle on the Hudson: The Survivors of Flight 1549, by W. Prochnau and L. Parker, p. 34: "On Flight 1549, Smithsonian scientists concluded that the bird parts, known as snarge, removed from the engines, wings, and fuselage came overwhelmingly from Canada geese but also from ducks, doves, and various songbirds."
June 21, 2010
man commented on the word voxel
from Physics of the Impossible by Michio Kaku, 2008, p. 81:
"The smallest chunk of the brain that can be reliably analyzed by an fMRI machine is called a 'voxel.' But each voxel corresponds to several million neurons, so the sensitivity of an fMRI machine is not good enough to isolate individual thoughts."
February 7, 2010
man commented on the word excusiousness
state of being full of excuses
February 25, 2009
man commented on the word octoval
shape of an elongated octagon
February 25, 2009
man commented on the word features
Feature request: Ability to change the password. Ability to delete the account.
November 13, 2008
man commented on the word myelon
March 12, 2007
man commented on the word airhead
An area in enemy territory or in threatened friendly territory, seized by airborne troops for bringing in supplies and additional troops by airdrop or landing. ;)
January 19, 2007
man commented on the word cartouche
Elongated 2D oval shape or outline inside which words are written
December 19, 2006
man commented on the list words-that-frighten-people
haha, moist frightens people ? ;)
December 18, 2006
man commented on the word quux
See also fubar, foobar, foo, bar, baz ...
December 18, 2006
man commented on the word widdershins
Antonym deasil.
December 17, 2006
man commented on the word haha
Wow, fun :)
December 17, 2006
man commented on the word synesthesia;
Did you mean synesthesia without the semicolon?
December 17, 2006
man commented on the word foobar
See also fubar
December 17, 2006
man commented on the word draconian
See also draconic
December 17, 2006
man commented on the word draconic
See also draconian
December 17, 2006
man commented on the word bibliolatry
1. excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted.
2. extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
December 17, 2006