A congress of baboons have always sounded funny to me. You can also have a troop of baboons. A made-up word that is being thrown around by some and even a few academics is a flange of baboons.
I was unaware of the Simpsons episode in which this word was used. I am however familiar with the word used in the British comedy series Black Adder. Original air date of the Black Adder episode (Ink and Inkability), according to Wikipedia, in which this word appears is 09/24/1987. The Simpsons episode however was aired on 02/18/1996.
There is some discrepancy as the word "cromulent" does not appear in the original Black Adder script but Rowan Atkinson does in fact say the word cromulent on film. As I own the DVD and have watched that episode several hundred times I am very sure he said it.
Another good fake word that appears in this Black Adder episode is contrafibularity.
Oh, I hear ya kisholi. Everytime I hear or use the word apparently now, it invokes that memory of Susan from Coupling saying it with that upward inflection.
Much like widget, gadget, thingamajig, thingamabob (et al.), wing wang (sometimes hyphenated) is a placeholder name for a real thing. For instance, the widget is broken. Or the thingamajig is loose. These are words that can be used in place of actual items who’s identity are not known.
I am in favor for the increased usage of wing wang. For example, “the wing wang detached so the phlange panel fell off�?. Using the term, wing wang is a great way to add variety to your repertoire.
Further, I admonish the usage of the word wang in its verb form. Wang v. To hit or strike with great force. Ex. I wanged my knee against the table.
Comments by mcbaine
mcbaine commented on the word cromulent
I shall watch the episode again. Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me...
March 19, 2009
mcbaine commented on the list obstinate-buffaloes
A congress of baboons have always sounded funny to me. You can also have a troop of baboons. A made-up word that is being thrown around by some and even a few academics is a flange of baboons.
November 16, 2007
mcbaine commented on the word cromulent
I was unaware of the Simpsons episode in which this word was used. I am however familiar with the word used in the British comedy series Black Adder. Original air date of the Black Adder episode (Ink and Inkability), according to Wikipedia, in which this word appears is 09/24/1987. The Simpsons episode however was aired on 02/18/1996.
There is some discrepancy as the word "cromulent" does not appear in the original Black Adder script but Rowan Atkinson does in fact say the word cromulent on film. As I own the DVD and have watched that episode several hundred times I am very sure he said it.
Another good fake word that appears in this Black Adder episode is contrafibularity.
November 16, 2007
mcbaine commented on the list alphabet-soup
Awesome list :)
November 15, 2007
mcbaine commented on the list human-anatomical-terms
Nice list. I like the convolution of broca.
November 15, 2007
mcbaine commented on the word convolution of broca
From thefreedictionary.com
noun - "the motor speech center in the left hemisphere of the brain in most people"
Also known as Broca's area
November 15, 2007
mcbaine commented on the list photography-related
How about f-stop?
November 15, 2007
mcbaine commented on the word ridonkculous
This is a variant of the word ridiculous used by a minor character from the TV show How I Met Your Mother.
November 12, 2007
mcbaine commented on the word apparently
Oh, I hear ya kisholi. Everytime I hear or use the word apparently now, it invokes that memory of Susan from Coupling saying it with that upward inflection.
November 12, 2007
mcbaine commented on the word wang
Much like widget, gadget, thingamajig, thingamabob (et al.), wing wang (sometimes hyphenated) is a placeholder name for a real thing. For instance, the widget is broken. Or the thingamajig is loose. These are words that can be used in place of actual items who’s identity are not known.
I am in favor for the increased usage of wing wang. For example, “the wing wang detached so the phlange panel fell off�?. Using the term, wing wang is a great way to add variety to your repertoire.
Further, I admonish the usage of the word wang in its verb form. Wang v. To hit or strike with great force. Ex. I wanged my knee against the table.
November 12, 2007