This is an interesting word. I also encountered it in The Nutmeg of Consolation, but it was used in reference to a man: "So Joe served her out with his fishgig. It came natural to him, being a quean, as they say, and carpenter's mate." According to the online dictionaries I consulted, "quean" was used in the early 20th century to refer to an effeminate homosexual, but "cot quean" was used in Shakespeare's time to refer, in addition, to any man who does "women's work--housework."
I came hoping to find the definition of "fritoon," as well, having also encountered it in O'Brian's work. I tried adding a T, subtracting an O, spelling it fritune, and even Frenchifying the spelling, to no avail. Too bad. Do you suppose the author made the word up at one time, and then began using it in his work? I have done that myself with my vocabulary, making up words and using them as though they had been vetted by the OED.
Comments by merimcmurdo
merimcmurdo commented on the word quean
This is an interesting word. I also encountered it in The Nutmeg of Consolation, but it was used in reference to a man: "So Joe served her out with his fishgig. It came natural to him, being a quean, as they say, and carpenter's mate." According to the online dictionaries I consulted, "quean" was used in the early 20th century to refer to an effeminate homosexual, but "cot quean" was used in Shakespeare's time to refer, in addition, to any man who does "women's work--housework."
June 29, 2009
merimcmurdo commented on the word fritoon
I came hoping to find the definition of "fritoon," as well, having also encountered it in O'Brian's work. I tried adding a T, subtracting an O, spelling it fritune, and even Frenchifying the spelling, to no avail. Too bad. Do you suppose the author made the word up at one time, and then began using it in his work? I have done that myself with my vocabulary, making up words and using them as though they had been vetted by the OED.
June 29, 2009