Asati - (असाटी in Hindi) to calm a rage and suppress one's inner ire for the sake of peace. Specifically, a commitment to pass on one's right to complain. The private version of ahimsa.
From the sanskrit words "esati" (drives on) and "yasati" (boils), which share the root for the English word "ire". The root "a" (without, lack of) to indicate negation.
Alternate forms:
verb - asate
adj. - asated
noun. - asation
Asati is also the name of a merchant community in the Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh, India.
Comments by mhafweet
mhafweet commented on the word Asati
Asati - (असाटी in Hindi) to calm a rage and suppress one's inner ire for the sake of peace. Specifically, a commitment to pass on one's right to complain. The private version of ahimsa.
From the sanskrit words "esati" (drives on) and "yasati" (boils), which share the root for the English word "ire". The root "a" (without, lack of) to indicate negation.
Alternate forms:
verb - asate
adj. - asated
noun. - asation
Asati is also the name of a merchant community in the Bundelkhand region of Madhya Pradesh, India.
August 21, 2019
mhafweet commented on the word scrill
Scrill = The sound of nails on a chalkboard
August 21, 2019
mhafweet commented on the word clartecant
Clartecant (adj.) - describes the sky's extraordinary ability to hold both the day and the night.
Etymology = Clare from the French clair, meaning "light", and kant, meaning "to take off clothes and put on new ones".
First used in Written in Our Bones, a fantasy novel by Laura Crenshaw. Appeared in drafts as early as 2016.
August 21, 2019