In France, a name for a woman who is supported by her lovers, and devotes herself to idleness, show, and pleasure; -- so called from the church of Notre Dame de Lorette, in Paris, near which many of them resided.
"A wearer of tight clothes, belted coat with spearlike lapels and one button, sausage trousers, low quick fitting collar, greenish pink shirt; and one of those jazzbo ties that gives you the giggles."
Comments by minouchette
minouchette commented on the word lorette
In France, a name for a woman who is supported by her lovers, and devotes herself to idleness, show, and pleasure; -- so called from the church of Notre Dame de Lorette, in Paris, near which many of them resided.
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word smoke-eater
a girl who smokes
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word toddler
a finale hopper's faster sister
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word sap
a finale hopper
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word sharpshooter
a good dancer who spends his money freely
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word strangler
what a spendthrift isn't
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word halfcut
happily intoxicated
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word kippy
neat or nice
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word fluky
funny, odd, different
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word frog's eyebrows
nice, fine
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dapper
a flapper's father
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word cake eater
"A wearer of tight clothes, belted coat with spearlike lapels and one button, sausage trousers, low quick fitting collar, greenish pink shirt; and one of those jazzbo ties that gives you the giggles."
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word brush-ape
someone from the country
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word hayshaker
someone from the country
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word barney-muggin
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dincher
half-smoked cigarette
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word appleknocker
a hick
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dropping the pilot
getting a divorce
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word monogolist
a boy who hates himself
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word anchor
a bankroll
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word alibi
a box of flowers
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word slutter-tub
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word handcuff
engagement ring
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word mouthpiece
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word stilts
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dog kennels
pair of shoes
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word cutting yourself a piece of cake
waiting patiently
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word his blue serge
his girl
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word urban set
a new gown
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word sugar
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word sweetie
anyone a girl hates
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word fig leaf
a one-piece swimsuit
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word john d.
an oily person
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word police-dog
a young woman's fiance
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word airedale
a homely man
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word corn-shredder
a young man who dances on a woman's feet
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word bean-picker
one who tries to patch up trouble
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word hush money
allowance from one's father
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word feathers
small talk
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word pillowcase
a young man who's full of feathers
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word grubstake
invitation to dinner
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dive-ducat
subway ticket
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word mad money
cabfare home after a fight with a boy
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word snake-charmer
female bootlegger
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word boob-tickler
a girl who has to entertain her father's clients from out of town
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word cake-eater
a harmless lounge lizard
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word noodle juice
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dud
a wallflower
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word slat
a young man
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word tomato
a good looking girl with no brains
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word forty-niner
a man looking for a rich wife
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word cuddle-cootie
a boy who takes a girl for a bus ride
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word fire alarm
a divorced woman
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word oilcan
an imposter
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word cake basket
a limousine
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word alarm clock
a chaperone
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dingledangler
a persistent telephoner
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word father time
any man over 30 years old
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word applesauce
flattery or bunk
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word hiphound
one who drinks illegal liquor
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word sodbuster
an undertaker
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word finale hopper
a young man who arrives only after the bills are paid
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word petting party
a social event devoted to hugging
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word snugglepup
a man who frequents petting parties
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word shifter
a grafter
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word crabhanger
a reformer
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word let's blouse
let's go
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word whiskbroom
a man who grows whiskers
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word clothesline
One who tells neighborhood stories
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word egg harbor
a fall dance
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word flatwheeler
a young man who takes a young lady to an egg harbor
October 8, 2010
minouchette commented on the word dimbox
a taxicab
October 8, 2010