mizbpdjryeq has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 0 lists, listed 0 words, written 0 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments for mizbpdjryeq
All these spammers have 11 letters in their user names. At least the random words with a link ones do.
From memory, he coined the term spambomb which is a new word for me.
I salute your foresight, alexz, but why spamblast a bilbism? Is he collateral damage?
As predicted, "Such an anti-spam algorithm would probably give a false positive for vogon anagram poetry, and some qms haikus."
My rather lengthy comment below is reposted (unfortunately out of sequence) because it had been blown away by an overeager spambuster. In fact for a while everything posted by qms was FLAGGED AS SPAM. Usually people are too politely discreet to make this declaration. Apparently Erin has admonished all to mind their manners.
I wrote some longer other comment earlier but believe it or not it was flagged for spam and died an annatural death. Now I can't remember what I said.
Thank you, alexz, for taking my peculiar limitations into account, but I don't think I'm quite ready for haiku:
The limerick for now is my niche.
I don't think I'm likely to switch.
Though noble, haiku
Just simply won't do
As leaving unscratched the rhyming itch.
And, bilby, I don't know whether rhyming mizbpdjryeq is an impossible challenge or none at all. My limited exposure to Polish persuades me that the pronunciation of any word is completely arbitrary. I don't know how those people communicate with one another. I could probably rhyme mizbpdjryeq with orange and proclaim myself victor.
I wonder if our polskispam is the output of the legendary million monkeys typing away to produce the works of Shakespeare? I think they are closing in on Finnegan's Wake.
I will be traveling for a while and may miss a day here and there but I will be pondering the content of the bqrxqhslbdi spam and considering how to get Xanthippe and Calvin into the same limerick.
Well played, sir!
From Kraków to Łódź, confused as heck,
The spammers are diffusing dreck.
To spam about art
You need to be smart
And know how to spell Toulouse-Lautrec.
By the powers vested in me *cough*, I declare that mizbpdjryeq rhymes with Toulouse-Lautrec.
That's a pretty good response.
Now I'm wondering if qms can find something to rhyme with mizbpdjryeq.
I find the number of letters in the words to be interesting.
I think a spam filter could make use of a typical speech histogram and just look at the number of letters in a posting and see how many of the "1000 most common words" pop up versus a regular person's posting.
The posting uses ZERO of top 20 most common english wordshttps://wordnik.com/lists/top-20-most-common-english-wordsSuch an anti-spam algorithm would probably give a false positive for vogon anagram poetry, and some qms haikus. But it would be effective against some of the polskispam. -
I have no idea what your shitty spam is selling but I'm vaguely interested in teh metamorphic shrubbery.