I don't hate this word on principle. Rather, I hate this word when it is abused by my college educated boss when he really means "curt." As in, "there is no need to be all curtsy with me."
I truly hate this word. I think it's just used anymore for anything we have deemed unpleasant. Which is fine, but the creativity in searching for better vocab has obviously dwindled.
Comments by motmelts
motmelts commented on the list words-that-irk-me--2
Nasty is the word that I said I truly hated. I'm brand new to Wordie so I'm trying to teach myself how to use it!
October 15, 2009
motmelts commented on the word imparticular
October 15, 2009
motmelts commented on the word curtsy
I don't hate this word on principle. Rather, I hate this word when it is abused by my college educated boss when he really means "curt." As in, "there is no need to be all curtsy with me."
October 15, 2009
motmelts commented on the list words-that-irk-me--2
I truly hate this word. I think it's just used anymore for anything we have deemed unpleasant. Which is fine, but the creativity in searching for better vocab has obviously dwindled.
October 15, 2009
motmelts commented on the list words-that-irk-me--2
I don't hate this word on principle. Rather, I hate this word when it is abused by my college educated boss when he really means "curt"
October 15, 2009