munjal.upadhyay commented on the word transcend
Great dreamers' dream are never fulfilled , they are always transcended
August 23, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word moss
Julian now barefoot to ease his aching feet , felt the damp moss under his toes
August 22, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word damp
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word waft
The smell of pine and sandalwood wafted through the cool , crisp mountain air
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word descend
The two then descended along another less travelled way
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word lush
After walking for many hours along an intricate series of paths and grassy trails , the two travellers came upon a lush , green vally
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word intricate
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word rustic
Both towns are known for inexpensive, well-designed furniture in rustic styles.
January 21, 2014
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word remorse
I accept that your remorse is genuine, the judge said.
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word obligation
Effort is not an obligation. It's your responsibility
The word, "obligation" is very draining sometimes.
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word ample
Cleavage is often preceded by the term "ample" and one customarily "sports" it.
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word manifest
If you think “equality” is predicated on stuff that can be measured, you are in manifest denial of reality.
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word retraction
pachu khechi livu : statement ke game te .
March 25, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word titter
laugh covertly ,, chanamana hasavu,,,
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word histrionic
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word pontificate
speak bombastically
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word obsession
steave is born absessed with IBM
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word epistolary
relating to letters,
March 24, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word lance
lie javelin , spear ..
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word heresy
G : purvadharana jevu ,, je prove nathi thayu , pan aj sachu chhe am mani ne chalavanu ,like laws , dharmik manyatao.
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word dogma
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word abstruse
Comments by munjal.upadhyay
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word transcend
Great dreamers' dream are never fulfilled , they are always transcended
August 23, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word moss
Julian now barefoot to ease his aching feet , felt the damp moss under his toes
August 22, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word damp
Julian now barefoot to ease his aching feet , felt the damp moss under his toes
August 22, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word waft
The smell of pine and sandalwood wafted through the cool , crisp mountain air
August 22, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word descend
The two then descended along another less travelled way
August 22, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word lush
After walking for many hours along an intricate series of paths and grassy trails , the two travellers came upon a lush , green vally
August 22, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word intricate
After walking for many hours along an intricate series of paths and grassy trails , the two travellers came upon a lush , green vally
August 22, 2015
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word rustic
Both towns are known for inexpensive, well-designed furniture in rustic styles.
January 21, 2014
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word remorse
I accept that your remorse is genuine, the judge said.
January 21, 2014
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word obligation
Effort is not an obligation. It's your responsibility
January 21, 2014
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word obligation
The word, "obligation" is very draining sometimes.
January 21, 2014
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word ample
Cleavage is often preceded by the term "ample" and one customarily "sports" it.
January 21, 2014
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word manifest
If you think “equality” is predicated on stuff that can be measured, you are in manifest denial of reality.
January 21, 2014
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word retraction
pachu khechi livu : statement ke game te .
March 25, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word titter
laugh covertly ,, chanamana hasavu,,,
March 25, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word histrionic
March 25, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word pontificate
speak bombastically
March 25, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word obsession
steave is born absessed with IBM
March 25, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word epistolary
relating to letters,
March 24, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word lance
lie javelin , spear ..
March 24, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word heresy
G : purvadharana jevu ,, je prove nathi thayu , pan aj sachu chhe am mani ne chalavanu ,like laws , dharmik manyatao.
March 24, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word dogma
G : purvadharana jevu ,, je prove nathi thayu , pan aj sachu chhe am mani ne chalavanu ,like laws , dharmik manyatao.
March 24, 2013
munjal.upadhyay commented on the word abstruse
March 24, 2013