When I read the examples given for "clanger" it struck me that in several examples -clanger- seems to be mistyped (or mis-scanned OCR) from -danger-, the -cl- stemming from a disrupted letter -d-. Occurs a lot with www.gutenberg.org files.
Equality of rights is most in clanger (danger) of being violated when the exercise of rights is associated with power, and any unusual amount of power is usually derived from the association of a number of individuals for a common purpose.
Comments by neshtor
neshtor commented on the word clanger
When I read the examples given for "clanger" it struck me that in several examples -clanger- seems to be mistyped (or mis-scanned OCR) from -danger-, the -cl- stemming from a disrupted letter -d-. Occurs a lot with www.gutenberg.org files.
August 7, 2010
neshtor commented on the word clanger
Equality of rights is most in clanger (danger) of being violated when the exercise of rights is associated with power, and any unusual amount of power is usually derived from the association of a number of individuals for a common purpose.
August 7, 2010