In the opera "The Barber of Seville", everyone's favorite (mine, anyway) aria is "Figaro", wherein we hear, Eh, Figaro, son qua!" Followed by Figaro si, Figaro la, etc. Robin Williams sings it at the beginning of "Mrs. Doubtfire", while dubbing the voices of Tweety and Sylvester.
Comments by nextcase
nextcase commented on the word reliquaries
See "reliquarian", logical extension of personage caring for a "reliquary".
November 17, 2009
nextcase commented on the word reliquaries
My dear friend, George Gregor of India House, is their reliquarian, as well as for the Class of 1962, Stuyvesant H. S., N.Y.C.
November 17, 2009
nextcase commented on the word qua
In the opera "The Barber of Seville", everyone's favorite (mine, anyway) aria is "Figaro", wherein we hear, Eh, Figaro, son qua!" Followed by Figaro si, Figaro la, etc. Robin Williams sings it at the beginning of "Mrs. Doubtfire", while dubbing the voices of Tweety and Sylvester.
June 24, 2009