None of the examples given for "rez" a ctually contain the word as such; all but one refer to the city called Juarez that sits across the Mexican border from El Paso, TX, and the remaining one refers to a fellow whose surname is Ramirez. I believe all of these examples should be deleted accordingly. Two of the tweets do cite the term rez in its sense of being short for (American Indian) reservation, namely those by Christopher Ezee @scaffoldguys (who cites a hashtag #rezlife) and Joe Ray Doney @ Guck69. And BTW is there an attestation for a plural of "rez?" My guess would be rezzes (by analogy with fez, fezzes).
priefts is a misreading of "priests," thanks to the cited original sources' use of the archaic word-interior print form of lower-case S (Unicode U+017F). Automatic character-recognition software used to scan fails to include this in its inventory so reads it as damaged type for the closest thing, lower-case F.
Garboon, n. Garbage can, ash can. First use I know of was ca. 1970 by Howard Morgan, John Reykjalin, two frat brothers from MIT who shared a house in Watertown, Mass. Stem garb- plus suffic -oon, "big one," but also there is at least a jint of onomatapoeia here (ever throw one down a flight of stairs?" Appeared in the title of a silver miniature ("Garboon Carrier") of a municipal dustman's cart, in a two-man show at the Vendo Nubes Gallery in Phildelphia in 1974.
The example Jalopnik gives would appear to verb the noun above (a common enough phenomenon in English), apparently in the sense of "turn into trash."
Comments by nhumez
nhumez commented on the word rez
None of the examples given for "rez" a ctually contain the word as such; all but one refer to the city called Juarez that sits across the Mexican border from El Paso, TX, and the remaining one refers to a fellow whose surname is Ramirez. I believe all of these examples should be deleted accordingly. Two of the tweets do cite the term rez in its sense of being short for (American Indian) reservation, namely those by Christopher Ezee @scaffoldguys (who cites a hashtag #rezlife) and Joe Ray Doney @ Guck69. And BTW is there an attestation for a plural of "rez?" My guess would be rezzes (by analogy with fez, fezzes).
June 16, 2015
nhumez commented on the word priefts
priefts is a misreading of "priests," thanks to the cited original sources' use of the archaic word-interior print form of lower-case S (Unicode U+017F). Automatic character-recognition software used to scan fails to include this in its inventory so reads it as damaged type for the closest thing, lower-case F.
June 11, 2015
nhumez commented on the word garboon
Garboon, n. Garbage can, ash can. First use I know of was ca. 1970 by Howard Morgan, John Reykjalin, two frat brothers from MIT who shared a house in Watertown, Mass. Stem garb- plus suffic -oon, "big one," but also there is at least a jint of onomatapoeia here (ever throw one down a flight of stairs?" Appeared in the title of a silver miniature ("Garboon Carrier") of a municipal dustman's cart, in a two-man show at the Vendo Nubes Gallery in Phildelphia in 1974.
The example Jalopnik gives would appear to verb the noun above (a common enough phenomenon in English), apparently in the sense of "turn into trash."
August 2, 2009