noisyguy commented on the word amathodynamics
the relationships between the polywave, the xylowave, and the Totimorphous...
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word anemomania
cherishing the wind.
noisyguy commented on the word audiothecary
amplified scales used as a performance-based utility for finding the weight of sound.
noisyguy commented on the word clici-clic
a hand-held hole-punch mounted with a contact-mic for amplification. (-v. clici-clicing)
noisyguy commented on the word omniwave
any standstill. (fr. omniondes; ger. Omniwelle; fin. omniheiluttaa; nor. omnibølge)
noisyguy commented on the word permawave
any briefness, any abruptness, any sudden moves. (ger. Permawelle; fin. permaheiluttaa; nor. perabølge)
noisyguy commented on the word polywave
simultaneous movement in all directions. (fr. polyondes; ger. Polywelle; fin. polyheiluttaa; nor. polybølge)
noisyguy commented on the word totimorphous
the zero dimension, or a shape without size.
noisyguy commented on the word xylowave
the distance between something and nothing. (ger. Xylowelle; fin. xyloheiluttaa; nor. xylobølge)
noisyguy commented on the word zighting
temperature scale on which 0˚ is the most comfortable, -1˚ is too warm, and positive 1˚ is too cold.
Comments by noisyguy
noisyguy commented on the word amathodynamics
the relationships between the polywave, the xylowave, and the Totimorphous...
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word anemomania
cherishing the wind.
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word audiothecary
amplified scales used as a performance-based utility for finding the weight of sound.
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word clici-clic
a hand-held hole-punch mounted with a contact-mic for amplification. (-v. clici-clicing)
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word omniwave
any standstill. (fr. omniondes; ger. Omniwelle; fin. omniheiluttaa; nor. omnibølge)
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word permawave
any briefness, any abruptness, any sudden moves. (ger. Permawelle; fin. permaheiluttaa; nor. perabølge)
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word polywave
simultaneous movement in all directions. (fr. polyondes; ger. Polywelle; fin. polyheiluttaa; nor. polybølge)
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word totimorphous
the zero dimension, or a shape without size.
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word xylowave
the distance between something and nothing. (ger. Xylowelle; fin. xyloheiluttaa; nor. xylobølge)
June 19, 2008
noisyguy commented on the word zighting
temperature scale on which 0˚ is the most comfortable, -1˚ is too warm, and positive 1˚ is too cold.
June 19, 2008