But on most days, customers at both cafes come just to talk for hours about everything and nothing. There is a word in Bengali for that unrestricted conversation: “adda.”
"a state in which the agents of global civil society and subnational governments are taking up the slack of faltering nation-states, marking the advent of the most significant evolution in world-scale governance since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648"
Enthu = Enthusiastic ; Cutlet = A food patty, from India.
Origin : Indian Slang
An enthu cutlet is a very lively high energy level person who is super excited about a given situation or matter, they can be a person with general high energy levels too.
Usage : " my little brother is such an enthu cutlet...
Jijivisha (जिजीविषा) – This Hindi word conveys an intense desire to live life to the fullest. The word often refers to a person who lives with intense emotions and ambitious desires, seeking to thrive.
1) Etwas (mit Stolz) präsentieren, zeigen, unter die Nase reiben. Unaufgefordert und oft, um andere neidisch oder gluschtig zu machen. 2) Spähend scharf und verlangend schauen, spionieren, verstohlen blicken, liebäugeln usw.
Comments by nullologue
nullologue commented on the word incels
incels — short for “involuntary celibates,” believers in a toxic, misogynistic ideology
February 14, 2023
nullologue commented on the word smishing
a blend of smiling and blushing, smishing
February 12, 2023
nullologue commented on the word doing hard things with friends
What kept Paul Farmer working in global health when so many people become disillusioned and burn out.
February 22, 2022
nullologue commented on the word Lal Gulab Zindabad
"es lebe die rote Rose"
January 2, 2022
nullologue commented on the word nostratic
a hypothetical ur-language
December 4, 2021
nullologue commented on the word adda
But on most days, customers at both cafes come just to talk for hours about everything and nothing. There is a word in Bengali for that unrestricted conversation: “adda.”
December 4, 2021
nullologue commented on the word polylateralism
"a state in which the agents of global civil society and subnational governments are taking up the slack of faltering nation-states, marking the advent of the most significant evolution in world-scale governance since the Peace of Westphalia in 1648"
September 6, 2021
nullologue commented on the word enthu cutlet
Enthu = Enthusiastic ; Cutlet = A food patty, from India.
Origin : Indian Slang
An enthu cutlet is a very lively high energy level person who is super excited about a given situation or matter, they can be a person with general high energy levels too.
Usage : " my little brother is such an enthu cutlet...
June 7, 2021
nullologue commented on the word Jijivisha
Jijivisha (जिजीविषा) – This Hindi word conveys an intense desire to live life to the fullest. The word often refers to a person who lives with intense emotions and ambitious desires, seeking to thrive.
May 30, 2021
nullologue commented on the word aspaldiko
This untranslatable Basque word describes the euphoria and happiness felt when catching up with someone you haven’t seen in a long time.
May 16, 2021
nullologue commented on the word monocausotaxophilia
"the love of single ideas that explain everything, one of humanity's most common cognitive errors."
March 9, 2021
nullologue commented on the word gora
Hinglish informal a White or fair-skinned male
March 2, 2021
nullologue commented on the word smarginatura
Una frattura nel cielo da cui guardi te stesso
December 9, 2020
nullologue commented on the word spienzle
1) Etwas (mit Stolz) präsentieren, zeigen, unter die Nase reiben. Unaufgefordert und oft, um andere neidisch oder gluschtig zu machen. 2) Spähend scharf und verlangend schauen, spionieren, verstohlen blicken, liebäugeln usw.
January 28, 2018
nullologue commented on the word kos
a Scandinavian universal. It means to enjoy the company of family and friends and to snuggle up with winter activities.
January 27, 2018
nullologue commented on the word Kaamos
“dayless days”
January 27, 2018
nullologue commented on the word viitsima
Estonian. The feeling of slight laziness, can't be bothered by anything. Don't want to work nor go anywhere.
January 15, 2013
nullologue commented on the word مبتكر�?ى دراسات الولا حاجة
March 15, 2008
nullologue commented on the word fs
March 7, 2008
nullologue commented on the word wear palettes
February 7, 2008