Too bad I missed this discussion. Im more on madmouth on this one. I think its hilarious and people must be able to take some crap from time to time.
I really enjoy offensive jokes though, even if it implies something that can be insulting for myself. It doesnt really matter in the bigger picture anyway for me.
Gravity effects the flow of time , indeed you age infinitesimally differently if you worked on the top of of very high mountain when compared to anyone living at sea level "THIS IS A FACT OF PHYSICS"
"Appreciating the adage, that "money is power," he married Herdisa, the daughter of a priest called Bersi the Rich--a very enviable surname, which, no doubt, enabled the reverend gentleman to brave the bulls and decrees of popes and councils, and take to himself a wife--who brought him a very considerable fortune."
"If you’re familiar with animal totems, you could say that Bear is one of my totems, and his purpose is to stand guard whenever I’m in my creative cave. If that’s too new agey for you, then you could say this “bear�? persona takes over as my subconscious autopilot during creative periods."
"Why "hermitary"? A hermitary is a dwelling for a hermit. Hermitary is an obsolete medieval English word, which, however, referred to enclosed anchorites more than to hermits. But that is by the way."
"For years, I listened to talk radio in my car during my daily commutes. Four months ago, I turned it off. I don’t need some blowhard putting angry thoughts into my head about things I cannot change. Now I spend my commutes in quasi-solitude. Sometimes, I listen to podcasts or music, but mostly I listen to my thoughts and try to control them."
"Former Northwest Orient CEO Donald Nyrop built entire office buildings without a single window – not even the doors were glass – because he didn’t want his employees frittering away time looking outside. I’ve seen the buildings. They are giant gray cement rectangles. He ordered all the doors taken off the bathroom stalls because he didn’t want employees wasting time on the toilet. Can you imagine what it must have been like to work under his leadership? You couldn’t even defecate in solitude."
"Solitude suggests peacefulness stemming from a state of inner richness. It is a means of enjoying the quiet and whatever it brings that is satisfying and from which we draw sustenance. It is something we cultivate. Solitude is refreshing; an opportunity to renew ourselves. In other words, it replenishes us."
Perhaps they should reconsider the name of the show. The formal name in Norway, though, for "Eurovision" is "Melodi Grand Prix", so the norwegian edition of the name dont exactly exclude anyone from participating; The official name however...
"If you've ever wanted to know just how much better your life would be if you were pulchritudinous, rich, and a creative genius - it's your lucky day."
"All that seem solid: melancholias, idees fixes, eight years at the academy, Mr. Locke, this year and the next and the next--one like another--whee!--they are April zephyrs, were one a Botticelli, between their chinks, pink anemones."
- "Kora in Hell: Improvisations", William Carlos Williams
"All that seem solid: melancholias, idees fixes, eight years at the academy, Mr. Locke, this year and the next and the next--one like another--whee!--they are April zephyrs, were one a Botticelli, between their chinks, pink anemones."
- "Kora in Hell: Improvisations", William Carlos Williams
"The divine is God's concern; the human, man's. My concern is neither the divine nor the human, not the true, good, just, free, etc., but solely what is mine, and it is not a general one, but is -- unique, as I am unique. Nothing is more to me than myself!"
I think Nettbys is talking about Chomsky, not Kerry. Chomsky has expressed sympathy towards anarcho-syndicalism, but I wouldnt call him "Anti-American". Anti-capitalism, though...
There is a case the norwegian media is running where a teacher in a school outside Oslo made an article to the kids at the school telling them that there is no ground for Darwin`s theory, and that the big bang is just a hoax.
"When the superbiological element that is the center and the measure of true virility is lost, people can call themselves men, but in reality they are just eunuchs and their paternity simply reflects the quality of animals who, blinded by instinct procreate randomly other animals, who in turn are mere vestiges of existence"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
"Though today people talk more frequently about "population control" in view of the catastrophic effects of the demographic phenomenon that I have compared to cancer, this still does not address the essential issue, since a differentiated and qualitative criterion does not come into play at all. But those who oppose population control on the basis of traditionalist and pseudomoralistic ideas, which nowadays amounts to mere prejudices, are guilty of even graters obtuseness. If what really matters is the greatness and the might of a stock, it is useless to be concerned about the material quality of fatherhood unless an equal concern for its spiritual dimension is present as well in the sense of superior interests, of the correct relationship between the sexes, and above all, of what is really meant by virility - of what it still signifies on a plane that is not merely naturalistic"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
"This begin the case, it is no wonder the superior races are dying out before the ineluctible logic of individualism, which especially in the so-called contemporary "higher classes," has caused people to lose all desire to procreate".
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
"Generation was decreed and the being who was generated was willed as the "child of duty," namely, as one who must undertake and nourish the supernatural element of his stock and the liberation of the ancestor, and who must receive and pass on to future generations strength, life, and stability. Today, all this has become an inane fancy; men, instead of being in control of sex are controlled by it and wander about like drunkards without having the least cluse as to what takes place in the course of their embraces"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
"Everything that is experienced by ordinary men in the form of peri-pheral sensations and passional and corporeal impulses was assumed in an organic and conscious way"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
"The result of significant depigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes. It has been suggested that this feature, which is possibly the expression of a mutation at the gene known as MC1R, arose in early (Paleolithic) northern European populations as a selective response to relatively low levels of ultraviolet radiation, resulting in insufficient synthesis of Vitamin D in the human body (Vitamin D is essential to the strength of the bone structure). Lighter-pigmented skin supposedly allows more ultraviolet radiation to enter, enabling an adequate production of Vitamin D. Sexual selection of novel, distinctive characters such as blond hair and light eyes (probably non-selected "side effects" of the general reduction in melanin) may have contributed greatly to the propagation of the phenotype. Contrary to popular belief, blondism is not in essence a distinctive or intrinsically Nordid feature, but is shared by most Europid (mostly Cro-Magnid) populations within a certain geographical range centered on the Baltic Sea (Dalo-Falids, Borrebys, Baltids, etc.). The lack of similar selection in Eskimids and other arctic peoples probably results from adequate levels of Vitamin D in their diets."
"The point where the anterior margin of the foramen magnum is intersected by the median sagittal plane. The point is located on the inner border of the anterior margin of the foramen magnum directly opposite of opisthion. In rare cases, the determination of the position of basion may be made difficult by a thickening of the anterior margin. In height measurements of the braincase, basion is positioned somewhat farther onto the underside of the margin of the foramen magnum (hypobasion), so that the observer may distinguish between an inferior and a posterior basion for reasons of convenience and technical demands."
"The tendency of like to mate with like. Mating can be assortative for a certain genotype (e.g., individuals with genotype AA tend to mate with other individuals of genotype AA) or phenotype (e.g., tall individuals mate with other tall individuals)."
"The paired portion of the jawbone which rises from the gonial region at the back of the tooth-bearing portion of the jaw to the condyle and coronoid process."
"Novel evolutionary trait that is unique to a particular species and all its descendants and which can be used as a defining character for a species or group in phylogenetic terms. Cf. autapomorphy, synapomorphy."
"The lowest single point on the bony septum between the upper central incisors. This can be confused with infradentale, which is the comparable point between the lower central incisors. It is used to measure upper facial height."
"Named by Ripley (Alpine), the Alpinid is an important western and central European Europid type, short- to medium-statured, brachycephalic, characteristically round-headed and -featured, broad-faced, and of intermediate to dark pigmentation. Alpinids predominate in central parts of France, and are common in southern Germany (especially Bavaria) and the Alps. the central European Alpinid is probably derived from Cro-Magnoids through a process of alpinization (cf. Borreby, Gorid)."
"In the typology of Lundman, a variety of East-Mediterranid described as "very closely related to the Saharid, but with a high frequency of blood type gene q.""
"Hey, guys! Guess what? Keep on reading! How are you? I hope you are fine. I am not fine - as you can no doubt tell from me hanging here from the ceiling fixture. You are the ones who drove me to this. I was doing just fine until you fuckers came along. I hope you're happy now that I'm goddamn dead. Signed, The Corpse in This Room. P.S: Fuck you people!"
- George Carlin in Life is worth losing, explaining how a suicide note should be.
Comments by nuxiy
nuxiy commented on the word clusterfuck
"Art today is just one big clusterfuck of artists doing what will get them paid, what will get them laid or what will get them famous."
June 2, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word hasbian
Too bad I missed this discussion. Im more on madmouth on this one. I think its hilarious and people must be able to take some crap from time to time.
I really enjoy offensive jokes though, even if it implies something that can be insulting for myself. It doesnt really matter in the bigger picture anyway for me.
May 24, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word infinitesimally
Gravity effects the flow of time , indeed you age infinitesimally differently if you worked on the top of of very high mountain when compared to anyone living at sea level "THIS IS A FACT OF PHYSICS"
- Alan McDougall on
May 22, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word yes, i wear all black in the summer since im a ray of fucking sunshine
Bill Hicks in "Sane Man"
May 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word new world order
If you have images activated, check out the one on the lower left.
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word adage
"Appreciating the adage, that "money is power," he married Herdisa, the daughter of a priest called Bersi the Rich--a very enviable surname, which, no doubt, enabled the reverend gentleman to brave the bulls and decrees of popes and councils, and take to himself a wife--who brought him a very considerable fortune."
- Norðurfari; or, Rambles in Iceland
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word heiress
I should get myself one of these.
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word mascot
We should get one of these for Wordie. Any suggestions? Perhaps someone could make a list of them.
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word avsky
Norwegian for disgust
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word i made some good ass cookies today!
I imagine they are quite covered with chocolate.
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user afredricks
You seem to show a great interest in culture
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word inimplicit
Well, not necessarily. Just because it isnt implicit doesnt mean it is explicit :o
Nux discussing with himself.
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word allocation
When I order more products to my store/shop the first status message I get from the distributor is that the items have been "Allocated"
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word inimplicit
Also known as explicit
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word agey
Thank you! Ive never really heard the word before.
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word hermitary
Sure thing.
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word psykiatri
Norwegian for psychiatry
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word subset
A set in a set *thumbsup*
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word agey
"If you’re familiar with animal totems, you could say that Bear is one of my totems, and his purpose is to stand guard whenever I’m in my creative cave. If that’s too new agey for you, then you could say this “bear�? persona takes over as my subconscious autopilot during creative periods."
- My Experience of Creativity, Steve Palvina
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word hermitary
"Why "hermitary"? A hermitary is a dwelling for a hermit. Hermitary is an obsolete medieval English word, which, however, referred to enclosed anchorites more than to hermits. But that is by the way."
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word quasi-solitude
"For years, I listened to talk radio in my car during my daily commutes. Four months ago, I turned it off. I don’t need some blowhard putting angry thoughts into my head about things I cannot change. Now I spend my commutes in quasi-solitude. Sometimes, I listen to podcasts or music, but mostly I listen to my thoughts and try to control them."
- Why You Should Always Eat Lunch Alone
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word defecate
"Former Northwest Orient CEO Donald Nyrop built entire office buildings without a single window – not even the doors were glass – because he didn’t want his employees frittering away time looking outside. I’ve seen the buildings. They are giant gray cement rectangles. He ordered all the doors taken off the bathroom stalls because he didn’t want employees wasting time on the toilet. Can you imagine what it must have been like to work under his leadership? You couldn’t even defecate in solitude."
- Why You Should Always Eat Lunch Alone
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word stemming
"Solitude suggests peacefulness stemming from a state of inner richness. It is a means of enjoying the quiet and whatever it brings that is satisfying and from which we draw sustenance. It is something we cultivate. Solitude is refreshing; an opportunity to renew ourselves. In other words, it replenishes us."
- "Solitude vs. Loneliness, Psychology Today
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word contrarian
Haha :)
May 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word panopticon
See Presidio Modelo for an irl example of the panopticon model.
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
I can actually already start with a list of norwegian cities that are up for debate as a host for the show!
The Lithuanian girl was cute.
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user john
Oh, a cup of coffee would be most appreciated :)
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word aristoteles
He is called "Aristoteles" in Norwegian. And Plato is called "Platon".
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word features
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
Perhaps they should reconsider the name of the show. The formal name in Norway, though, for "Eurovision" is "Melodi Grand Prix", so the norwegian edition of the name dont exactly exclude anyone from participating; The official name however...
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user john
Hi John.
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list adjectives-that-used-to-be-people
Kantian, Stirnerian, Schopenhauerian, nuxiyian
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word infallibility
"says don't let the imperfections of others dissuade you from believing in your own infallibility."
- "YouLookGreat", on Twitter
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word xenolinguistics
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
Ive always wondered what Israel is doing in eurovision
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user kjola
Your nick means "dress" in the dialect of the northern parts of Norway :)
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ursus maritimus
Polar Bear
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word features
Why can we add the same word to a list multiple times? Seems a bit absurd to have a list consisting of the same word in greater numbers.
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word nuthouse
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word e-book
Why E-Books Look So Ugly
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word aristoteles
Typo for Aristotle
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word platon
Typo for Plato
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word new world order
The j00z are coming to get us! :o
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word jotto
Reminds me of the game "Master Mind" (Split words in original title).
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list why-can-t-people-pronounce-these-properly
... and Cabriolet is a tough one
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list why-can-t-people-pronounce-these-properly
I think americans tend to pronounce "Aluminium" as "Aluminum"
May 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word now playing
"Armia" by Heaven Shall Burn
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
Ughten sounds really German.
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
Ugh, Beatles. More Pink Floyd.
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word klander
Norwegian for critique.
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
But realized that Norway still is the winner of Eurovision, and went back to my bathtub bed
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word lovechild
"I have a lovechild that sends me hatemail"
- George Carlin
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ason
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word bie
Norwegian for a bee
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word spitz
As in Spitzbergen
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word a priori
a posteriori
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word a posteriori
a priori
May 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word hazmat
I think Greek
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word debase
Very nice, mediagrey :)
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word bilby
"bil" is Norwegian for "car", and "by" is Norwegian for "city". Carcity.
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word rolig
Norwegian for "quiet"
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ist
People are very focused on being ist'
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word oxford comma
Ive never heard of an Oxford comma before.
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word hobbitism
A philosophy based on the struggle to turn society into the model of Hobbiton
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word pulchritudinous
"If you've ever wanted to know just how much better your life would be if you were pulchritudinous, rich, and a creative genius - it's your lucky day."
- T-Shirt Hell Membership mail
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word solipism
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ¥
Weird how I get to ¥ on Wordie when I write: å
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word clerk
I am a clerk
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word keys
Often lost.
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word solipism
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
I sense envy
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word weirdest
What nuxiy is quoted saying on the wordie in the news site
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word dystopia
Our future :(
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurasia
And when is always?
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word grelief
Nice word
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word eurovision
The competition where Norway just kicked everyone in the nuts.
May 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word prostidude
a sexual male substitute
May 16, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word buzzard
"... to sit down to a banquet of roasted
raven, a fricasseed hawk, or a broiled sea-gull; but it would be quite as good as the buzzard soup..."
- Pliny Miles, Norðurfari; or, Rambles in Iceland
May 16, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word copyleft
I can also see them both now
May 15, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word aëry
"The secrets of the burning, central void below,
And you bright heaven, out of whose aëry fire
Are wrought the forms of angels and the thrones?"
- Festus
May 15, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word copyleft
Me neither
May 15, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word causality
Kausalitet on Norwegian
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user cryptofascistbbq
I love your nick ;)
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word admire
@People: "Then join the discussion—-Wordies are friendly!"
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word regret
I have never really been bothered by one of these :o
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list only-the-lonely
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word nuxiy
I think there should be some more activity on this word!
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word irc
Wordie should partake in this practice!
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word collectivist
Lawl? This wasnt listed :D
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word fax
Noisy item at work, rarely works.
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word memory
I learn something new every day :)
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word absolute power breakfast
More like super breakfast 2000
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word afterlife coach
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word gagster
In a pornographic setting... :(
May 14, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word melancholias
"All that seem solid: melancholias, idees fixes, eight years at the academy, Mr. Locke, this year and the next and the next--one like another--whee!--they are April zephyrs, were one a Botticelli, between their chinks, pink anemones."
- "Kora in Hell: Improvisations", William Carlos Williams
April 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word idees
"All that seem solid: melancholias, idees fixes, eight years at the academy, Mr. Locke, this year and the next and the next--one like another--whee!--they are April zephyrs, were one a Botticelli, between their chinks, pink anemones."
- "Kora in Hell: Improvisations", William Carlos Williams
April 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word doppelganger
"dobbelgjenger" on Norwegian
April 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word Φ
And PHIlosophy :)
March 31, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word peis
Norwegian for hearth
March 31, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list letters
March 31, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word minä
... I think?
March 31, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word cyberpunk
A bad guy
March 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user joakim
Ser deg ;)
March 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word blipper
So I tried to
March 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word blipper
Good indeed!
March 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word cornhole
In prison, cornholing is a famous sport activity.
March 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word elysium
Whats the opposite of this?
March 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word acc
March 30, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word π
An awesome movie
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word twt
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word tea
Norwegian female name.
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word einsam
New Norwegian for "lonely"
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word dag
Norwegian for "a day"
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word misanthropic
Disbelief in the selflessness of others?
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word elderize
Nice one. What about youngerize?
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word even
Norwegian male name.
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word odd
Common norwegian male name
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word are
Norwegian male name, most popular in the northern parts.
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ola
Classic name for a norwegian male.
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word unique
"The divine is God's concern; the human, man's. My concern is neither the divine nor the human, not the true, good, just, free, etc., but solely what is mine, and it is not a general one, but is -- unique, as I am unique. Nothing is more to me than myself!"
- Max Stirner, The Ego and His Own
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word individual
... vs. collective
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word 'you are not a number'
Ask the government.
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word elk
You should ask the sami' ;)
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word maomao
Commie critter?
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word twt
That White Twat
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word absurdistan
Sounds like the world
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word inaction
"... I dont judge people by their fathers actions - or inactions..."
- Prison Break
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word free world
An imaginary place.
March 29, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word el quingombó
Peace & Love
-- Hippie2k
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ran
Norwegian for robbery
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word blipper
"This must be "
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list who-are-you
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word censorship
Gestapo goes amok in Germany
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word sms
Dont forget mms
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word analogue friends
Genius! I have no analogue friends, Im afraid.
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word asp
or the programming language developed by Microsoft
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word twitter
Obsessive-compulsive Twittering
March 27, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word esmerelda
Or Romani if you`d like o_O
March 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user nettys
I think Nettbys is talking about Chomsky, not Kerry. Chomsky has expressed sympathy towards anarcho-syndicalism, but I wouldnt call him "Anti-American". Anti-capitalism, though...
March 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the user nettys
What is your opinion on Chomsky`s political orientation?
March 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word unmentionable
Twitter is awesome. Too bad it isnt really used much in Norway.
March 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word twitter
March 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word chronopolitics
The same as the bushian time horizon?
March 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word syfy
March 26, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word vhemt
The progress of VHEMT supporters
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list things-you-call-an-ugly-baby
Awesome list ^^
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word education
Pupils to study Twitter and blogs in primary schools shake-up
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word kudos
Norwegian equivalent to the concept of Digg
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list politicians-nicknames
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word transhumanism
21st century eugenics
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word word vampire
One who tap a word for meaning.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list plato-s-plate
nietzsche' cheats ye :)
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list politicians-nicknames
There is actually an own website dedicated solely to this purpose.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word evolution
There is a case the norwegian media is running where a teacher in a school outside Oslo made an article to the kids at the school telling them that there is no ground for Darwin`s theory, and that the big bang is just a hoax.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list some-proper-nouns-from-the-lord-of-the-rings
Its the plateau Frodo and Sam went over to get to Mount Doom :) Its only mentioned once in the movie but several times in the book.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list some-proper-nouns-from-the-lord-of-the-rings
Not to forget Gorgoroth.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list rare-books
lithotint, oleograph, platemark.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word social parasite
Weird this wasnt added. Seems very American History Xian to me. An Egoist shouldnt be too far from a mainstream approach of the definition.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list things-you-might-hear-on-a-mormon-sunday
"slam" would most likely also be included in that setting.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word norwegian
Wood definitely.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word werewolf vegetarian
Werewolves cant eat baptized vegetarians? Something like vampires and christians?
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word vhemt
People are disturbing.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word norwegian
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word bugs
Web 2.0 tag
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word holy underwear
Bill Maher on Mormonic underwear
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word grand decleration of war
Yes, its supposed to be "declaration". I wrote it off the album on my iPhone and it was tagged with a typo :(
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word kafka
There is a volume control. I played it in the store ^^
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word kafka
Awesome author.
March 25, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word vhemt
Voluntary Human Extinction Movement *thumbsup*
March 24, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word newyorker
March 24, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ppc
Pocket PC
March 24, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word sit-down
When there is a problem between gangsters in Sopranos, they have a "sit-down" to try and solve the problem.
... Instead of just killing eachother.
March 24, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word du kan være sikker på de knekker deg til sist
Norwegian lyrics, translated to English:
"You can be sure they will get you in the end"
March 24, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ridikül
Sounds like ridicule
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word dust
Norwegian for idiot :)
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word superbiological
"When the superbiological element that is the center and the measure of true virility is lost, people can call themselves men, but in reality they are just eunuchs and their paternity simply reflects the quality of animals who, blinded by instinct procreate randomly other animals, who in turn are mere vestiges of existence"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word obtuseness
"Though today people talk more frequently about "population control" in view of the catastrophic effects of the demographic phenomenon that I have compared to cancer, this still does not address the essential issue, since a differentiated and qualitative criterion does not come into play at all. But those who oppose population control on the basis of traditionalist and pseudomoralistic ideas, which nowadays amounts to mere prejudices, are guilty of even graters obtuseness. If what really matters is the greatness and the might of a stock, it is useless to be concerned about the material quality of fatherhood unless an equal concern for its spiritual dimension is present as well in the sense of superior interests, of the correct relationship between the sexes, and above all, of what is really meant by virility - of what it still signifies on a plane that is not merely naturalistic"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ineluctible
"This begin the case, it is no wonder the superior races are dying out before the ineluctible logic of individualism, which especially in the so-called contemporary "higher classes," has caused people to lose all desire to procreate".
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word inane
"Generation was decreed and the being who was generated was willed as the "child of duty," namely, as one who must undertake and nourish the supernatural element of his stock and the liberation of the ancestor, and who must receive and pass on to future generations strength, life, and stability. Today, all this has become an inane fancy; men, instead of being in control of sex are controlled by it and wander about like drunkards without having the least cluse as to what takes place in the course of their embraces"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word peri-pheral
"Everything that is experienced by ordinary men in the form of peri-pheral sensations and passional and corporeal impulses was assumed in an organic and conscious way"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word chthonic
"The chthonic power - namely, the Earth - lived in her while Heaven lived in man"
- Julius Evola in "The Revolt against the Modern World"
March 23, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word cline
"Gradual change in frequency of genotypes and phenotypes over geographical space, usually related to a corresponding environmental change."
March 22, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list things-you-are-not-allowed-to-question
Indeed, and thank you :)
March 22, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word browridge
"Prominence of the frontal area immediately above the orbits and nasal root, and, on the living, underlying the eyebrows."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word cheilion
"The outer corner of the mouth where the outer edges of the upper and lower vermilions meet."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word calvarium
The brain case.
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word calotte
" The bones of the cranial vault, the calvaria without the cranial base."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word calipers
Also in physical anthropology:
"The standard instruments for collecting anthropological measurements."
Sliding calipers
Spreading calipers
Coordinate calipers
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word blondism
"The result of significant depigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes. It has been suggested that this feature, which is possibly the expression of a mutation at the gene known as MC1R, arose in early (Paleolithic) northern European populations as a selective response to relatively low levels of ultraviolet radiation, resulting in insufficient synthesis of Vitamin D in the human body (Vitamin D is essential to the strength of the bone structure). Lighter-pigmented skin supposedly allows more ultraviolet radiation to enter, enabling an adequate production of Vitamin D. Sexual selection of novel, distinctive characters such as blond hair and light eyes (probably non-selected "side effects" of the general reduction in melanin) may have contributed greatly to the propagation of the phenotype. Contrary to popular belief, blondism is not in essence a distinctive or intrinsically Nordid feature, but is shared by most Europid (mostly Cro-Magnid) populations within a certain geographical range centered on the Baltic Sea (Dalo-Falids, Borrebys, Baltids, etc.). The lack of similar selection in Eskimids and other arctic peoples probably results from adequate levels of Vitamin D in their diets."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word biometric
"Pertaining to the accurate measurement of living beings."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word biasterionic
"The breadth of the skull on the chord between the left and right asterion."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word bauplan
"The basic inter-related structural characteristics of a species."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word basion
"The point where the anterior margin of the foramen magnum is intersected by the median sagittal plane. The point is located on the inner border of the anterior margin of the foramen magnum directly opposite of opisthion. In rare cases, the determination of the position of basion may be made difficult by a thickening of the anterior margin. In height measurements of the braincase, basion is positioned somewhat farther onto the underside of the margin of the foramen magnum (hypobasion), so that the observer may distinguish between an inferior and a posterior basion for reasons of convenience and technical demands."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word balance model
"Hypothesis of genetic variation proposing that balancing selection maintains large amounts of genetic variation within populations."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word autapomorphy
"An apomorphy unique to a single species."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word assortative mating
"The tendency of like to mate with like. Mating can be assortative for a certain genotype (e.g., individuals with genotype AA tend to mate with other individuals of genotype AA) or phenotype (e.g., tall individuals mate with other tall individuals)."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ash-blond
"A class of hair-blondism in which rufosity is totally absent; ash-blond hair has a grayish or "platinum" appearance."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ascending ramus
"The paired portion of the jawbone which rises from the gonial region at the back of the tooth-bearing portion of the jaw to the condyle and coronoid process."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word artificial selection
"Selective breeding carried out by humans to alter a population, e.g. of dogs."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word arcus senilis
"A deposit of fat in the cornea of the eye, which looks gray or blue and often creates a false impression of partial eye blondism."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word apomorphy
"Novel evolutionary trait that is unique to a particular species and all its descendants and which can be used as a defining character for a species or group in phylogenetic terms. Cf. autapomorphy, synapomorphy."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word anagenesis
"The evolution of one species out of another by succession."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word amurian
"The suggested predecessor to the modern Ainuid type of Japan."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word alveolon
"The point on the hard palate where a line drawn through the most posterior points of the alveolar ridges crosses the midline."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word alveolare
"The lowest single point on the bony septum between the upper central incisors. This can be confused with infradentale, which is the comparable point between the lower central incisors. It is used to measure upper facial height."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word alpinoid
"Any alpinized type, regardless of affiliation."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word alpinid
"Named by Ripley (Alpine), the Alpinid is an important western and central European Europid type, short- to medium-statured, brachycephalic, characteristically round-headed and -featured, broad-faced, and of intermediate to dark pigmentation. Alpinids predominate in central parts of France, and are common in southern Germany (especially Bavaria) and the Alps. the central European Alpinid is probably derived from Cro-Magnoids through a process of alpinization (cf. Borreby, Gorid)."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word alare
"The most lateral point on the alae."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word alae
"The lateral flaring walls of the nostril (sg. ala)."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word aistin
"In Lundman's typology, a tall, high-skulled Nordid type found in Estonia and western Finland."
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word aegyptid
"In the typology of Lundman, a variety of East-Mediterranid described as "very closely related to the Saharid, but with a high frequency of blood type gene q.""
March 21, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word caitiffs
'Here lies a wretched corpse, of wretched soul bereft;
Seek not my name. A plague consume you wicked caitiffs left!
Here lie I, Timon, who alive all living men did hate.
Pass by, and curse thy fill; but pass, and stay not here thy
- Timon of Athens, Shakespear
March 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word adobeair
... Wow
March 20, 2009
nuxiy commented on the list words-that-makes-a-good-day
No day is really initiated without a cup of coffee in the morning :)
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word suicide
We`ll never know.
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word suicide
Horrible as it may be, atleast the guy had a good sense of humour.
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word by
The description says adverb, but isnt this a preposition?
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word necrophilia
"One more of these charming diversions of ours:
Necrophilia, huh? now theres a hobby for ya. Fucking a corpse. Takes a special kind of guy, dont you think?
But it happens, it happens. More than you might think. It happens among humans. Animals dont do that. Animals dont fuck their dead.
A rat will do alot of gross things, but he will not fuck a dead rat. It wouldnt even occur to him.
Only a human being would think: to fuck someone who just died.
We must be one of the most interesting species on the planet. And then we just wonder why UFOs just land and say: "Hello""
- George Carlin about necrophilia in Life is worth losing
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word suicide
"Hey, guys! Guess what? Keep on reading! How are you? I hope you are fine. I am not fine - as you can no doubt tell from me hanging here from the ceiling fixture. You are the ones who drove me to this. I was doing just fine until you fuckers came along. I hope you're happy now that I'm goddamn dead. Signed, The Corpse in This Room. P.S: Fuck you people!"
- George Carlin in Life is worth losing, explaining how a suicide note should be.
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word misty
misty mountain
Beautiful example :)
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word op
Yes, shall we?
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word op
On IRC: Short for operator
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word practicality
Also pragmatism (not the philosophical branch)
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word proprietess
"... and the proprietess is a nazi."
- A Confederacy of Dunces
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word sult
Norwegian for hunger
March 19, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word furbee
A furbee
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word constantinople
@VanishedOne: Thanks :) Seems like quite the forumwhore automatically writing BBCode =/
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word partyciple
In the same way as a disciple, just with parties
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word idiocracy
Indeed :D
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word synonyms for sleep
slumber, rest, kip
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word dine'n'dash
Eating on a resturant and leave without paying.
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word pejorism
"Pronunciation: pē′j�?r-izm
1. A pessimistic attitude."
- Medical Dictionary Definition
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word dudy
Sounds like some weird way of being "a dude".
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word malerisch
German for picturesque
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word american dream
"You know why its called the american dream?
Because you have to be asleep to believe in it"
- George Carlin
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word meliorism
What is the opposite of meliorism?
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word constantinople
Ignatius J. Reilly lives in Constantinople Street in the award-winning novel A Confederacy of Dunces (Which can be highly recommended:)
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word vomitor
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word arabian red
Arabian Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes arabica)
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word asassin
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word moralality
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word mia
Norwegian female name :)
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word behusband
March 18, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word tacometer
The measurements of taco
March 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word gossipsize
Ive actually witnessed this concept taking place IRL
March 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word ukku
Sounds finnish :)
March 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word zeitgeist
Awesome documentary named Zeitgeist.
"... is a German language expression literally translated: Zeit, time; Geist, spirit, meaning "the spirit of the age and its society"."
March 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word national socialism
March 17, 2009
nuxiy commented on the word nordicism
A belief in the superiority of the nordic races. See here.
March 17, 2009
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