Rolling R (/r/) is used in Italian, Spanish and Finnish languages just to name a few. It's not a throaty sound at all but is produced by vibrating the tip of your tongue against the gums beneath your upper teeth. The formal name is "Alveolar trill" which you can look up on Wikipedia...
Comments by omegas
omegas commented on the word aion
"I will (do something)" expressed in Finnish.
August 1, 2009
omegas commented on the word suuri
A Finnish adjective meaning big, great or large.
August 1, 2009
omegas commented on the word rolig
rolig means funny in Swedish. :)
July 2, 2009
omegas commented on the word näkki
Näkki is an evil guardian spirit of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water.
July 2, 2009
omegas commented on the list demongering
Saatana is a Finnish version of the devil or satan...
July 2, 2009
omegas commented on the word tuohikuussa pukinpäivänä
I have also heard the version "tuohikuussa jäniksenpäivänä" in which goat is replaced by a hare.
July 1, 2009
omegas commented on the word kiitos
This is how Finnish speaking people say kudos.
July 1, 2009
omegas commented on the word perkele
A Finnish expletive and a synonym for the Devil. Often among the first words to be taught to foreign visitors. Remember to properly emphasize the R!
July 1, 2009
omegas commented on the word kismet
What really strikes me as odd is that so many pizzerias are called "Kismet"... "The last pizza you'll ever eat!"
July 1, 2009
omegas commented on the word preggo
Rolling R (/r/) is used in Italian, Spanish and Finnish languages just to name a few. It's not a throaty sound at all but is produced by vibrating the tip of your tongue against the gums beneath your upper teeth. The formal name is "Alveolar trill" which you can look up on Wikipedia...
July 1, 2009
omegas commented on the word kyyhky
The Finnish word for "dove".
June 30, 2009
omegas commented on the word maustevoi
This is what seasoned butter is called in Finnish.
June 30, 2009
omegas commented on the word rakkaus
The word may look and sound a bit harsh but is actually the Finnish word for love.
June 30, 2009
omegas commented on the word koira
The Finnish word for "dog". Sounds great if you emphasize the Finnish rolling R.
June 30, 2009