H.L. Mencken, 1922, "The Libertine": "Even more effective than the fiscal barrier (between man and philandering) is the barrier of poltroonery. The one character that distinguishes man from the other higher vertebrata is his excessive timorousness, his easy yielding, his incapacity for adventures without a crowd behind him."
Comments by optimusprime
optimusprime commented on the word absquatulate
Mencken "The American Language" says this word dates back to 1830 amongst settlers in the West. Means "to depart stealthily."
September 1, 2008
optimusprime commented on the word poltroonery
H.L. Mencken, 1922, "The Libertine": "Even more effective than the fiscal barrier (between man and philandering) is the barrier of poltroonery. The one character that distinguishes man from the other higher vertebrata is his excessive timorousness, his easy yielding, his incapacity for adventures without a crowd behind him."
May 12, 2008