The opposite of serendipity, the faculty of making unhappy, unlucky and unexpected discoveries by design; the inexorable discovery of what we don't what to know. Word derived from Zembla, an barren, frigid Artic island -- Nova Zembla -- the site of a nuclear facility now used for testing non-nuclear explosives.
Comments by orarian
orarian commented on the word eraserhead
One having a head of eraserlike proportions. Of or pertaining to the film made in 1977 by David Lynch.
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word zemblanity
The opposite of serendipity, the faculty of making unhappy, unlucky and unexpected discoveries by design; the inexorable discovery of what we don't what to know. Word derived from Zembla, an barren, frigid Artic island -- Nova Zembla -- the site of a nuclear facility now used for testing non-nuclear explosives.
-Peter Bowler
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word yethhounds
the hounds of hell
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word witzelsucht
an emotional condition characterized by futile attempts at humor
-Peter Bowler
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word wimbling
whining, complaining
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word weasiness
The quality or state of being given to gluttony.
-Peter Bowler
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word quisquos
cryptic-- puzzling
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word obambulate
to ramble without intent
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word necromimesis
A morbid mental state in which the sufferer believes himself to be dead.
-Peter Bowler
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word hebetate
n. hebetude
to become thick-witted, dense, dumb.
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word galactophage
May 5, 2008
orarian commented on the word aeaeae
magic, magical arts
extraordinary for being a 6 letter word composed entirely of vowels
May 5, 2008