osbaldistone commented on the list products-named-after-their-purported-place-of-origin
According to Wikipedia, named after Stilton village, UK, where it was first sold, and can no longer be made in Stilton village due to EU regulations.
January 30, 2007
like many cheeses (and wines), named after their place of origin
Comments by osbaldistone
osbaldistone commented on the list products-named-after-their-purported-place-of-origin
According to Wikipedia, named after Stilton village, UK, where it was first sold, and can no longer be made in Stilton village due to EU regulations.
January 30, 2007
osbaldistone commented on the list products-named-after-their-purported-place-of-origin
like many cheeses (and wines), named after their place of origin
January 30, 2007