Ethymology: From "cart of Kocs" (hungarian: kocsi szekér) - meaning it is an type of carriage, nowadays useable to automobile vehicles (cars) mostly (kocsi(k) = cars(k) - kocsikázás = driving or riding or cruising with car - and thats meaning the coaching as verb).
Kocs is an town in Hungary. Kocs town name origin: The name is of personal origin. It derives from the Árpád-period Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1301) personal names Koch, Kocs, Kos. The settlement was probably named after its former owner, Koch (Kos - meaning Aries/Ram).
A site of horse-drawn vehicle manufacture from the 1400s, the name is the source of the word coach and its equivalent in other languages such as: Czech kočár, Slovak koč, German Kutsche, Dutch koets, Catalan cotxe, Italian cocchio, Spanish, Portuguese, and French coche, Scandinavian kusk, and Serbian кочија (kočija).
Coaching is the verb of coach, meaning to drive or lead something and someone (nowadays)
Coach is a leader for somebody(s), mentor (nowadays) - like psychology, mentoring in someone like professional(s) / Advisory to someone
Comments by oti4500
oti4500 commented on the word coaching
Ethymology: From "cart of Kocs" (hungarian: kocsi szekér) - meaning it is an type of carriage, nowadays useable to automobile vehicles (cars) mostly (kocsi(k) = cars(k) - kocsikázás = driving or riding or cruising with car - and thats meaning the coaching as verb).
Kocs is an town in Hungary. Kocs town name origin: The name is of personal origin. It derives from the Árpád-period Kingdom of Hungary (1000–1301) personal names Koch, Kocs, Kos. The settlement was probably named after its former owner, Koch (Kos - meaning Aries/Ram).
A site of horse-drawn vehicle manufacture from the 1400s, the name is the source of the word coach and its equivalent in other languages such as: Czech kočár, Slovak koč, German Kutsche, Dutch koets, Catalan cotxe, Italian cocchio, Spanish, Portuguese, and French coche, Scandinavian kusk, and Serbian кочија (kočija).
Coaching is the verb of coach, meaning to drive or lead something and someone (nowadays)
Coach is a leader for somebody(s), mentor (nowadays) - like psychology, mentoring in someone like professional(s) / Advisory to someone -
September 12, 2023