padawan commented on the word idiom
idiom: particular phrase
idioma: language
June 11, 2008
padawan commented on the word talon
talon: claw
talón: heel
June 6, 2008
padawan commented on the word groceries
groceries: consumer goods.
groserías: swearwords.
June 1, 2008
padawan commented on the word counterfeit
counterfeit: imitation.
contrahecho: misshapen.
padawan commented on the word compromise
compromise: to endanger
comprometer: to commit.
May 26, 2008
padawan commented on the word sunrise
sunrise: dawn
sonrisa: smile
February 1, 2008
padawan commented on the word cupidity
cupidity: greed
cupido: deity that provokes love among humans.
January 30, 2008
padawan commented on the word exit
éxito: success
padawan commented on the word emocow
January 12, 2008
padawan commented on the list faux-amis
i made one of the english words that are false friends to spanish, and added the definitions in both languages to each word. now that i found this one i don't know if i should keep working on mine...
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word truculence
truculence: ferocity
truculencia: strangeness
padawan commented on the word petulant
petulant: impatient.
petulante: vane.
padawan commented on the word cabal
cabal: conspiracy.
cabal: excelent.
padawan commented on the word voluble
voluble: of fluent speech.
voluble: inconstant.
padawan commented on the word apposite
apposite: appropiate.
apósito: venda.
padawan commented on the word equivocate
equivocate: to mislead.
equivocarse: to be mistaken.
padawan commented on the word supercilious
supercilious: disdainful.
superciliar: above the eyebrow.
padawan commented on the word correveidile
"run, go and tell him". in the colombian north coast, person that carries messages or makes deliveries. also "tittle-tattle".
Comments by padawan
padawan commented on the word idiom
idiom: particular phrase
idioma: language
June 11, 2008
padawan commented on the word talon
talon: claw
talón: heel
June 6, 2008
padawan commented on the word groceries
groceries: consumer goods.
groserías: swearwords.
June 1, 2008
padawan commented on the word counterfeit
counterfeit: imitation.
contrahecho: misshapen.
June 1, 2008
padawan commented on the word compromise
compromise: to endanger
comprometer: to commit.
May 26, 2008
padawan commented on the word sunrise
sunrise: dawn
sonrisa: smile
February 1, 2008
padawan commented on the word cupidity
cupidity: greed
cupido: deity that provokes love among humans.
January 30, 2008
padawan commented on the word exit
éxito: success
January 30, 2008
padawan commented on the word emocow
January 12, 2008
padawan commented on the list faux-amis
i made one of the english words that are false friends to spanish, and added the definitions in both languages to each word. now that i found this one i don't know if i should keep working on mine...
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word truculence
truculence: ferocity
truculencia: strangeness
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word petulant
petulant: impatient.
petulante: vane.
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word cabal
cabal: conspiracy.
cabal: excelent.
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word voluble
voluble: of fluent speech.
voluble: inconstant.
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word apposite
apposite: appropiate.
apósito: venda.
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word equivocate
equivocate: to mislead.
equivocarse: to be mistaken.
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word supercilious
supercilious: disdainful.
superciliar: above the eyebrow.
January 10, 2008
padawan commented on the word correveidile
"run, go and tell him". in the colombian north coast, person that carries messages or makes deliveries. also "tittle-tattle".
January 10, 2008