In the Northwest U.S. a coulee is a gulch carved out of basalt rock by the great Missoula Floods: A dry canyon eroded by Pleistocene floods that cut into the lava beds of the Columbia Plateau in the western United States. These coulees have steep sides and never were stream beds. The Grand Coulee in Eastern Washington State is the largest and best known.
Title of a 2004 episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. According to a Law & Order fan site, The episode title "Eosphoros" comes from the Greek name for the morning star. Eosphoros means "bringer of dawn," and was their name for the planet Venus when it appeared in the eastern or morning sky. "Morning Star", in Christian theology, is also one of the names of Lucifer, the archangel cast from heaven for leading a revolt of angels against God.
Comments by paulmorris
paulmorris commented on the word coulee
In the Northwest U.S. a coulee is a gulch carved out of basalt rock by the great Missoula Floods: A dry canyon eroded by Pleistocene floods that cut into the lava beds of the Columbia Plateau in the western United States. These coulees have steep sides and never were stream beds. The Grand Coulee in Eastern Washington State is the largest and best known.
April 8, 2009
paulmorris commented on the word eosphoros
Title of a 2004 episode of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. According to a Law & Order fan site, The episode title "Eosphoros" comes from the Greek name for the morning star. Eosphoros means "bringer of dawn," and was their name for the planet Venus when it appeared in the eastern or morning sky. "Morning Star", in Christian theology, is also one of the names of Lucifer, the archangel cast from heaven for leading a revolt of angels against God.
April 8, 2009