"Some thought the vessel could not live through the night, and it seemed less dreadful to stand out in the midst of the wild tempest and see the peril that threatened than to be shut up in the sepulchral cabins, under the dim lamps, and imagine the horrors that were abroad on the ocean." IO, in Ch. 7, "Gibraltor."
Comments by pinckney2007
pinckney2007 commented on the word sepulchral
"Some thought the vessel could not live through the night, and it seemed less dreadful to stand out in the midst of the wild tempest and see the peril that threatened than to be shut up in the sepulchral cabins, under the dim lamps, and imagine the horrors that were abroad on the ocean." IO, in Ch. 7, "Gibraltor."
December 7, 2008
pinckney2007 commented on the list the-innocents-abroad
December 7, 2008
pinckney2007 commented on the list the-innocents-abroad
December 7, 2008