polensky commented on the word sayyadina
Sayadina / Sayyadina was used in the David Lynch 1984 (Dune) movie as reference to Lady Jessica's position in the fremen community. https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Sayyadina - "Friend to god"I expect the word comes from Arabic / Urdu, and would welcome some commentary from native speakers. As near as I can imagine, it means highly respected female master.
February 4, 2024
Comments by polensky
polensky commented on the word sayyadina
Sayadina / Sayyadina was used in the David Lynch 1984 (Dune) movie as reference to Lady Jessica's position in the fremen community.
https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Sayyadina - "Friend to god"
I expect the word comes from Arabic / Urdu, and would welcome some commentary from native speakers. As near as I can imagine, it means highly respected female master.
February 4, 2024