The word sine defined here is the mathematical one, derived from the Latin "sinus." Most of the examplea given are uses of the unrelated Latin word "sine," meaning "without." "Sine qua non" "sine die," etc. appear a lot more frequently in literature than the mathematical term "sine." Nevettheless, there are those of us who know the difference, who have studied both mathematics and Latin, and so i would hope that this site would remove the passages that contain the Latin "sine" from this entry.
Comments by porq
porq commented on the word sine
The word sine defined here is the mathematical one, derived from the Latin "sinus." Most of the examplea given are uses of the unrelated Latin word "sine," meaning "without." "Sine qua non" "sine die," etc. appear a lot more frequently in literature than the mathematical term "sine." Nevettheless, there are those of us who know the difference, who have studied both mathematics and Latin, and so i would hope that this site would remove the passages that contain the Latin "sine" from this entry.
January 26, 2010