ok, i am actually going to argue with halitosis. hali, maybe, but not halitosis. that doesn't sound like a baby girl's name at all, even with unfortunate names like mackenzie and madison becoming popular.
Oh no, reesettee, that would be silly. And poor Sciatica, not only does she cause countless people terrible pain, but now I'm saying her name doesn't sound sweet enough.
I think it works for boys, hence Syphilis, it just seems slightly funnier for girls. Girl's names are just meant to sound sweeter, like Cholera, without self consciousness of the whole death by diarrhea thing. Bilharzia Sciatica and Acne don't work for me as much because they don't have the nearly saccharine sweet sound I'm looking for, but I can still see them.
Comments by quinn
quinn commented on the word scopophobic
An abnormal fear of being looked at or seen
July 1, 2009
quinn commented on the word scopophiliac
1. Also called passive scopophilia. the deriving of sexual pleasure from viewing nude bodies, sexual acts, or erotic photographs; voyeurism.
2. Also called active scopophilia, scoptophilia. an abnormal desire to be seen, especially genitally; exhibitionism. — scopophiliac, n. — scopophilic,
kind of a non-specific word, voyeur and exhibitionist work better.
July 1, 2009
quinn commented on the word nimbyiotic
A reflexive, unthinking, stupid response to something based in "Not in my backyard" thinking.
Emotional, knee-jerk rejection of any change by residents of a town who want it frozen in time.
March 12, 2009
quinn commented on the word oanistic
is this a misspelling of onanistic?
January 9, 2009
quinn commented on the list diseases-that-make-lovely-baby-girls-names
January 9, 2009
quinn commented on the list diseases-that-make-lovely-baby-girls-names
ok, i am actually going to argue with halitosis. hali, maybe, but not halitosis. that doesn't sound like a baby girl's name at all, even with unfortunate names like mackenzie and madison becoming popular.
January 9, 2009
quinn commented on the list diseases-that-make-lovely-baby-girls-names
you realize now we're talking about these girl's personality traits.
January 8, 2009
quinn commented on the list diseases-that-make-lovely-baby-girls-names
Oh no, reesettee, that would be silly. And poor Sciatica, not only does she cause countless people terrible pain, but now I'm saying her name doesn't sound sweet enough.
I'm a mean person.
January 8, 2009
quinn commented on the list diseases-that-make-lovely-baby-girls-names
I think it works for boys, hence Syphilis, it just seems slightly funnier for girls. Girl's names are just meant to sound sweeter, like Cholera, without self consciousness of the whole death by diarrhea thing. Bilharzia Sciatica and Acne don't work for me as much because they don't have the nearly saccharine sweet sound I'm looking for, but I can still see them.
January 8, 2009
quinn commented on the list my-fav-words
as you can clearly see from the list, i am a 13 yr old boy. "she said vag and chafe. giggle giggle."
January 7, 2009