Quintesabd commented on the word overween
Haughty personalities always overween themselves to others.
December 14, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word lascivious
President-elect Donald Trump was censured during his presidential run for his previous lascivious activities
December 12, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word malfeasance
Malfeasance is often condoned in a country of injustice; such deliberated ignorance gradually engender the whole state in collapse.
Quintesabd commented on the word jejune
Jejune- a very funny word
December 2, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word saturnine
Seeing a saturnine face in the early morning, in some cultures, is considered as ominous albeit it is a mere superstition.
Quintesabd commented on the word mercurial
Jerry is abstruse to all her friends, even her family members, because of her mercurial nature.
Quintesabd commented on the word quisling
The present government of Iraq, to many Kurdish people, seem quisling.
November 30, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word galvanize
Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rohman, the founder of Bangladesh, had the divine ability to galvanize his supporters by his legendary speeches.
Quintesabd commented on the word nutraceutical
Spirulina may be one of most potential nutraceutical
Quintesabd commented on the word malapropism
Once, my professor entered my laboratory and saw some defective tube-lights thrown in one corner and immediately he growled out " Who kept these testtubes here?". We, the labmates looked there and saw no testtubes; suddenly we understood that it was a malapropism!!
Comments by quintesabd
Quintesabd commented on the word overween
Haughty personalities always overween themselves to others.
December 14, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word lascivious
President-elect Donald Trump was censured during his presidential run for his previous lascivious activities
December 12, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word malfeasance
Malfeasance is often condoned in a country of injustice; such deliberated ignorance gradually engender the whole state in collapse.
December 12, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word jejune
Jejune- a very funny word
December 2, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word saturnine
Seeing a saturnine face in the early morning, in some cultures, is considered as ominous albeit it is a mere superstition.
December 2, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word mercurial
Jerry is abstruse to all her friends, even her family members, because of her mercurial nature.
December 2, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word quisling
The present government of Iraq, to many Kurdish people, seem quisling.
November 30, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word galvanize
Bongobondhu Sheikh Mujibur Rohman, the founder of Bangladesh, had the divine ability to galvanize his supporters by his legendary speeches.
November 30, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word nutraceutical
Spirulina may be one of most potential nutraceutical
November 30, 2016
Quintesabd commented on the word malapropism
Once, my professor entered my laboratory and saw some defective tube-lights thrown in one corner and immediately he growled out " Who kept these testtubes here?". We, the labmates looked there and saw no testtubes; suddenly we understood that it was a malapropism!!
November 30, 2016