for the ornery patient (often an internet self diagnosing hypochondriac) that won't allow the medic to speak plainly about their condition but symptoms resolve the minute medical terminology suggests a potential diagnosis, even if the words are completely irrelevant and random.
Also directly related to the patient who experiences symptom resolved with saline treatment, noting 10cc of saline with effect
when used in emergency care, it is used between caregivers (or sometimes to the dire patient in need of medical terminology therapy) to describe the dramatic patient who's symptoms are all in their head.
patient who continuously ignores the medics questions, directives and care while imperviously grabbing their ailment with one hand and raising their other hand and eyes to heaven screaming repeatedly "lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy", occasionally with the interspersed "Jesus" i.e. "lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy, Jesus help me, lordy, lordy"
just remember... you asked... airway obstruction because patient swallowed the heel of her shoe (see CCFCCP). geriatric patients had a fist fight at the nursing home and shattered denture pieces occluded the airway. guard rail through the trachea (amongst other things). rebar through the back of the throat Sure you want to know more?? How about complete oral cavity obstruction because the patientS were having a marshamallow and cracker eating contest and it turned in to paste like cement in their throat. Frat party turned balloon beer bongs in to bad breathing ideas when they inhaled them over their larynx. How does more than one person do this in sequence? We can fix alot of things, but we can't fix stupid!
free medical test performed by insurance departments in private hospitals before assessing whether patient will be admitted, diverted to a public inner city medical facility, or treated and released.
geriatric patients found in assisted living centers, confused and disoriented to person, place or time, left sitting in chairs in the hallways for "close observation". despite ample medical care and resources available to treat these patients, the ALC will still leave them unattended and clueless with bags and forms in hand at the door until EMS arrives.
motor vehicle patient with no obvious injuries that will require assistance that EMS cannot provide - a mechanic will be needed to fix the SCREW LOOSE between the steering wheel and the drivers seat.
also referred to as CTD (circling the drain), NLPR (no longer playing records), DRT (dead right there), and my personal favorite and most often abused, highly inconsiderate but quite amusing acronym ART (assuming room temperature).
positive sign for patient who calls for emergency assistance and on arrival the victim meet the unit at the curb with suitcase packed (and yet. it happens)
vagaling down is a term referred to when someone strains on the toilet, causing a vagus nerve response that results in significant parasympathetic nervous system response including bradycardia (slow heart beat) which can result in cardiac arrest. aka Elvis Syndrome
endotracheal intubation of a person who is difficult to intubate because of obesity, obstruction, trauma, and a host of other reasons you wouldn't believe if I typed them.
vehicle acceleration interupted by a stationary object. body acceleration interupted by the ground (aka fall). object acceleration interupted by the body (any object propelled and caught by a person in a traumatic and less than desirable fashion).
I will not write CCFCCP as chief complaint for difficult patients with fictional mental illness or a high propensity for drama. I will not write CCFCCP as chief complaint for difficult patients with fictional mental illness or a high propensity for drama. I will not write CCFCCP as chief complaint for difficult patients with fictional mental illness or a high propensity for drama.... (continue 97 more times)
a patient's sudden onset when patient becomes alert and oriented to potential financial gain from injuries that could have never been actually sustained from the mechanism. most common in regions of workplace, highway, and walmart.
the family member or bystander who is loudly losing their cool, creating a significant distraction and an uncontrollable scene. (can also be your 'green' partner)
patients who use Emergent care as their primary care physician, which denotes a prevalency not to pay for said care, since a regular doctor visit might have cost $70-$100 and the ambulance and ER will start at $1000.
very overweight person (who murphy's law dictates will inevitably vagal down and arrest in the back bedroom bathroom floor of a single wide mobile home)
positive sign of sampsonitis: patient calls for emergency assistance and on arrival the victim meet the unit at the curb with suitcase packed (and yet. it happens)
which leads us to the obvious question... what IS a poetry slam?
A poetry slam is no mere open mic. It is a competitive wordsmith sport where all are welcome and embraced by the slamily, but only the strong of heart and voice thrive. Not just poets, but Spoken Word Artists, give less than 3 mins (and 10 seconds) of their best effort (aka as Spit) to a crowd of other poets, fans, groupies, fans and strangers.
rarely, that of others). These performances - no costumes, no props, no music - are then judged on a numeric scale of 0.1 (being the worst poem you've ever heard, take the poets out back and put them out of our misery) or 10.0 (best poem you've ever heard, hands down, have their larynx bronzed immediately!) by five judges: previously selected members of the audience (preferably slam virgins and strangers who are new to slam and not sleeping with, doing the laundry, or otherwise stalking any of the poets). Slam poets with the best cumulative scores advance to the final round of the night, accumulating annual scores that ultimately give them rise merit to compete on a National Level. The audience chooses from whom they will hear more poetry, as well as be quickly engaged between the barrierless forum of audience and stage. It is s rowdy, involved, supportive, sustaining grassroots movement of performance and poetry and distance erasing friendships.
when a minor rear end fender bender results in two patients competing for the greater pseudo neck pain. The primary signs and symptoms: poorly timed pain response to bumps, positive dollar signs found during eye exam, and the absence of any real signs and symptoms other than moaning and groaning worthy of natural selection. "On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt, how bad does it hurt?" Symptomatic response, "Oh it's a 12 for sure - Man! Did you see that game last night??! Hey, can I borrow your phone to call my wife? Cool ringtone...."
Telecommunications wires, fibers, and cables exposed to the elements expand and contract daily due to variations in ambient temperature from day to night. Aerial cables suspended from poles stretch during the warmth of the day, with the weight of the cable magnifying the effect, and shrink in the cool of the night. As they do so, the length of the path increases and decreases, and signal propagation delay increases and decreases slightly. As a result, high speed digital systems can suffer timing problems that can cause losses of synchronization and, ultimately, temporary system failures
Comments by rainedancing
rainedancing commented on the word Kersnickled
An amusing state of intoxication, after drunk and before mean or passed out.
June 23, 2015
rainedancing commented on the list a-list-of-the-cutest-words-ever-created
I feel like I need to squeeze someone's cheeks now.
June 9, 2012
rainedancing commented on the list dead-or-dying-english-words
I am feeling the need to exercise my lazy linguality
June 9, 2012
rainedancing commented on the list very-silly-words
I feel much better now after reading your list! :)
June 9, 2012
rainedancing commented on the list logolepsy
LOVE this list! Thanks for all of your effort.
June 9, 2012
rainedancing commented on the user she
your lists are confection! JOY!
February 18, 2010
rainedancing commented on the word verbal incontinence
a person who will simply not stop talking, says more than they should and should be trusted with no secrets
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word medical terminology therapy
for the ornery patient (often an internet self diagnosing hypochondriac) that won't allow the medic to speak plainly about their condition but symptoms resolve the minute medical terminology suggests a potential diagnosis, even if the words are completely irrelevant and random.
Also directly related to the patient who experiences symptom resolved with saline treatment, noting 10cc of saline with effect
see supratentorial
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word supratentorial
when used in emergency care, it is used between caregivers (or sometimes to the dire patient in need of medical terminology therapy) to describe the dramatic patient who's symptoms are all in their head.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word tachalordia
patient who continuously ignores the medics questions, directives and care while imperviously grabbing their ailment with one hand and raising their other hand and eyes to heaven screaming repeatedly "lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy", occasionally with the interspersed "Jesus" i.e. "lordy, lordy, lordy, lordy, Jesus help me, lordy, lordy"
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word unlicensed pharmaceutical provider
patient suspected of being a drug dealer, due to presence of plastic baggies filled with unidentified substances in pockets, shoes and orifices
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word vitamin d
Give me Vitamin D, means treat it with Diesel... or DRIVE FASTER.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word vitamin p
Lasix or any diuretic that induces increased urine (Pee) output
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word pvc challenge
just remember... you asked... airway obstruction because patient swallowed the heel of her shoe (see CCFCCP). geriatric patients had a fist fight at the nursing home and shattered denture pieces occluded the airway. guard rail through the trachea (amongst other things). rebar through the back of the throat Sure you want to know more?? How about complete oral cavity obstruction because the patientS were having a marshamallow and cracker eating contest and it turned in to paste like cement in their throat. Frat party turned balloon beer bongs in to bad breathing ideas when they inhaled them over their larynx. How does more than one person do this in sequence? We can fix alot of things, but we can't fix stupid!
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word wallet biopsy
free medical test performed by insurance departments in private hospitals before assessing whether patient will be admitted, diverted to a public inner city medical facility, or treated and released.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word walmart greeters
geriatric patients found in assisted living centers, confused and disoriented to person, place or time, left sitting in chairs in the hallways for "close observation". despite ample medical care and resources available to treat these patients, the ALC will still leave them unattended and clueless with bags and forms in hand at the door until EMS arrives.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word air conditioned
multiple gunshot wounds
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word acute lead poisoning
gunshot wound
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word 45c
patient is chromosonally deficient ONE chromosome of a full set. (see CCFCCP)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word mechanical impairment
motor vehicle patient with no obvious injuries that will require assistance that EMS cannot provide - a mechanic will be needed to fix the SCREW LOOSE between the steering wheel and the drivers seat.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word paws up
another term for DOA.
also referred to as CTD (circling the drain), NLPR (no longer playing records), DRT (dead right there), and my personal favorite and most often abused, highly inconsiderate but quite amusing acronym ART (assuming room temperature).
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word samsonitis
positive sign for patient who calls for emergency assistance and on arrival the victim meet the unit at the curb with suitcase packed (and yet. it happens)
(p.s. thank you chained_bear) :)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word polyadipose dysfunction
vagaling down is a term referred to when someone strains on the toilet, causing a vagus nerve response that results in significant parasympathetic nervous system response including bradycardia (slow heart beat) which can result in cardiac arrest. aka Elvis Syndrome
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word pvc challenge
endotracheal intubation of a person who is difficult to intubate because of obesity, obstruction, trauma, and a host of other reasons you wouldn't believe if I typed them.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word urban outdoorsman
aka homeless
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word transoccipital implant
gunshot wound to the head
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word pharmaceutically gifted
Persons with altered mental states as a result of overly generous drug use
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word glow worms
endearment for the HAZMAT Team.
really, we mean it lovingly. really we do. really.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word negative vehicle to vehicle interface
AKA Car Crash
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word terminal deceleration syndrome
vehicle acceleration interupted by a stationary object. body acceleration interupted by the ground (aka fall). object acceleration interupted by the body (any object propelled and caught by a person in a traumatic and less than desirable fashion).
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word coo coo for cocoa puffs
I will not write CCFCCP as chief complaint for difficult patients with fictional mental illness or a high propensity for drama. I will not write CCFCCP as chief complaint for difficult patients with fictional mental illness or a high propensity for drama. I will not write CCFCCP as chief complaint for difficult patients with fictional mental illness or a high propensity for drama.... (continue 97 more times)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word insurancitis
a patient's sudden onset when patient becomes alert and oriented to potential financial gain from injuries that could have never been actually sustained from the mechanism. most common in regions of workplace, highway, and walmart.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word ambutaxi
what 90% of patients who call 911 actually want. (if only yellow bird had such an easy number to remember!)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word a.r.t.
another acronym for DOA - Assuming Room Temperature
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word texaco drip
We treat unmanageable emergencies with diesel - we drive very very fast!
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word spazner
the family member or bystander who is loudly losing their cool, creating a significant distraction and an uncontrollable scene. (can also be your 'green' partner)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word walky talky
alert and oriented, ambulatory and talking
(most of our patients)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word frequent flier
patients who use Emergent care as their primary care physician, which denotes a prevalency not to pay for said care, since a regular doctor visit might have cost $70-$100 and the ambulance and ER will start at $1000.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word bohica
the most commonly used phrase in EMS, heard right before mandatory meetings
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word code surfing
riding the stretcher in to the ER while performing CPR
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word polyadipose dysfunction
very overweight person (who murphy's law dictates will inevitably vagal down and arrest in the back bedroom bathroom floor of a single wide mobile home)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word anal glaucoma
when the task ahead of you is dreaded and you choose to avoid it. symptomatic: "I just don't see my ass doing that."
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word optic analitis
optic nerve is connected to your anus causing you to have a crappy outlook on life
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word cranial rectal inversion
politically correct observation when someone has their head up their butt
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word gravitational dissociation
otherwise known as Fell Down Go Boom
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word sampsonitis
positive sign of sampsonitis: patient calls for emergency assistance and on arrival the victim meet the unit at the curb with suitcase packed (and yet. it happens)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the list slam-fodder
indeed telofy!
which leads us to the obvious question... what IS a poetry slam?
A poetry slam is no mere open mic. It is a competitive wordsmith sport where all are welcome and embraced by the slamily, but only the strong of heart and voice thrive. Not just poets, but Spoken Word Artists, give less than 3 mins (and 10 seconds) of their best effort (aka as Spit) to a crowd of other poets, fans, groupies, fans and strangers.
rarely, that of others). These performances - no costumes, no props, no music - are then judged on a numeric scale of 0.1 (being the worst poem you've ever heard, take the poets out back and put them out of our misery) or 10.0 (best poem you've ever heard, hands down, have their larynx bronzed immediately!) by five judges: previously selected members of the audience (preferably slam virgins and strangers who are new to slam and not sleeping with, doing the laundry, or otherwise stalking any of the poets). Slam poets with the best cumulative scores advance to the final round of the night, accumulating annual scores that ultimately give them rise merit to compete on a National Level. The audience chooses from whom they will hear more poetry, as well as be quickly engaged between the barrierless forum of audience and stage. It is s rowdy, involved, supportive, sustaining grassroots movement of performance and poetry and distance erasing friendships.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word flibbertigibbet
a Middle English word referring to a flighty or whimsical person, usually a young female.
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word whipcash
when a minor rear end fender bender results in two patients competing for the greater pseudo neck pain. The primary signs and symptoms: poorly timed pain response to bumps, positive dollar signs found during eye exam, and the absence of any real signs and symptoms other than moaning and groaning worthy of natural selection. "On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the worst pain you've ever felt, how bad does it hurt?" Symptomatic response, "Oh it's a 12 for sure - Man! Did you see that game last night??! Hey, can I borrow your phone to call my wife? Cool ringtone...."
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the list intentional-malapropisms
More words for your list:
Absotively. Posolutely. No bout adoubt it. Fantabulous.
or my favorite misnomers:
buTT naked. bUTtload (shudder to think). cUrsing through veins. CeASe the day.
or my mother's unintentional and hysterical mistatements (said in all seriousness):
Ghostbuster Video. and don't be such a pre-Madonna.
(bless her heart)
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the list concepts-of-self
more words for your list:
anima / animus
ego / id
September 1, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word storgic
love that develops gradually out of friendship
August 20, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word diurnal wander
Like diurnal wander, you periodically try my patience beyond its tolerances except when you are asleep.
August 20, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word diurnal wander
Telecommunications wires, fibers, and cables exposed to the elements expand and contract daily due to variations in ambient temperature from day to night. Aerial cables suspended from poles stretch during the warmth of the day, with the weight of the cable magnifying the effect, and shrink in the cool of the night. As they do so, the length of the path increases and decreases, and signal propagation delay increases and decreases slightly. As a result, high speed digital systems can suffer timing problems that can cause losses of synchronization and, ultimately, temporary system failures
August 20, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word i can't believe it's not flickr
hysterical - you are a clever one! or I need to get out more. But more likley, you're a clever one.
August 19, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word ooh ooh!!! type me!! type me!!
absolutely love this!
August 19, 2009
rainedancing commented on the list words-to-try-to-use-in-colloquial-speech-without-sounding-like-a-pretentious-ass
my favorite words on this list are cumulatively collected in the title! kudos!
August 19, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word yellow snow tested for nutrition
Nitrogen Rich Frozen Acid Rain considered metabolically beneficial... should you survive nuclear winter.
June 21, 2009
rainedancing commented on the word local child wins gun from fundraiser
Parents Convicted of Ignorance, Given Life Sentence.
June 21, 2009