ramage has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 2 lists, listed 22 words, written 6 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
ramage has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 2 lists, listed 22 words, written 6 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.
Comments by ramage
ramage commented on the word fruit boiler
Bobby Charlton, the celebrated Manchester United and England football player, was once listed in a Manchester trade directory as "a fruit boiler"
September 23, 2008
ramage commented on the word kyrielle
Une kyrielle (n.f.) est une longue suite de paroles qui se répètent, une litanie, ou par extension une longue suite ou série d'êtres ou de choses.
via http://lemotdujour.over-blog.com//article-6358601.html
April 12, 2007
ramage commented on the list dico
orner à l'excès, exagéré, compliqué. Exemple : une histoire tarabiscotée. Ce mot vient de tarabiscot. Il s'agit d'un rabot utilisé en menuiserie pour creuser une ou des rainures entre des moulures. Par extension, tarabiscoter veut donc dire compliquer les choses...
via lemotdujour (http://lemotdujour.over-blog.com/)
March 24, 2007
ramage commented on the word xomolt
a kind of duck
March 18, 2007
ramage commented on the word unijambiste
person with one leg - makes it sound like a hobby
March 18, 2007
ramage commented on the word scombroid
used to describe Sammy Hilbert-Spaess, a character in Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow:
"Here then," the kindly scombroid face scanning Eventyr, quick as a fire-control dish antenna and even less mercy...
January 21, 2007