German for "pretty", "attractive", or "handsome". A delightful-sounding word. Better yet is "gnadenlos hübsch" which literally means "mercilessly beautiful", or roughly, "drop-dead gorgeous".
From Wikipedia: One of the fundamental aspects of Danish culture is "hygge", which, although translated as "coziness" is more akin to "tranquility". Hygge is a complete absence of anything annoying, irritating, or emotionally overwhelming, and the presence of and pleasure from comforting, gentle, and soothing things. Hygge is often associated with family and close friends. Christmas time when loved ones sit close together with candles lit on a cold rainy night is "hygge", as is grilling a pølse (Danish sausage) on a long summer evening.
Comments by ramyeon
ramyeon commented on the word corymb
I do love that the "b" is pronounced, however quietly. A wonderful word.
June 25, 2012
ramyeon commented on the word bildhübsch
German, "pretty as a picture".
June 20, 2011
ramyeon commented on the word bezaubernd
German for "enchanting", "charming", and "captivating". The root is "zaubern", or "to do magic."
June 20, 2011
ramyeon commented on the word hübsch
German for "pretty", "attractive", or "handsome". A delightful-sounding word. Better yet is "gnadenlos hübsch" which literally means "mercilessly beautiful", or roughly, "drop-dead gorgeous".
June 20, 2011
ramyeon commented on the word hygge
The feeling of good friends, cold beer, and a warm fire.
December 30, 2010
ramyeon commented on the word hygge
From Wikipedia: One of the fundamental aspects of Danish culture is "hygge", which, although translated as "coziness" is more akin to "tranquility". Hygge is a complete absence of anything annoying, irritating, or emotionally overwhelming, and the presence of and pleasure from comforting, gentle, and soothing things. Hygge is often associated with family and close friends. Christmas time when loved ones sit close together with candles lit on a cold rainy night is "hygge", as is grilling a pølse (Danish sausage) on a long summer evening.
December 30, 2010
ramyeon commented on the word sjostygg
Norwegian for someone so ugly the tide refuses to come in if they stand on the shore.
December 30, 2010
ramyeon commented on the word accost
Good Mistress Mary Accost.
December 5, 2010
ramyeon commented on the word schrecklich
According to my German teacher: absolutely terrifying, horrible, so fear-inducing as to cause permanent trauma.
November 25, 2010
ramyeon commented on the word amandation
The act of sending away or dispelling.
November 25, 2010