Ack! Wordnik only has and entry for "Chicanery", notice the capitalization, and not "chicanery". The site doesn't yet link to dictionaries that have a definition for this word, although it is a well established word with clear definition. For example, look it up on Merriam-Webster. It's a great word! How do we get it on Wordnik?!!
Comments by rbt
rbt commented on the word Chicanery
Ack! Wordnik only has and entry for "Chicanery", notice the capitalization, and not "chicanery". The site doesn't yet link to dictionaries that have a definition for this word, although it is a well established word with clear definition. For example, look it up on Merriam-Webster. It's a great word! How do we get it on Wordnik?!!
March 13, 2010