The -lonig- infix? I haven't found anything concrete, but I'm seeing "lone" -- ie. this best of all possible worlds being the (l)only world under study.
really: GABAergic, or, if I had my way, γABAergic (though caps would make it ΓABAergic, but my preference is based on prettiness, not accuracy of any sort).
"Although this muscle contraction happens whether or not food is present, it is more common after the animal has gone several hours without eating. This may be why a "growling" stomach is often associated with hunger." -wiki
"Pangloss taught metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology. He proved admirably that there is no effect without a cause and that in this best of possible words, My Lord the Baron's castle was the best of all castles and his wife to best of all possible Baronesses." -- Candide, Voltaire
Not quite -- from what I can gather, presuppositionalists are concerned with the Christian faith, where as presuppositionologists constitute a subset of linguists, and are concerned specifically with presuppositions.
I would tag this madeupical if I hadn't encountered it in a text book. Do not presuppose that I like or respect this text book to any extent, but I have to assume some brand of editor approved its publishing.
"Disabling, reversing cell cycle inhibitors - activating them and turning CIP/KIP and INKA 4a/ARFs into catalysts…" -- Walter Bishop, Fringe, "The Same Old Story"
"scientificinquiry in an established field of study which departs significantly from mainstream or orthodox theories, and is classified in the "fringes" of a credible mainstream academic discipline."
A highschool lab partner's misreading of "mmHg" (millimetres mercury, a measurement of pressure) -- I read it that way in my head every time, even though I was never mistaken about the correct reading.
This isn't my standard earworm, but it qualifies in a different way, becuase it keeps coming back.
"The naming of the Kiss-1 gene and its product, kisspeptin, was made by the team of scientists who discovered the gene in Hershey, Pennsylvania, famous for its chocolate "Kisses (Hershey's Kisses)" - Wiki
also note that when genetic tests are done on tumours, about half of them have p53 mutations (this statistic cited by the prof in a course I took in cell bio).
"Sometimes when you're kayaking a word gets stuck in your head, and one time banana flambé ... popped into my head. And I don't even like it. But all the way through the race it was 'banana flambé, banana flambé, banana flambé.' Thankfully, it wasn't a very important race." -- Adam van Koeverden, Olympic Gold Medalist
No pressure, but if you open your list to words containing 'gn' inside, you get these lovelies ... (though I don't know whether or not you can blame Old French for them)
"Hematein exhibits indicator-like properties, being blue and less soluble in aqueous alkaline conditions, and red and more soluble in alcoholic acidic conditions."
Comments by recombinantdna
recombinantdna commented on the list pervasive-expression--recurrent-descriptors-in-scientific-discourse
@sarra Hey, nice - keep 'em coming
March 26, 2010
recombinantdna commented on the list linnaean-lexicon
No, it's limited to awesome scientific names ;) I guess I should have clarified
February 27, 2010
recombinantdna commented on the word cosmolonigology
my hypothesis: derived from cosmology- which fits with Voltaire's use of metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology (see its comments).
The -lonig- infix? I haven't found anything concrete, but I'm seeing "lone" -- ie. this best of all possible worlds being the (l)only world under study.
February 19, 2010
recombinantdna commented on the word jessika
"... a Fraulein from the Baltic provinces, who sat at an easel painting the sea and tearing her hair in despair..." -Death in Venice, Thomas Mann
February 4, 2010
recombinantdna commented on the word melioration
"Yes, personally speaking too, art heightens life. She gives deeper joy, she consumes more swiftly," -Death in Venice, Thomas Mann
February 4, 2010
recombinantdna commented on the word pepperminty
I enjoy that this word cropped up in both Vic's secret lipgloss, and a 3rd year physiology text book.
October 28, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word cushla macree
English spelling for "Cuisle mo chroí" (COOSH la muh CREE) 'pulse of my heart', Irish term of endearment.
October 24, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the list nabokov-vocabulary
Navocab Bokovulary?
October 14, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word gabaergic
GABAergic /GABA·er·gic/ (gab″ah-er´jik) transmitting or secreting γ-aminobutyric acid.
October 14, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word gabaergic
really: GABAergic, or, if I had my way, γABAergic (though caps would make it ΓABAergic, but my preference is based on prettiness, not accuracy of any sort).
October 14, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word pro-life
Backformation from proliferative?
October 14, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word optimal number of divisions of an entity for the human mind to handle
According to Prof MacKay in his lecture guide "Neurophysiology Without Tears".
October 14, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word presuppositionologist
I'm not sure it was epenthesis -- I think it was coined from presupposition. The error was hubris.
October 13, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word clitic
Well, don't ask her about her clitics
October 5, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word borborygmus
"Although this muscle contraction happens whether or not food is present, it is more common after the animal has gone several hours without eating. This may be why a "growling" stomach is often associated with hunger." -wiki
June 17, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology
"Pangloss taught metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology. He proved admirably that there is no effect without a cause and that in this best of possible words, My Lord the Baron's castle was the best of all castles and his wife to best of all possible Baronesses." -- Candide, Voltaire
April 26, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word presuppositionologist
Thanks, Mollusque. (this word is the least of my reasoning)
Any idea if there's a common tag for unwise morphological decisions?
April 16, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word presuppositionologist
Not quite -- from what I can gather, presuppositionalists are concerned with the Christian faith, where as presuppositionologists constitute a subset of linguists, and are concerned specifically with presuppositions.
April 12, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word presuppositionologist
I would tag this madeupical if I hadn't encountered it in a text book. Do not presuppose that I like or respect this text book to any extent, but I have to assume some brand of editor approved its publishing.
March 29, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word celermitosis
"Disabling, reversing cell cycle inhibitors - activating them and turning CIP/KIP and INKA 4a/ARFs into catalysts…" -- Walter Bishop, Fringe, "The Same Old Story"
February 28, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word fringe science
"scientific inquiry in an established field of study which departs significantly from mainstream or orthodox theories, and is classified in the "fringes" of a credible mainstream academic discipline."
February 28, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word millimetres-hexigram
A highschool lab partner's misreading of "mmHg" (millimetres mercury, a measurement of pressure) -- I read it that way in my head every time, even though I was never mistaken about the correct reading.
This isn't my standard earworm, but it qualifies in a different way, becuase it keeps coming back.
February 22, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word chiasmus
A really good example from Wikipedia:
"Swift as an arrow flying, fleeing like a hare afraid"
adjective, simile, gerund, gerund, simile, adjective
(A B C C B A); subtler that the other examples here, but you can see how much more powerful it is than the "parallel form" (A B C A B C):
"Swift as an arrow flying, afraid like a hare fleeing."
February 15, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word demiscient
adj. neither flesh nor fowl
(origin: backformation from demiscientific)
February 15, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word conflictual
coined by prof. Chiara Frigeni of U of T.
January 12, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word monogenetic
see also monogenetic volcanic field
January 3, 2009
recombinantdna commented on the word kisspeptin
"The naming of the Kiss-1 gene and its product, kisspeptin, was made by the team of scientists who discovered the gene in Hershey, Pennsylvania, famous for its chocolate "Kisses (Hershey's Kisses)" - Wiki
December 14, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word the queen of the damned
Anne Rice
December 11, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the user yaybob
Hey -- I've opened my statin list ( so that you can add your excellent suggestions.
December 6, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word extension cords
November 29, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word virus types
November 22, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word eating mouldy peanuts
also note that when genetic tests are done on tumours, about half of them have p53 mutations (this statistic cited by the prof in a course I took in cell bio).
November 22, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the list x-s-y-where-x-is-somebody-s-name
Payne's Grey -- a personal favourite's_grey
November 21, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word eating mouldy peanuts
aflatoxin > p53 mutation > (liver) cancer
November 21, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word cultigen
"a plant that has been deliberately altered or selected by humans; ... the result of artificial selection." -- wiki
October 26, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word bamford
Bamford is a village in the Derbyshire Peak District, England, close to the River Derwent.
October 6, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word contravenous
I suspect that would be a slightly more useful lexeme. So yes.
September 26, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word contravenous
(adj.) opposite a vein
(adj.) - vs. intravenous
September 26, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word hydroxyproline
(and elastin? -- conflicting sources)
September 11, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word hydroxylysine
(and elastin? -- conflicting sources)
September 11, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word hydroxyproline
found exclusively in collagens.
September 11, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word hydroxylysine
found exclusively in collagens.
September 11, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the user whichbe
Lots of -gen words today! (Which is great, because I've been collecting them for a while)
August 22, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word blackhole
I wouldn't say that black has negative connotations here -- blackholes look black, because they pull light in.
August 22, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word blackhole
August 22, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word anserine
nothing to do with serine...?
August 22, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word banana flambé
"Sometimes when you're kayaking a word gets stuck in your head, and one time banana flambé ... popped into my head. And I don't even like it. But all the way through the race it was 'banana flambé, banana flambé, banana flambé.' Thankfully, it wasn't a very important race." -- Adam van Koeverden, Olympic Gold Medalist
August 21, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word almira gulch
Name of townswoman bitten by Toto in the Wizard of Oz (film, 1939).
Has been wandering into my brain on occasion and announcing itself unexpectedly. For years. I finally googled it.
August 8, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word kernechtrot
nuclear fast red
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word nuclear fast red
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the list dye-box
have been listing dye names, myself -- I started with just red, & got hooked. (I include natural pigments too).
anyway -- lifted a couple. thanks!
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the list contronympho
"contronympho" -- clever!
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the list scambiguous
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word twincest
Don't ask, don't tell.
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the list gn-words
Hey, Valse --
No pressure, but if you open your list to words containing 'gn' inside, you get these lovelies ... (though I don't know whether or not you can blame Old French for them)
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word trois
the magical time during which 'trois' is listed times is now. make a wish.
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word haematin
"Hematein exhibits indicator-like properties, being blue and less soluble in aqueous alkaline conditions, and red and more soluble in alcoholic acidic conditions."
-- wikipedia
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the list scambiguous
good list --
My request: sects and sex. Embarrassed me in my highschool civics class.
August 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word gynoecious
"New gynoecious hybrid cultivars produce almost all female blossoms." --
August 3, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word parthenocarpic
"A few varieties of cucumber are parthenocarpic, the blossoms creating seedless fruit without pollination." --
August 3, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word c-thru
"The 'c-thru' cucumbers [have) no skin to encumber them." -- link
August 3, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word tough
One tough cucumber.
August 3, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word cool
Cool as a cucumber.
August 3, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word elmira gulch
proper spelling
August 1, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word hyperlipoproteinemia
sounds made up, doesn't it.
June 20, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word surfactant
I should think the difficulty of pronouncing it such would inconvenience you more than the pain of hearing it would me.
June 11, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word surfactant
I prefer it silent. But then, I have professor-worship issues: however they say, goes.
June 10, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word vasculogenic
June 7, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word vasculogenesis
Glad to be first.
According to Wikipedia:
"the process of blood vessel formation occurring by a de novo production of endothelial cells."
June 7, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word septuagenarian
As in Maude of 'Harold and Maude'.
June 4, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word surfactant
(SURF)ace (ACT)ive (A)ge(NT)
No one seems to pronounce a /t/ at the end, leaving the ending closer to the /In/ seen in so many hormones.
June 3, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word adverb
master of prescription, aren't we?
June 3, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word homeosexual
My coinage. Thus:
May 24, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word concatemers
the Wikipedian article:
May 23, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word parthenogenesis
I wish I could do this.
May 23, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word protuberating
said professor says he is not aware of any such term -- you are probably safe to coin.
May 20, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word protuberating
I've contacted my Writing Systems professor with reference to this -- if he gets back to me, I'll get back to you.
May 17, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the list m-ogle
I love this list -- its theme
so satisfying, as to fill the mouth to perfection
May 11, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word eu-
It said "nobody is listing 'eu-', why don't you?"
April 18, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word eutrophy
1. in Medicine: healthy or adequate nutrition or development.
2. in Ecology: the state of being eutrophic.
(Origin: 1715–25; < Gk eutrophía. See eu-, tropho-, -y3)
April 18, 2008
recombinantdna commented on the word eunoia
my hypothesis:
eu- 'well, good'
"noia" = nous + -ia (as in paranoia)
where nous means 'mind, intellect'
and -ia is a noun suffix (found in anemia and phobia)
(all greek)
April 16, 2008