Awww, I feel so welcome here. The love is just overwhelming. But thinly-veiled ad hominem attacks reveal more about the person who employs them, rather than their intended target. If you want to hate me because I somehow upset your tender sensibility, go ahead and hate me. Just don't expect me to take you seriously.
While postmodernism does indeed employ a lot of obscure and "meaningless" rhetorics, the ideology itself is simply a reaction to the 20th century modernism. Let's not make it a new boogeyman.
This isn't the only neologism using the word cunt, yet it has sparked more than a little debate. From my own experience, Americans are very thin-skinned when it comes foreign criticisms and they may simply masking their hurt pride with an insincere feminist indignation. Do they have the same reaction to such words as cocksucker, dickhead or prick?
As to the insistence that words are somehow tiny vessels of magical power, that's a metaphysical nonsense. They only have that power if you give it to them. If you can't handle certain words, it's your own problem which you should work out. Don't blame them. Words are like sea-shells, postage stamps, insects, or other collectibles. Some are ugly, some are beautiful, but inherently none of them are bad. Linguists and logophiles, of all people, should know that.
It's very interesting that from my list of 3 dozen of or so ethnic insults, only this one has generated so much discussion, while not deserving more than a single comment. Is it really about the usage of the word cunt, or is it simply about the American pride of not liking to be put down, but only putting others down? Frankly, I'm not sure and I don't give a fuck.
Those are English words and they're part of your culture, and you can't simply erase them from your language just to feel good about yourselves. And yes, I do believe that they're "just words" and not "sticks and stones", despite all your attempts to endow them with magical powers.
And speaking of ethnicity, it is defined has a group of people sharing not just racial characteristics, but also national, linguistic, religious and cultural traits. Americans possess 4 out of 5, so while imperfect, this word describes them just as fine as it does Germans or the French. No country is completely homogeneous in those areas, so if you want to be anal about it (as I'm sure many of you are), ethnicity has no practical application, which is of course nonsense. The same problem occurs with religion and race. Jews routinely refer to themselves as a race of people. Are they wrong? Only if you insist on boxing your world.
It completely slipped my mind, but you're absolutely right. Frog is a fine ethnic slur and shall be included. Frog-eater is a tougher choice, because while the expression is popular in some European countries, it doesn't seem to have much circulation in the English language.
Negro was indeed the acceptable word for a black person, but that was 50 years ago when the Jim Crow laws were still in effect in huge parts of America. Through mere association, that word now carries racist implications, in my opinion.
And also, it sounds like a prelude to saying "nigger", which is why some closet racists revel in using it publically instead of nigger. Not to mention that some people have a kneejerk reaction to any word containing "nig", such as denigrate or Nigeria.
I didn't invent this word, although I wish I could take the credit. No, I don't think I'm being particularly cute using it, but at the same time I do think it's a pretty clever pun worthy of being more popular. And while I understand that some people may have an kneejerk reaction to it, ultimately it's only a word. It's surely much better than yank (ambiguous) or amoronican (childish). Do you have anything better?
Being American may not be an ethnicity technically, but it makes little sense to speak of a national slur. Sometimes certain words take on a non-literal meaning, because that's their closest approximation. That's why Muslims complain of racial prejudice, even though Islam clearly isn't a race. Similarly, Americans are an ethnicity not unlike Poles or Germans, for all practical purposes.
Coined originally by South Park in the "Make Love not Warcraft" episode , artard is basically the pronunciation of r-tard, which in turn is a thinly veiled way of saying retard.
Well, calling a woman a cunt is definitely very offensive, but is it particularly vicious? I don't think so. And given the paucity of ethnic slurs for Americans, I think we should take whatever we can.
It's a variant of lower which can have ambiguous meaning. Generally, when referring to one's angry stare, it's better to use "lour" rather than "lower".
Comments by renumeratedfrog
renumeratedfrog commented on the word atheist
A person who laughs at people for being stupid dogmatists, but gets terribly upset when someone points out his own stupid dogmatism.
November 8, 2012
renumeratedfrog commented on the list smurf-in-other-languages
Woops... Sorry about that.
November 27, 2009
renumeratedfrog commented on the list list-9
Is this the List 9 from Outer Space?
August 27, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word americunt
Awww, I feel so welcome here. The love is just overwhelming. But thinly-veiled ad hominem attacks reveal more about the person who employs them, rather than their intended target. If you want to hate me because I somehow upset your tender sensibility, go ahead and hate me. Just don't expect me to take you seriously.
August 26, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word pussify
August 25, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word nihilotheist
Someone who believes in God, but of the non-existent kind. Not to be confused with an atheist who doesn't believe in any kind of God.
August 25, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word postmodernism
While postmodernism does indeed employ a lot of obscure and "meaningless" rhetorics, the ideology itself is simply a reaction to the 20th century modernism. Let's not make it a new boogeyman.
August 25, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word not-so-common
A long way of saying rare.
August 25, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word neocunt
A playword on neocon, particularly appropriate in reference to certain conservative female commentators, such as Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin.
August 25, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word americunt
This isn't the only neologism using the word cunt, yet it has sparked more than a little debate. From my own experience, Americans are very thin-skinned when it comes foreign criticisms and they may simply masking their hurt pride with an insincere feminist indignation. Do they have the same reaction to such words as cocksucker, dickhead or prick?
As to the insistence that words are somehow tiny vessels of magical power, that's a metaphysical nonsense. They only have that power if you give it to them. If you can't handle certain words, it's your own problem which you should work out. Don't blame them. Words are like sea-shells, postage stamps, insects, or other collectibles. Some are ugly, some are beautiful, but inherently none of them are bad. Linguists and logophiles, of all people, should know that.
August 25, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word americunt
It's very interesting that from my list of 3 dozen of or so ethnic insults, only this one has generated so much discussion, while not deserving more than a single comment. Is it really about the usage of the word cunt, or is it simply about the American pride of not liking to be put down, but only putting others down? Frankly, I'm not sure and I don't give a fuck.
Those are English words and they're part of your culture, and you can't simply erase them from your language just to feel good about yourselves. And yes, I do believe that they're "just words" and not "sticks and stones", despite all your attempts to endow them with magical powers.
And speaking of ethnicity, it is defined has a group of people sharing not just racial characteristics, but also national, linguistic, religious and cultural traits. Americans possess 4 out of 5, so while imperfect, this word describes them just as fine as it does Germans or the French. No country is completely homogeneous in those areas, so if you want to be anal about it (as I'm sure many of you are), ethnicity has no practical application, which is of course nonsense. The same problem occurs with religion and race. Jews routinely refer to themselves as a race of people. Are they wrong? Only if you insist on boxing your world.
August 25, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the list ethnic-slurs
It completely slipped my mind, but you're absolutely right. Frog is a fine ethnic slur and shall be included. Frog-eater is a tougher choice, because while the expression is popular in some European countries, it doesn't seem to have much circulation in the English language.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word pussify
Get your mind out of the gutter. I wasn't talking about that kind of pussy. =O.O=
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word miasma
For some reason, this word reminds of smegma. :P
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word pussify
A verb denoting turning a person or a thing into an effeminate pussy.
"Joe used to be a real man before he got married, but his shrew of a wife completely pussified him." - renumeratedfrog, 2008
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word amoronican
A person of certain nationality who isn't particularly savvy.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word negro
Negro was indeed the acceptable word for a black person, but that was 50 years ago when the Jim Crow laws were still in effect in huge parts of America. Through mere association, that word now carries racist implications, in my opinion.
And also, it sounds like a prelude to saying "nigger", which is why some closet racists revel in using it publically instead of nigger. Not to mention that some people have a kneejerk reaction to any word containing "nig", such as denigrate or Nigeria.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word americunt
I didn't invent this word, although I wish I could take the credit. No, I don't think I'm being particularly cute using it, but at the same time I do think it's a pretty clever pun worthy of being more popular. And while I understand that some people may have an kneejerk reaction to it, ultimately it's only a word. It's surely much better than yank (ambiguous) or amoronican (childish). Do you have anything better?
Being American may not be an ethnicity technically, but it makes little sense to speak of a national slur. Sometimes certain words take on a non-literal meaning, because that's their closest approximation. That's why Muslims complain of racial prejudice, even though Islam clearly isn't a race. Similarly, Americans are an ethnicity not unlike Poles or Germans, for all practical purposes.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the list stupid-website-names is pretty stupid :P
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the list willywisky-s-list
Psst, you should add words through the input box, not through the comment textbox. :)
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word artard
Coined originally by South Park in the "Make Love not Warcraft" episode , artard is basically the pronunciation of r-tard, which in turn is a thinly veiled way of saying retard.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word negro
rolig: Just try calling a black person a negro to his face.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word cuntlet
A diminutive form of cunt, generally having a more amiable connotation.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word americunt
Well, calling a woman a cunt is definitely very offensive, but is it particularly vicious? I don't think so. And given the paucity of ethnic slurs for Americans, I think we should take whatever we can.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word americunt
This word is particularly vicious when directed at American men, having a castrating implication.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word negro
Nowadays, calling someone a negro is only a tiny bit better than calling them a nigger.
August 24, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the user frogapplause
August 23, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word gold farming
A favorite occupation for Chinese teenagers who are employed as "gold farmers" in certain MMORPG games, such as World of Warcraft.
August 23, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word underaged gymnasts
Term equivalent to "sour grapes" when uttered by American crybabies.
August 23, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word sanguinary
This word is etymologically closely related to the word sanguine which means "cheerful" or "healthy".
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word etymologically
Adverb of the word etymology which is the study of language origins.
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word sanguine
This word is etymologically closely related to the word sanguinary which means "bloodthirsty".
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word harry
Harry harries me with his harrowing stories.
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word cloying
It's a form of the verb cloy and it means "overly filling" as in food.
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word lour
It's a variant of lower which can have ambiguous meaning. Generally, when referring to one's angry stare, it's better to use "lour" rather than "lower".
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word canopy
Its original meaning referred to the mosquito net hung over a bed for protection.
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word cadge
I guess mooch would be the closest synonym, because it also means "beg" and "get by begging".
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word travois
In English, it's generally pronounced "trah-VOY", even though strictly speaking it should be "trah-VUAH".
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word grosso modo
Literally, it means "(in) a big way" but when used in vernacular, it simply means "roughly".
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word hors d'oeuvre
It simply means an "appetizer" but the funny thing about this word is that it sounds almost like the English "order" pronounced with a French accent.
August 21, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word pusillanimous
I guess this is an onomatopoeia because it sounds similar to what it means.
August 20, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word fap fap fap
This is an onomatopoeia describing a typical lonely guy's Friday night.
August 20, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word perineum
"I'm not exactly a romantic person, but I have to admit that the sight of her pale perineum has always intoxicated me."
August 20, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word paroxysm
"Her sudden paroxysm took me completely by surprise and trapped me in a tangle of her cramped muscles, unable to pull out."
August 20, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word 醸�?�出�?��?�
That's what she said!
August 20, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word bathetic
I don't think it's a coincidence that bathetic people are usually also quite pathetic .
August 20, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word harrow
Verb: to rob of goods by force, especially in time of war
"Russian soldiers went through the Georgian village and left it utterly destroyed and harrowed."
August 19, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word pellucid
As ironic as it may be, using the word "pellucid" in a sentence makes it anything but that.
August 19, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word scrofulous
Adj. Morally degenerate; corrupt: “a scrofulous, grim, darkly funny burlesque on art, celebrity, and love�? (Stephen Schiff)
August 19, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word mick
"The only two things those damn micks are interested in are booze and Jesus."
August 19, 2008
renumeratedfrog commented on the word begaze
There's no such word, officially at least.OK, I stand corrected, but none of the online dictionaries list it. Plus its usage seems to be limited to old poetry.
August 19, 2008