rita commented on the list vega-s-much-loved-and-adored
So THIS is what you've been doing with your time, Vega. xD I see you've made it to the Top Wordie-whatevers list...
December 9, 2006
rita commented on the user amy
Yeah, I'd say that "hee!" describes you pretty much perfectly. <3
December 7, 2006
rita commented on the word geas
Did you happen to find this while reading Lois McMaster Bujold? ;)
December 5, 2006
rita commented on the list things-that-mean-something-to-me
"The Libertine" by Patrick Wolf. <3 Though that may not be what you think of when you think of that word.
rita commented on the user rita
Perhaps it's because my friends randomly accuse me of having romantic relationships that I didn't even know about? That'd do it I think. :P
rita commented on the list ave-s-words
Avendya, you've made Doctor Who an actual WORD. <3 -- Ooh, it's on in twenty-five minutes. This week I will NOT forget to tape it! And thus see it for the first time! ... Wish me luck.
rita commented on the user vega
I forsee us losing many hours of our life to this website. :)
rita commented on the user artfuldodger
Regarding baccalaureate -- word. Er. No pun intended.
Comments by rita
rita commented on the list vega-s-much-loved-and-adored
So THIS is what you've been doing with your time, Vega. xD I see you've made it to the Top Wordie-whatevers list...
December 9, 2006
rita commented on the user amy
Yeah, I'd say that "hee!" describes you pretty much perfectly. <3
December 7, 2006
rita commented on the word geas
Did you happen to find this while reading Lois McMaster Bujold? ;)
December 5, 2006
rita commented on the list things-that-mean-something-to-me
"The Libertine" by Patrick Wolf. <3 Though that may not be what you think of when you think of that word.
December 5, 2006
rita commented on the user rita
Perhaps it's because my friends randomly accuse me of having romantic relationships that I didn't even know about? That'd do it I think. :P
December 5, 2006
rita commented on the list ave-s-words
Avendya, you've made Doctor Who an actual WORD. <3 -- Ooh, it's on in twenty-five minutes. This week I will NOT forget to tape it! And thus see it for the first time! ... Wish me luck.
December 5, 2006
rita commented on the user vega
I forsee us losing many hours of our life to this website. :)
December 5, 2006
rita commented on the user artfuldodger
Regarding baccalaureate -- word. Er. No pun intended.
December 5, 2006