Peak oil - describes a time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction and production is reached and then declines. The concept was first described by geoscientist M.K. Hubbert based on observed production rates of individual oil wells and oil fields. An oil field production rate usually grows exponentially until reaching a peak rate and then declines until the field is depleted. The concept usually refers to the sum of national and/or global rates of petroleum production. Peak oil is the point of maximum production while depletion refers to a period of falling reserves and supply. A very contentious subject, most petroleum economists place the date of peak oil sometime between 1973 and sometime in the near future.
Comments by rpauli
rpauli commented on the list welcome-to-wordnik
Peak oil - describes a time when the maximum rate of global petroleum extraction and production is reached and then declines. The concept was first described by geoscientist M.K. Hubbert based on observed production rates of individual oil wells and oil fields. An oil field production rate usually grows exponentially until reaching a peak rate and then declines until the field is depleted. The concept usually refers to the sum of national and/or global rates of petroleum production. Peak oil is the point of maximum production while depletion refers to a period of falling reserves and supply. A very contentious subject, most petroleum economists place the date of peak oil sometime between 1973 and sometime in the near future.
November 12, 2009
rpauli commented on the word mycodeltiology
Study of postcards with images of mushrooms.
August 17, 2009
rpauli commented on the word mycodeltiology
The study of postcards with images of mushrooms.
June 8, 2009