I really appreciate the existence of this list! You have no idea. However, some of these words are not long u pronounced yu, but are instead the variant vowel sound long oo as in flute or rude. Duke for instance doesn't have the y when pronounced.
I was looking on the long u word list pronounced yu and I noticed some words that are actually long oo; such as duke. One does not hear the y after a d. It's my 2 cents.
Comments by ru2013
Ru2013 commented on the list words-in-which-u-is-pronounced-yu
I really appreciate the existence of this list! You have no idea. However, some of these words are not long u pronounced yu, but are instead the variant vowel sound long oo as in flute or rude. Duke for instance doesn't have the y when pronounced.
May 16, 2013
Ru2013 commented on the user Ru2013
I was looking on the long u word list pronounced yu and I noticed some words that are actually long oo; such as duke. One does not hear the y after a d. It's my 2 cents.
May 16, 2013