sabdawala commented on the word zimzum
Wiki thinks this is a variant of Tzimtzum (צמצו�? )
Is it so??
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word life
life in another mode: जीवन
sabdawala commented on the word उत�?तरअाध�?िनकतवाद
n. postmodernism
sabdawala commented on the word रछान
or does midden mean रछान ?
sabdawala commented on the word midden
sabdawala commented on the list sabdawala-s-words
sabdawala commented on the word सार�?वजनिक
adj. public
sabdawala commented on the word जीवन
ji-wa-na / jiwan
n. life
June 28, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word oölite
oö!! nice diaeresis.
Comments by sabdawala
sabdawala commented on the word zimzum
Wiki thinks this is a variant of Tzimtzum (צמצו�? )
Is it so??
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word life
life in another mode: जीवन
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word उत�?तरअाध�?िनकतवाद
n. postmodernism
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word रछान
or does midden mean रछान ?
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word midden
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the list sabdawala-s-words
or does midden mean रछान ?
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word सार�?वजनिक
adj. public
June 29, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word जीवन
ji-wa-na / jiwan
n. life
June 28, 2007
sabdawala commented on the word oölite
oö!! nice diaeresis.
June 28, 2007