my grandmother was born in 1912 in northern Maine. She passed away about 4½ years ago. I miss her a lot, and I miss hearing her voice and her wonderful stories about the back woods. She used words that I've never heard anyone else use. I'm trying to remember those words, and as I do it, I can hear her voice.
Comments by sabreader
sabreader commented on the list my-grandmother-s-words
my grandmother was born in 1912 in northern Maine. She passed away about 4½ years ago. I miss her a lot, and I miss hearing her voice and her wonderful stories about the back woods. She used words that I've never heard anyone else use. I'm trying to remember those words, and as I do it, I can hear her voice.
April 8, 2007
sabreader commented on the user LibraryThingTim
seems like, given vowel harmony in turkish, it should be bakanlıklarımızdanmısınız ... :-)
December 1, 2006