General distrusting Jamaican patois/term for a businessman, or in particular a salesman. Rather literal, considering what salespeoples are required to do to keep their jobs. Or a politician. I got it from "Crazy Baldheads" by Bob Marley and the Wailers:
A Jamaican man who performs roots reggae. At least, that's the best I can make of it from this song ("Burning and Looting" by Bob Marley and the Wailers):
And thanks for putting in Italy, I wasn't sure about whether or not it was actually bombed by America in World War II. But, then again, I suppose I should know that because I have read Catch-22.
In a vain attempt to end this, I said Palestine because it's more concise than Palestinian National Authority. Also, I included countries which have suffered dictators the US has supported, because the effect is about the same.
Hmm, I wouldn't say that being over the lip is necessary for a moustache - you could grow a beard shaped like a moustache on your cheek and get away with calling it a cheekstache. But moustaches aren't necessary unbroken, either, so if a monobrow is a moustache, then normal, separated eyebrows would be just as moustache-like.
Coincidentally, I was reading an article about the 'Top 25 Mullets in Rock History', and the author described Rod Stewart as have a 'pubic moustache' as well:
The University of Western Australia is called UWA, and is full of potential lawyers.
The University of South Australia is called UniSA, as the Americans have taken USA away from us.
The University of Victoria, which should be called UV, and could be called UVA, is commonly referred to as UVic, which sound like a Slavic adjective for a part of the human anatomy.
The University of New South Wales is called UNSW, which sounds like an obscure United Nations program.
The University of Queensland is simply known as UQ, as Queenslanders are bogans and cannot digest longer acronyms.
There is no University of the Northern Territory, as nobody lives there because there are too many crocodiles.
The University of Tasmania doesn't have an acronym, because Tasmanians are weird and look like hobbits.
Yes. I am quite immature. I am probably a young teenager with nothing better to do than harass and offend intelligent, open minded people such as yourself and plague unsuspecting websites with juvenile humour.
Kinda sad to think the same people who were laughing at this at the time saw no problem with indigenous people getting paid in rations and living in shanty towns at the edge of cities and townships.
Quite possibly the best cheap bakery cake you can buy. They sell these things here (in Perth, Western Australia) for fundraisers at about four dollars for a box of eight or more. Great stuff.
The term political correctness was invented by people who wanted a justification to be ignore cultural context. I like those two a lot - there can never be enough different words for breast milk (i.e. bitty). I've edited the list so you can put those two in if you want.
I just wish they'd retcon her out of the whole series - but I guess I don't like much of TNG anyway, too sterile. But it still was a bit of fun. First Contact was awesome. And her role in that was actually somewhat entertaining.
A rather boring Star Trek species. Deanna Troi was a member of this race and, for some reason, even though she was only ship's counsellor, managed to get a spot on the bridge. Only in the eighties.
A nipple that is also a complete prick. Such creatures are know to point towards the person you're dating at an expensive restaurant and firm up horribly after vacating swimming pools.
Quite apart from the already-present and somewhat homoerotic definition, to gripple is to, quite simply, grab ahold of a nipple. Preferably someone else's, otherwise it would just hurt.
This method of hirsute geometry was gradually phased out due to the frequency of dislodged vegetable matter interfering with the cortical time/space index at the very root of beard relativity.
After a long slog at work, there was nothing Hank wanted more than to drop lazily on to the couch - but his wife had left him an unfortunate surprise...
Comments by sakhalinskii
sakhalinskii commented on the word onuh
I think it means "I don't know" or "I know". I found it in here:
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word stawt
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word fah
For, spoken through the nose.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word smawt
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word hawt
Heart. As in, you don't have one.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word gi
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word fraid
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word caah
I think it's because. "but yuh a tell mi yuh nuh fraid fi pop it off / caah yuh love hear di big dog a bawk" from Gash Dem by Chuck Fendah.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word bawk
Bark, of the dog persuasion. Heard it in a Chuck Fendah song, transcribed in the lyrics.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word gonna
Because 'going to' sounds a bit Chinese.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word skinhead
Poor white dudes who shave their heads, listen to hardcore punk, fuck the police and don't like foreigners.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word baldhead
Skinhead. Jamaican slang.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word yown
'Our town'. Jamaican slang.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word conman
General distrusting Jamaican patois/term for a businessman, or in particular a salesman. Rather literal, considering what salespeoples are required to do to keep their jobs. Or a politician. I got it from "Crazy Baldheads" by Bob Marley and the Wailers:
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word roots man
A Jamaican man who performs roots reggae. At least, that's the best I can make of it from this song ("Burning and Looting" by Bob Marley and the Wailers):
"Give me the food and let me grow / Let the roots man take a blow."
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the word manboobs
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the user madmouth
I'll try to, but I'm not sure of some of them - I found a few in lyrics to dancehall songs.
June 9, 2009
sakhalinskii commented on the list countries-the-united-states-has-bombed-invaded
If the bombing/invasion itself is one of the only reasons it didn't become a country, then I guess that counts.
November 12, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word caucasian
The first definition is antiquated:
November 11, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list countries-the-united-states-has-bombed-invaded
And thanks for putting in Italy, I wasn't sure about whether or not it was actually bombed by America in World War II. But, then again, I suppose I should know that because I have read Catch-22.
November 11, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list countries-the-united-states-has-bombed-invaded
In a vain attempt to end this, I said Palestine because it's more concise than Palestinian National Authority. Also, I included countries which have suffered dictators the US has supported, because the effect is about the same.
November 11, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word pianist
And whoever said rude humour wasn't allowed on this site. :P
November 9, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nubile
It reminds me of nipples.
November 9, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word niger
Actually, Niger doesn't rhyme with tiger. It is pronounced 'nee-jair'.
November 9, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word afghani
The currency, not the demonym.
November 7, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word national security
I think Noam Chomsky described it as "a euphemism for war against the domestic population."
September 20, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word paul mccartney
See also: git.
September 20, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word canada
According to the Stuff White People Like blog, the country all liberals threaten to move to every time a conservative president is elected.
September 20, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word murder
Unlawful killing. As opposed to lawful killing, I guess.
September 20, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word deathstick
"You want to buy some deathsticks?"
ZOMG. I just thought of a new, extra-nerdy list:
George Lucas's Star Wars Prequel Embarrassments
September 1, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list the-moustache
Hmm, I wouldn't say that being over the lip is necessary for a moustache - you could grow a beard shaped like a moustache on your cheek and get away with calling it a cheekstache. But moustaches aren't necessary unbroken, either, so if a monobrow is a moustache, then normal, separated eyebrows would be just as moustache-like.
Coincidentally, I was reading an article about the 'Top 25 Mullets in Rock History', and the author described Rod Stewart as have a 'pubic moustache' as well:
There's also another relevant list you may be interested in, the Top 15 Moustaches in Rock History:
September 1, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word moustache cup
Ah, I see. What would you do with it?
August 29, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word mutton chops
RIP Graeme Garden's career. The BBC should give him his own comedy series to write.
August 29, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word moustache cup
Try as I might, I can't create a mental image as to what this would look like. :P
August 29, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word mo
Short for moustache.
August 29, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word miley
Eh... who cares about Miley Cyrus.
August 29, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word pussify
I'm with rolig. "Grow a pair of ovaries." "That'll fertilise your eggs!"
August 29, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word ponoj
A river in far-eastern Kareliya. Sounds like a nonsense-word. :P
August 28, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word lotta
A river in East Kareliya.
August 28, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word this is the internet
Not a garden party. Sorry for being conceited by saying this. :P
August 28, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word gobbledygook
This is the internet.
August 28, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list words-that-are-also-tv-shows
How about Spooks, or Global Village?
August 28, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word gobbledygook
Oh dear, I have been caught out.
August 28, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word yes siree bob
For greatest possible effect, enunciate 'Bob' so that it is indistinguishable from barb.
August 28, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word kersnipple
See: happiness patrol
August 10, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word playgirls now
Oh dear. Nevermind her, she's Russian.
August 10, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word eclair
Bakery products in the fourth dimension, it would appear.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word gobbledygook
Colloquial name for American English.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word bullwaxings
Ziplock bags filled with hair that you can buy on eBay.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word eclair
An unsavoury combination of pastry, cream, chocolate and the French.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word burp-baby
A bizarre sexual act involving soft drink, nappies, an oversized novelty palm and a close friend.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word snogging
Kissing, hugging and salivating all over the carpet. Preferably in an automobile of some variety.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word conk
Immediately followed by "Ouch!"
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word kersnipple
Something to say while accidentally destroying your partner's anatomy with a dangeously misplaced razor.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word Ȫ
An angry monobrowed bastard.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word mary sue
Has a new pair of crocs.
August 8, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word laxative
Toilet, in a pill.
August 5, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word whinger
Someone who complains to a whingee.
August 5, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word lolicon
Young anime girls exploring their sexuality. Oh dear.
August 4, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word femslash
Pretty much any role Uma Thurman's been in.
August 4, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word twincest
If they're identical, is this narcissism?
August 4, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word bindi
I don't think she's being exploited per se...
August 4, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word war on everything
"The first step towards world domination."
August 4, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word negligee
Something you would appear to have caught me wearing, and little else, bursting into my hotel room so late. *Acts coy*
August 4, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word uva
Only in Queensland. :P
August 3, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word uva
Bilby: Heheheheh, at least it lets them buy their beer and their porn at the same place in the supermarket.
August 2, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word uva
Just thought I'd contribute a bit:
The University of Western Australia is called UWA, and is full of potential lawyers.
The University of South Australia is called UniSA, as the Americans have taken USA away from us.
The University of Victoria, which should be called UV, and could be called UVA, is commonly referred to as UVic, which sound like a Slavic adjective for a part of the human anatomy.
The University of New South Wales is called UNSW, which sounds like an obscure United Nations program.
The University of Queensland is simply known as UQ, as Queenslanders are bogans and cannot digest longer acronyms.
There is no University of the Northern Territory, as nobody lives there because there are too many crocodiles.
The University of Tasmania doesn't have an acronym, because Tasmanians are weird and look like hobbits.
August 2, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list miscellany-pt-f
Poor Fanny. :P
August 2, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word snipple
It would appear violence and pornography has inroads in linguistics as well.
August 2, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the falls
Close to what?
August 2, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word snipple
Yes. I am quite immature. I am probably a young teenager with nothing better to do than harass and offend intelligent, open minded people such as yourself and plague unsuspecting websites with juvenile humour.
August 2, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word um, like
Verbal white space.
August 1, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word wankster
A gangster who enjoys bukkake.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word knock-off
To silence.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word unda
Latin, 'wave'.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word oriri
Latin, 'to be born'.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word metohkangmi
Tibetan, 'foul snowman'.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word horrere
Latin, 'to shudder'.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word moggy
A rather soggy cat.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word brevis
Latin, 'brief.'
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word phallic
Isn't whether something is wide or long dependent on what angle you're looking at it from?
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word abaissier
Old French, 'to make low.'
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word bæftan
Old English, 'abaft.'
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word abax
Ancient Greek, 'board covered with sand.'
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word minge
For some reason, I associate this word with a bad perm.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word chateau louis saint george wogga wogga
Kinda sad to think the same people who were laughing at this at the time saw no problem with indigenous people getting paid in rations and living in shanty towns at the edge of cities and townships.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word a minge of badgers
And entertainment value it has. Oh boy... :P
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word ∞
"An 8 that has fallen asleep." - Perfection.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the cat's ass
Wouldn't this refer to an aesthetic vulgarity that refuses to go away, no matter how many times you tell it to put down its tail?
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word a wedge of geese
I prefer a slice of goose, myself.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word suicide
Not insightful, not necessary either.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list 2008-wordlist
I want to make a smart comment about your use of the word mouthfeel in a sentence about nipples, but I think what's said has been said.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list ready-set-guess-this-language
Possibly Tagalog?
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word bat and ball
See also frank and beans.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word tempt me not
"For I am an old man and you are but a pretty young lass, and I cannot be held responsible for whatever action I may pursue."
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list psychedelicatessen
That French film, except this time starring William Shatner.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word varken
Heheheh, pigs always screw things up. :P
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word a minge of badgers
Sounds somewhat painful.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word agelast
One who has imbibed water from the fountain of youth.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word tubicination
The attempted physical justification of the mistaken belief that the internet is a series of tubes.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word principple
I do not believe I have ever come across an unethical nipple, but I am willing to suspend disbelief.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word suicide
A logical conclusion to an illogical life.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word post-adolescent
All the fun of adolescent hormones without the excitement of adolescent curiousity.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word callipygian
"I wouldn't fuck her with my own ass." - Tourette's Guy
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word chairman wow!
An expression of nerdy amazement, referencing the late Chinese leader Mao.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word lamington
Perhaps they use the money to make more lamingtons, contributing to a vicious, yet very tasty cycle of production.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nipslip
The consequence of inadequate clothing.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list lost-for-word
"Your outrageous retort has disabled my ability to form basic plurals."
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word lamington
Quite possibly the best cheap bakery cake you can buy. They sell these things here (in Perth, Western Australia) for fundraisers at about four dollars for a box of eight or more. Great stuff.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list a-glossary-of-nipples
The term political correctness was invented by people who wanted a justification to be ignore cultural context. I like those two a lot - there can never be enough different words for breast milk (i.e. bitty). I've edited the list so you can put those two in if you want.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nipple
I do try. :P
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word wow
I was not aware words existed in the third dimension
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word photography
The art of capturing a fleeting moment of reality and staring at it for a really long time, before finally giving up playing WOW.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word phallic
Can the internet be considered phallic?
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nipplefruit
Nature can be so dirty.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nipple
That is both irreverent and irrelevant, thank you.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word ineffable
Something that it is impossible to apply the f word to.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word abonomible
A mible belonging to Bono.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word rohirric
I think Dwarfish was meant to be Gaelic.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word betazoid
I just wish they'd retcon her out of the whole series - but I guess I don't like much of TNG anyway, too sterile. But it still was a bit of fun. First Contact was awesome. And her role in that was actually somewhat entertaining.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word bumble bee
A bee that bumbles. Often somebody's sidekick.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word rohirric
A minor language spoken in the Lord of the Rings novels - I suppose it's meant to be the equivalent of Cornish.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word betazoid
A rather boring Star Trek species. Deanna Troi was a member of this race and, for some reason, even though she was only ship's counsellor, managed to get a spot on the bridge. Only in the eighties.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the porch
Ugh, I can see spiderwebs in the rafters. :(
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word foodism
Food that offends; food advocated by nudity.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list a-glossary-of-nipples
I don't have a clue what people are doing with this site in general. And principple is almost perfection.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nipple
I apologise for offending, I meant only to be irrelevant.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nipple
The female penis.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word wildware
Oh dear. Is this by any chance connotating furry fandom?
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word fripple
Nipples that will break off if poorly handled.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word pipple
An extra consonant present in some languages that involves complicated articulation of one or several nipples.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word quipple
To enact a linguistic retort via the medium of nipples.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word shipple
Profanity of the nipples.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word pripple
A nipple that is also a complete prick. Such creatures are know to point towards the person you're dating at an expensive restaurant and firm up horribly after vacating swimming pools.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word snipple
To remove a nipple with a pair of scissors.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word either very unfortunate or a very bad man
I vote we ship the bastard off to Geneva.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word tipple
A nipple dipped in tea.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word gripple
Quite apart from the already-present and somewhat homoerotic definition, to gripple is to, quite simply, grab ahold of a nipple. Preferably someone else's, otherwise it would just hurt.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word miffle
A hirsute, yet mildly voluptuous nipple.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word flipple
A nipple that is easily twanged.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word perswipple
A nipple waterlogged with perspiration.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word swipple
A waterlogged nipple.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word shiffle
A confident, mashmallow-like nipple with a positive mental attitude.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word swippage
Several wet nipples.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word swipper
A wet nipple.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word ouch
The process of applying nipple clamps.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word boobetting
The process of developing boobettes.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word beeves
It sounds very European.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the list a-glossary-of-nipples
I'll do my best. :P
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word callipygienthusiasm
The male process of finding oneself attracted to spurious eyebrows.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word yo
Awesome comments. :P
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word fi
Jamaican - can mean for or from.
July 31, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word no
Means no. It does not mean yes, or maybe.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word inna
"Welcome to Jamrock, camp whe' da' thugs them camp at
Two pounds a weed inna van back
It inna your hand bag, your knapsack, it inna your back pack
The smell a give yah girlfriend contact" - Welcome to Jamrock, Damien Marley
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word ragamuffin
An aspiring rudeboy.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word stipple
An erect nipple facing north.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word machturtle
Clearly it's meant to refer to a quantum paradox.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word beard-second
This method of hirsute geometry was gradually phased out due to the frequency of dislodged vegetable matter interfering with the cortical time/space index at the very root of beard relativity.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nemaides
I disagree. Nemaides is much less bestial and pedoish.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word chevron
The private sector's alternative to the Catholic church.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word satan
Any economist that has, at one time or another, worked for Chevron.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word burniture
A small northeastern European nation known for cold winters and unavailable tinder.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word nemaides
Nude French maids. It only makes sense.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word digladiation
Yet another word for the removal of various genitalia...
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word kangaroo court
A court that involves a disproportionately high number of Australians.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word red-ringed madrona sucker
See Richard Simmons.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word booty and beauty
The naive conservative felt he needed to sound urban as well as patriarchal.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word arab strap
The best kind of strap, I'm sure.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the falls
The Tower
(Hal Porter)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the ground
Ned Kelly
(Douglas Stewart)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the right!
The One Day of the Year
(Alan Seymour)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the permits
(David McLellan)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word as face
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word mother execration
The Outsider
(Albert Camus)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word today hands
Wild Cat Falling
(Colin Johnson)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word carl goal
Jung - Selected Writings
(Anthony Storr)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word bloomin' dildo
After a long slog at work, there was nothing Hank wanted more than to drop lazily on to the couch - but his wife had left him an unfortunate surprise...
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word aggressively apathetic
The media's idea of neutrality.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word danger: i am wearing blue suede footwear.
Fear the fashion sense.
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word not trees
The Moose and Rusty Jones
(Sir Charles George Douglas Roberts)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word one said
A Horseman In the Sky
(Ambrose Bierce)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word dave da-a-ve!
The Loaded Dog
(Henry Lawson)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the bush
The Drover's Wife
(Henry Lawson)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word i out
The Red Lantern
(Richard Hughes)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word he good
Billy - The Dog That Made Good
(E. Thompson Seton)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the flight
His First Flight
(Liam O'Flaherty)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word it father
The Lost Child
(Mulk Raj Anand)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word at garden
Rodney Darling
(Roland Pertwee)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word certainly see
The New Accelerator
(H. G. Wells)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word one magi
The Gift of the Magi
(O. Henry)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word about month
A Golden Shanty
(Edward George Dyson)
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word it story!
The Story-Teller
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word norman soap
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the harm
Two Typhoons - Shalimar
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the bartholomew
Baptising Bartholomew - Steele Rudd
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word holmes estate
The Dancing Men - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word to hill
A Source of Irritation - Stacy Aumonier
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word by thing
The Envelope - J. Storer Clouston
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word far mind
So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish - Douglas Adams
July 30, 2008
sakhalinskii commented on the word the said
Life, the Universe and Everything - Douglas Adams
July 30, 2008
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