Whoa! I am such a Harry Potter geek, it's not even funny. There's not a single spell, charm, curse, etc. I don't know. I feel like such a loser for that, but it's cool. Also, in lieu of Azerath, Metrion, Zinthoss!, you could have Necronam, Hezberek, Mortyx!, or Alduron Enlenthranell Losolonarisnor!, or finally, Hezberek Etmoriney Gost Wenthin Verbus Nex Ind Obrium Bispendrule Paran Sic Cortis Rex! I would say more, but I don't want to be more verbose than I already am, so later...
Comments by samuraizack
samuraizack commented on the word enoch arden
noun--a missing person who is presumed dead but is later found to be alive
November 22, 2009
samuraizack commented on the list klaatu-barada-n-necktie-nickel-klaatu-barada-nahagablaga
Whoa! I am such a Harry Potter geek, it's not even funny. There's not a single spell, charm, curse, etc. I don't know. I feel like such a loser for that, but it's cool. Also, in lieu of Azerath, Metrion, Zinthoss!, you could have Necronam, Hezberek, Mortyx!, or Alduron Enlenthranell Losolonarisnor!, or finally, Hezberek Etmoriney Gost Wenthin Verbus Nex Ind Obrium Bispendrule Paran Sic Cortis Rex! I would say more, but I don't want to be more verbose than I already am, so later...
May 23, 2007
samuraizack commented on the word vapulequimortiphobia
If it is the fear of "listening" to that, shouldn't there be some form of the Latin word audire (to hear) in there?
May 23, 2007
samuraizack commented on the word cognitive dissonance
I've actually used this in context multiple times before. Usually talking about my family...
May 23, 2007
samuraizack commented on the word divestipolychromatocryptovestimentsphilia
Although this is not in the dictionary, it is still considered a word meaning:
"The urge to remove men's underwear"
March 10, 2007
samuraizack commented on the user samuraizack
I swear I utilize the word "abscond" at least 8 times a day. I love this word. I don't know why, but I love this word!
December 12, 2006