: success; especially : material or worldly success
from dictionary.com:
bitch goddess
worldly or material success personified as a goddess, esp. one requiring sacrifice and being essentially destructive: He went to New York to worship the bitch goddess.
"Resistentialism has long been used in our family to explain the inexplicable: Why light switches, fixed in place in daylight hours, elude groping hands in darkness. Why shoestrings break when we are in a hurry... The explanation for these and many more daily occurrences is that there is no such thing as an inanimate object. Seemingly inanimate objects actually resist those they are intended to serve."
Myron A. Marty; Hostile Inanimate Objects Have Their Murphy's Law; St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri); Sep 15, 1996.
Comments by sana.ehtisham
sana.ehtisham commented on the word bitch goddess
from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bitch%20goddess:
Main Entry: bitch goddess
Function: noun
Date: 1906
: success; especially : material or worldly success
from dictionary.com:
bitch goddess
worldly or material success personified as a goddess, esp. one requiring sacrifice and being essentially destructive: He went to New York to worship the bitch goddess.
September 29, 2009
sana.ehtisham commented on the word resistentialism
from wordsmith.org:
resistentialism (ri-zis-TEN-shul-iz-um) noun
The theory that inanimate objects demonstrate hostile behavior toward us.
Coined by humorist Paul Jennings as a blend of the Latin res (thing) + French resister (to resist) + existentialism (a kind of philosophy).
"Resistentialism has long been used in our family to explain the inexplicable: Why light switches, fixed in place in daylight hours, elude groping hands in darkness. Why shoestrings break when we are in a hurry... The explanation for these and many more daily occurrences is that there is no such thing as an inanimate object. Seemingly inanimate objects actually resist those they are intended to serve."
Myron A. Marty; Hostile Inanimate Objects Have Their Murphy's Law; St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri); Sep 15, 1996.
September 29, 2009