(n.) - error, wrongdoing; a misunderstanding in which one thing is taken for another. "A term used by Harold Bloom to describe the process by which strong writers misread or misinterpret their literary predecessors so as to clear imaginative space for themselves. According to Bloom, every poem is a misprision or misconstrual of a hypothetical parent poem."
Comments by seancroft
seancroft commented on the word filigreed
1. delicate ornamental work of fine silver, gold, or other metal wires, esp. lacy jewelers' work of scrolls and arabesques.
2. anything very delicate or fanciful: a filigree of frost.
3. composed of or resembling filigree.
–verb (used with object)
4. to adorn with or form into filigree.
February 8, 2009
seancroft commented on the word incipit
1. the introductory words or opening phrases in the text of a medieval manuscript or an early printed book.
2. Music. the first words of a chanted liturgical text, as that of a Gregorian chant or certain medieval motets.
January 31, 2009
seancroft commented on the word transom
5. Nautical.
a. a flat termination to a stern, above the water line.
b. framework running athwartships in way of the sternpost of a steel or iron vessel, used as a support for the frames of the counter.
December 24, 2008
seancroft commented on the word sheer
3. Shipbuilding. to give sheer to (a hull).
4. a deviation or divergence, as of a ship from its course; swerve.
5. Shipbuilding. the fore-and-aft upward curve of the hull of a vessel at the main deck or bulwarks.
6. Nautical. the position in which a ship at anchor is placed to keep it clear of the anchor.
December 24, 2008
seancroft commented on the word misprision
(n.) - error, wrongdoing; a misunderstanding in which one thing is taken for another. "A term used by Harold Bloom to describe the process by which strong writers misread or misinterpret their literary predecessors so as to clear imaginative space for themselves. According to Bloom, every poem is a misprision or misconstrual of a hypothetical parent poem."
December 12, 2008
seancroft commented on the word dysmorphology
(n.) - the study of abnormal form
December 11, 2008
seancroft commented on the word teratalogy
(n.) - disfiguring birth defects or malformations
December 11, 2008
seancroft commented on the word pluterperfect
(adj.) more than perfect
October 30, 2008