seraphim7210 commented on the word pistanthrophobia
Fear of trusting people due to bad past experiences.
November 18, 2014
seraphim7210 commented on the word hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
Fear of the number '666'
September 19, 2011
seraphim7210 commented on the word atelophobia
The fear of imperfection, of not being good enough.
September 6, 2011
seraphim7210 commented on the word cherophobia
A fear of happiness or merriment.
seraphim7210 commented on the word ataxophobia
Fear of chaos, disorder, and untidiness.
seraphim7210 commented on the word sialorrhea
This kind of drooling isn't what you do while sleeping, but rather the slack-jaw, resting drooling caused by being zoned out on sedatives or antipsychotic drugs.
December 6, 2009
Comments by seraphim7210
seraphim7210 commented on the word pistanthrophobia
Fear of trusting people due to bad past experiences.
November 18, 2014
seraphim7210 commented on the word hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
Fear of the number '666'
September 19, 2011
seraphim7210 commented on the word atelophobia
The fear of imperfection, of not being good enough.
September 6, 2011
seraphim7210 commented on the word cherophobia
A fear of happiness or merriment.
September 6, 2011
seraphim7210 commented on the word ataxophobia
Fear of chaos, disorder, and untidiness.
September 6, 2011
seraphim7210 commented on the word sialorrhea
This kind of drooling isn't what you do while sleeping, but rather the slack-jaw, resting drooling caused by being zoned out on sedatives or antipsychotic drugs.
December 6, 2009