It’s an old, familiar idea: Truth is beauty. Beauty is truth. They go together, inextricable, like friendship and laughter, or road work and traffic. Gazing at the universe will always satisfy your aesthetic itch—and if not, then you probably suck at gazing. In her new book Lost in Math, physicist Sabine Hossenfelder lofts a very skeptical eyebrow at this orthodoxy.
Clever people—quick studies—are often like this. They have properly intellectual gifts, but they lack the patience for attention’s long, slow gaze (on which see below), and so their intellectual life coruscates, sparking here and there like a firefly on the porch, but illuminating nothing for long
Clever people—quick studies—are often like this. They have properly intellectual gifts, but they lack the patience for attention’s long, slow gaze (on which see below), and so their intellectual life coruscates, sparking here and there like a firefly on the porch, but it illuminate nothing for long
John Kerrigan charted the ways in which the so-called ‘spatial turn’ across the humanities and social sciences was shaping and enriching contemporary critical practice in the final years of the twentieth century
We chart our way to glory and fame.
The only thing I wouldn't expect him to do on your behalf is charting the safe way to come back graduate school.
others say that the disgrace and ignominy with which God afflicts disbelievers and in which He leaves them to continue for a long time is tantamount to mockery (R).
others say that the disgrace and ignominy with which God afflicts disbelievers and in which He leaves them to continue for a long time is tantamount to mockery (R).
The Newport system was quite widely criticized. It was seen by some as being old fashioned, perhaps even reactionary, harking back (hark back) to the dying traditions of magazine photojournalism within the publications Picture Post and Life magazine rather than aligning itself with contemporary trends and emerging practices within documentary photography.
Various state and civil society organizations jockeyed with each other to speak on behalf of Islam and, equally important, to instruct the state in matters of morality and religion.
As he was admiring the huge screen sizes, the images of tropical fish that had been on the loop DVD suddenly changed to images of scantilyclad Western women frolicking at the beach.
Eager to parlay his public pulpit into political capital, Aa Gym insisted that the perils of pornography could only be overcome by cultivating one’s sense of shame.
Vicissitudes of Vision: Piety, Pornography, and Shaming the State in Indonesia
Eager to parlay his public pulpit into political capital, Aa Gym insisted that the perils of pornography could only be overcome by cultivating one’s sense of shame.
Vicissitudes of Vision: Piety, Pornography, and Shaming the State in Indonesia
With that in mind, those who have not read the Quran will see that it is a capstone to all the Scriptures of the West: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim; all of which share the same God, but use different metaphors by which to worship YHWH, the Trinity, or Allah.
"the cause of problems which are immanent to today's global capitalism is projected onto an external intruder. Anti-immigrant racism and sexism is not dangerous because it lies; it is at its most dangerous when its lie is presented in the form of a (partial) factual truth."
Ingstad and Whyte noted this gap in their pioneering edited collection Disability and Culture (1995) 20 years ago; Kasnitz and Shuttleworth made the same point a few years later (2001a, b); and, according to Rapp and Ginsburg (2012; Ginsburg and Rapp 2013), the lacuna still remains.
Despite the proliferation of disability studies (DS) in the USA and Britain over the last three decades, anthropology—for a discipline committed to understanding alterity, has contributed surprisingly little to the study of disability.
When Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas negotiated a solution for Jerusalem, they assumed a capital for each state, a Palestinian one in East Jerusalem and a Jewish one in the West, but a common municipal administration, and a new international committee, in which they would jointly participate, to act as custodian of the “Holy Basin,” in effect, the whole of the Old City. What are these—the municipality and the custodian—if not confederal institutions?
To compete on wide-bandwidth infrastructure, as Jawwal (Paltel’s mobile division) has tried to do, it must not be preempted by rival Israeli telecom operators using settlements as placement for transmission towers to which Jawwal has no access. With peace, Paltel and Israeli telecommunications companies could partner in the Gulf.
Grotesquely, they rally much of West Jerusalem to theocracy and treat Arab neighbors with contempt. (There are, as I have argued elsewhere, sound reasons to subject the settlements to an international boycott.)
transitive v. To subjugate; subdue: overcome, quieten, or bring under control (a feeling or person).
But most also frame the solution as separation—a “dignified divorce,” as the writer Amos Oz put it. They elide demographic facts, or imminent dangers, that critics of two states reasonably believe, most ordinary people see, and extremists on both sides shrewdly traffic in—none of which would disappear if these same extremists were forced to the margins.
Such a state would notionally take the divided citizens of the Israeli state—which is democratic in many respects, but pampers rabbinic theocrats and nationalistic populists—and jam them together with residents of the Palestinian territories, also divided, with a majority too accustomed to authoritarian leaders, and who take the Islamic faith, clan loyalties, and regional Arabism for granted.
Such a state would notionally take the divided citizens of the Israeli state—which is democratic in many respects, but pampers rabbinic theocrats and nationalistic populists—and jam them together with residents of the Palestinian territories, also divided, with a majority too accustomed to authoritarian leaders, and who take the Islamic faith, clan loyalties, and regional Arabism for granted.
But a constituency for peace remains and its numbers fall—as survey researchers Khalil Shikaki and Dahlia Scheindlin have shown—because moderate majorities “increasingly doubt its viability,” largely because they have grown jaded regarding the intentions of the other side, not because, in principle, they refuse the compromises two states would entail.
What if when Luffy defeats Katakuri and comes out of the mirror, he sees Sanji standing over Oven and the rest of the army that he defeated, lighting his cigarette like a badass. Oven and everyone else there will be pretty much fodder for Sanji, Snack will be his true challenge.
“When one turns to the nature of the assembled Quranic text , the first point to be addressed is the character of the Arabic language and the script in which it is couched. Arabic is considered a West Semitic language, and it belongs to the family of languages with alphabetic scripts (such as Hebrew, Aramaic and Ethiopic), which all ultimately descend from ancient Phoenician. Old written forms of the Arabic language are found in rock inscriptions throughout the Arabian Peninsula, which employ several different scripts ultimately derived from South Arabia. Arabic speakers also used the Nabatean script from the second century BCE, notably in the city of Petra (in modern Jordan), and that became the basis for the distinctive Arabic script that emerged in Syria and northwest Arabia in the sixth century CE, sometimes in multilingual inscriptions that included Greek or Syriac.
transitive v. To word in a certain manner; phrase: couched their protests in diplomatic language.
How to Read the Quran –Carl W Ernst – Edinburgh University Press – 2012
A number of theories have been advanced in recent years by European writers, questioning the traditional account of its composition. Some have proposed that the Quran was actually assembled as long as two centuries after the time of Prophet Muhammad. This hypothetical argument has not gained much traction, because of a lack of supporting evidence.
If you haven’t read Mitchell’s book, you’d have no clue what makes it so thrilling and unique—and you’ll be mightily confused for at least the first hour. If you have read it, you’d be wise to preserve your fond memories and steer clear of this earnest but misbegotten adaptation, which reduces a moving tour de force to a dull and homiletic house of frenetically shuffled cards.
But whatever the source of this legend, and irrespective of whether it is of Jewish or Christian origin, the fact remains that it is used in the Qur'an in a purely parabolic sense: namely, as an illustration of God's power to bring about death (or "sleep") and resurrection (or "awakening'); and, secondly, as an allegory of the piety that induces men to abandon a wicked or frivolous world in order to keep their faith unsullied, and of God's recognition of that faith by His bestowal of a spiritual awakening which transcends time and death
The message of the quran by muhammad asad, al kahfi
This episode we travel to a future where the 2020 census goes haywire. What happens if we don’t get an accurate count of Americans? Who cares? Apparently the constitution does!
"“I’m not a sanctimonious reader,” she says, “but I think there’s a cumulative beauty that can be achieved in books that you can’t really get on the internet.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
"“I’m not a sanctimonious reader,” she says, “but I think there’s a cumulative beauty that can be achieved in books that you can’t really get on the internet.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
"As a teen, Christopher Hitchens was a voracious but directionless reader, later recalling, “I was too brittle to decide among so many possible treats.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
"Supine for weeks or months at a time, Connolly could spring up when needed and, provided there was secretarial help on hand, thrash out an overdue essay or review, rush a magazine to print."
"Supine for weeks or months at a time, Connolly could spring up when needed and, provided there was secretarial help on hand, thrash out an overdue essay or review, rush a magazine to print."
"Here he anatomizes his worst traits: laziness, nostalgia, gluttony, hypochondria, some essential frivolity of mind that means his writing will always be summed up as “‘brilliant’ – that is, not worth doing”."
"Here he anatomizes his worst traits: laziness, nostalgia, gluttony, hypochondria, some essential frivolity of mind that means his writing will always be summed up as “‘brilliant’ – that is, not worth doing”."
"A corollary to this, is that by teaching something to someone, you actually end up understanding it better, because it forces you to refine your thinking."
Source: 8 Ways To Help You Learn Everything Faster
"Humans are therefore faced with an invidious choice once they learn about Roko’s Basilisk: they can help to build the superintelligence, or face painful and unending perdition at the hands of a future, ultra-rational AI."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
"Humans are therefore faced with an invidious choice once they learn about Roko’s Basilisk: they can help to build the superintelligence, or face painful and unending perdition at the hands of a future, ultra-rational AI."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
"Adhering adhere'>adhere to a view of history as a teleological climb by humanity to greater and greater heights of rationality, they see religion as an irrational vestige of a more primitive mankind. "
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
"Adhering adhere'>adhere to a view of history as a teleological climb by humanity to greater and greater heights of rationality, they see religion as an irrational vestige of a more primitive mankind. "
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
"We usher in the AI future on the wings of angels, because the heavy lifting of the imagination isn’t possible without their pinion feathers – whether we think of them as artificial or divine."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
"We usher in the AI future on the wings of angels, because the heavy lifting of the imagination isn’t possible without their pinion feathers – whether we think of them as artificial or divine."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
"We usher in the AI future on the wings of angels, because the heavy lifting of the imagination isn’t possible without their pinion feathers – whether we think of them as artificial or divine."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
"I'm going to agree with the pornification point. It takes me out of the show. I become aware of the set, and start thinking about how gratuitous it is. It's so posed and unnatural that it's more cringeworthy than titillating."
Source: What are some criticisms of Game of Thrones?
"I'm going to agree with the pornification point. It takes me out of the show. I become aware of the set, and start thinking about how gratuitous it is. It's so posed and unnatural that it's more cringeworthy than titillating."
Source: What are some criticisms of Game of Thrones?
"I'm going to agree with the pornification point. It takes me out of the show. I become aware of the set, and start thinking about how gratuitous it is. It's so posed and unnatural that it's more cringeworthy than titillating."
Source: What are some criticisms of Game of Thrones?
"As the West came to look at the Islamic world through the lens of the “clash” of civilizations thesis, seemingly corroborated by terrorist attacks and wars, scholars sharpened their pencils to contest that perception."
"As the West came to look at the Islamic world through the lens of the “clash” of civilizations thesis, seemingly corroborated by terrorist attacks and wars, scholars sharpened their pencils to contest that perception."
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errantmusings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errantmusings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errantmusings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errantmusings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
" His ignorance of history, his specious use of false equivalency and his absence of even a smidgen of moral sensitivity is not only embarrassing, but also quite scary."
" His ignorance of history, his specious use of false equivalency and his absence of even a smidgen of moral sensitivity is not only embarrassing, but also quite scary."
"My one-and-a-half-times veiled (once by the sequestered school and another half by the head scarf), newly pious self appeared sufficiently recalcitrant."
Source: Putting on the Veil: Boys Invade an All-Girls School
"My one-and-a-half-times veiled (once by the sequestered school and another half by the head scarf), newly pious self appeared sufficiently recalcitrant."
Source: Putting on the Veil: Boys Invade an All-Girls School
" In the light of such new frameworks that are no more dependent on recourse to a numinous entity in order to sustain worldviews and moral imperatives, Iqbāl was left with little choice to critically engage with its foundations, as long as he wanted to sustain his conviction in the absolute inevitability of a religious grounding of all human pursuit."
Source: “I Pine for True Closeness”: Muḥammad Iqbāl’s Uneasy Relationship with Christianity, and the Islamic Social Ideal
" In the light of such new frameworks that are no more dependent on recourse to a numinous entity in order to sustain worldviews and moral imperatives, Iqbāl was left with little choice to critically engage with its foundations, as long as he wanted to sustain his conviction in the absolute inevitability of a religious grounding of all human pursuit."
Source: “I Pine for True Closeness”: Muḥammad Iqbāl’s Uneasy Relationship with Christianity, and the Islamic Social Ideal
Perhaps, this is why that moment in "The Two Towers", when awash in golden light, Gandalf and the Rohirrim arrive in deus ex machina fashion is on my top ten list of movie-manipulated affects.
Like Aragorn, I look left, right, east, west, something, and at just the opportune moment, I espy fireworks, orange, fuschia, and dazzlingly green; I am momentarily light.
intransitive v. To exist in a state of physical or mental inactivity or insensibility.
I thought that it would doubtless be more to the purpose to try and help my comrades as a doctor than to vegetate or finally lose my life as the unproductive laborer that I was then.
The phenomenon of female anger has often been turned against itself, the figure of the angry woman reframed as threat — not the one who has been harmed, but the one bent on harming.
kitchen-sink realism is a term coined to describe a British cultural movement that developed in the late 1950s and early 1960s in theatre, art, novels, film and television plays, whose protagonists usually could be described as "angry young men" who were disillusioned with modern society.
the reason that this problem has come about like this and has caused such a furor in Western Christianity and has caused so many people to turn away from religion is that they do not want to understand that the world is not God.
There have been several calls for his ouster from the University of Toronto — where he’s tenured — including a recent open letter to the dean of the faculty of arts and science signed by hundreds, including many of his fellow professors.
Afterward he will field knotty questions from the audience on whether originality is really possible, the tension between honor and happiness, and the evolutionary upside of solitude.
Afterward he will field knotty questions from the audience on whether originality is really possible, the tension between honor and happiness, and the evolutionary upside of solitude.
I ventured from the hotel and joined the hajj of blue-jeaned yokels that paraded slowly and patriotically past the empire's historic landmark. ~ Paul Beatty, The Sellout
As blogging went mainstream in the aughts, a small circle of feminist bloggers—mostly straight, thirtyish or younger, American, and living on the coasts—was elevated along with it to the status of regular columnists.
Comments by shanvrolijk
shanvrolijk commented on the word loft
It’s an old, familiar idea: Truth is beauty. Beauty is truth. They go together, inextricable, like friendship and laughter, or road work and traffic. Gazing at the universe will always satisfy your aesthetic itch—and if not, then you probably suck at gazing. In her new book Lost in Math, physicist Sabine Hossenfelder lofts a very skeptical eyebrow at this orthodoxy.
November 10, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word coruscate
Clever people—quick studies—are often like this. They have properly intellectual gifts, but they lack the patience for attention’s long, slow gaze (on which see below), and so their intellectual life coruscates, sparking here and there like a firefly on the porch, but illuminating nothing for long
April 17, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word coruscate
Clever people—quick studies—are often like this. They have properly intellectual gifts, but they lack the patience for attention’s long, slow gaze (on which see below), and so their intellectual life coruscates, sparking here and there like a firefly on the porch, but it illuminate nothing for long
April 17, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word fanfare
Uses of these methods appear in the cartographic literature without fanfare.
Her university application stories come out merely as a fanfare.
April 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word chart
John Kerrigan charted the ways in which the so-called ‘spatial turn’ across the humanities and social sciences was shaping and enriching contemporary critical practice in the final years of the twentieth century
We chart our way to glory and fame.
The only thing I wouldn't expect him to do on your behalf is charting the safe way to come back graduate school.
April 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word toll
He had aged a lot since I saw him last. My mother's suicide and his two heart attacks had taken their toll.
--Maus Book 1: My Father Bleeds History
March 11, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word corollary
a corollary is that you must work hard in order to repay your piling debts.
March 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word manifest
manifest neglect
manifestly clear
March 2, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word afflict
others say that the disgrace and ignominy with which God afflicts disbelievers and in which He leaves them to continue for a long time is tantamount to mockery (R).
The Study Quran
March 2, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word ignominy
others say that the disgrace and ignominy with which God afflicts disbelievers and in which He leaves them to continue for a long time is tantamount to mockery (R).
The Study Quran
March 2, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word requite
God will requite them for their mockery, and will leave them for a while in their overweening arrogance, blindly stumbling to and fro.
March 2, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word allusion
It would seem that this is an allusion to people who oppose any "intrusion" of religious
considerations into the realm of practical affairs, and thus - often unwittingly, thinking
that they are "but improving things" - contribute to the moral and social confusion
referred to in the subsequent verse.
March 2, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word lukewarm
or who were lukewarm in their faith to the point of inaction.
The Study Quran
March 2, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word remit
The repetition adds to the sense of the unremitting loss of individual dignity and invasion of personal space.
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word hark back
The Newport system was quite widely criticized. It was seen by some as being old fashioned, perhaps even reactionary, harking back (hark back) to the dying traditions of magazine photojournalism within the publications Picture Post and Life magazine rather than aligning itself with contemporary trends and emerging practices within documentary photography.
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word jockey
Various state and civil society organizations jockeyed with each other to speak on behalf of Islam and, equally important, to instruct the state in matters of morality and religion.
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word clad
As he was admiring the huge screen sizes, the images of tropical fish that had been on the loop DVD suddenly changed to images of scantily clad Western women frolicking at the beach.
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word pulpit
Eager to parlay his public pulpit into political capital, Aa Gym insisted that the perils of pornography could only be overcome by cultivating one’s sense of shame.
Vicissitudes of Vision: Piety, Pornography, and Shaming the State in Indonesia
Visual Anthropological Review
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word parlay
Eager to parlay his public pulpit into political capital, Aa Gym insisted that the perils of pornography could only be overcome by cultivating one’s sense of shame.
Vicissitudes of Vision: Piety, Pornography, and Shaming the State in Indonesia
Visual Anthropological Review
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word capstone
With that in mind, those who have not read the Quran will see that it is a capstone to all the Scriptures of the West: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim; all of which share the same God, but use different metaphors by which to worship YHWH, the Trinity, or Allah.
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word afoot
Strange things are afoot at the circle q
fig. on going, happening
Ms Marvel issue 3
March 1, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word shoddy
The Inside Story Of How An Ivy League Food Scientist Turned Shoddy Data Into Viral Studies
February 27, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word dismal
dismal science
February 25, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word immanent
"the cause of problems which are immanent to today's global capitalism is projected onto an external intruder. Anti-immigrant racism and sexism is not dangerous because it lies; it is at its most dangerous when its lie is presented in the form of a (partial) factual truth."
February 20, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word lacuna
Ingstad and Whyte noted this gap in their pioneering edited collection Disability and Culture (1995) 20 years ago; Kasnitz and Shuttleworth made the same point a few years later (2001a, b); and, according to Rapp and Ginsburg (2012; Ginsburg and Rapp 2013), the lacuna still remains.
February 17, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word alterity
Despite the proliferation of disability studies (DS) in the USA and Britain over the last three decades, anthropology—for a discipline committed to understanding alterity, has contributed surprisingly little to the study of disability.
February 17, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word custodian
When Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas negotiated a solution for Jerusalem, they assumed a capital for each state, a Palestinian one in East Jerusalem and a Jewish one in the West, but a common municipal administration, and a new international committee, in which they would jointly participate, to act as custodian of the “Holy Basin,” in effect, the whole of the Old City. What are these—the municipality and the custodian—if not confederal institutions?
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word preempt
To compete on wide-bandwidth infrastructure, as Jawwal (Paltel’s mobile division) has tried to do, it must not be preempted by rival Israeli telecom operators using settlements as placement for transmission towers to which Jawwal has no access. With peace, Paltel and Israeli telecommunications companies could partner in the Gulf.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word subject
Grotesquely, they rally much of West Jerusalem to theocracy and treat Arab neighbors with contempt. (There are, as I have argued elsewhere, sound reasons to subject the settlements to an international boycott.)
transitive v. To subjugate; subdue: overcome, quieten, or bring under control (a feeling or person).
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word perfunctory
But allowing tourists to move about freely is hardly just a matter of making checkpoints perfunctory.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word cheek by jowl
Living cheek by jowl has important implications for the security environment.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word elide
But most also frame the solution as separation—a “dignified divorce,” as the writer Amos Oz put it. They elide demographic facts, or imminent dangers, that critics of two states reasonably believe, most ordinary people see, and extremists on both sides shrewdly traffic in—none of which would disappear if these same extremists were forced to the margins.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word pamper
Such a state would notionally take the divided citizens of the Israeli state—which is democratic in many respects, but pampers rabbinic theocrats and nationalistic populists—and jam them together with residents of the Palestinian territories, also divided, with a majority too accustomed to authoritarian leaders, and who take the Islamic faith, clan loyalties, and regional Arabism for granted.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word notionally
Such a state would notionally take the divided citizens of the Israeli state—which is democratic in many respects, but pampers rabbinic theocrats and nationalistic populists—and jam them together with residents of the Palestinian territories, also divided, with a majority too accustomed to authoritarian leaders, and who take the Islamic faith, clan loyalties, and regional Arabism for granted.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word jaded
But a constituency for peace remains and its numbers fall—as survey researchers Khalil Shikaki and Dahlia Scheindlin have shown—because moderate majorities “increasingly doubt its viability,” largely because they have grown jaded regarding the intentions of the other side, not because, in principle, they refuse the compromises two states would entail.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word fodder
What if when Luffy defeats Katakuri and comes out of the mirror, he sees Sanji standing over Oven and the rest of the army that he defeated, lighting his cigarette like a badass. Oven and everyone else there will be pretty much fodder for Sanji, Snack will be his true challenge.
n. Raw material, as for artistic creation.
February 9, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word couch
“When one turns to the nature of the assembled Quranic text , the first point to be addressed is the character of the Arabic language and the script in which it is couched. Arabic is considered a West Semitic language, and it belongs to the family of languages with alphabetic scripts (such as Hebrew, Aramaic and Ethiopic), which all ultimately descend from ancient Phoenician. Old written forms of the Arabic language are found in rock inscriptions throughout the Arabian Peninsula, which employ several different scripts ultimately derived from South Arabia. Arabic speakers also used the Nabatean script from the second century BCE, notably in the city of Petra (in modern Jordan), and that became the basis for the distinctive Arabic script that emerged in Syria and northwest Arabia in the sixth century CE, sometimes in multilingual inscriptions that included Greek or Syriac.
transitive v. To word in a certain manner; phrase: couched their protests in diplomatic language.
How to Read the Quran –Carl W Ernst – Edinburgh University Press – 2012
February 8, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word traction
A number of theories have been advanced in recent years by European writers, questioning the traditional account of its composition. Some have proposed that the Quran was actually assembled as long as two centuries after the time of Prophet Muhammad. This hypothetical argument has not gained much traction, because of a lack of supporting evidence.
How to Read the Quran –Carl W Ernst – Edinburgh University Press – 2012
traction: popular support
February 8, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word homiletic
If you haven’t read Mitchell’s book, you’d have no clue what makes it so thrilling and unique—and you’ll be mightily confused for at least the first hour. If you have read it, you’d be wise to preserve your fond memories and steer clear of this earnest but misbegotten adaptation, which reduces a moving tour de force to a dull and homiletic house of frenetically shuffled cards.
February 7, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word allot
"No guardian have they apart from Him, since He allots to no one a share in His rule!" _ Al Kahfi 18:25
February 2, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word parabolic
But whatever the source of this legend, and irrespective of whether it is of Jewish or Christian origin, the fact remains that it is used in the Qur'an in a purely parabolic sense: namely, as an illustration of God's power to bring about death (or "sleep") and resurrection (or "awakening'); and, secondly, as an allegory of the piety that induces men to abandon a wicked or frivolous world in order to keep their faith unsullied, and of God's recognition of that faith by His bestowal of a spiritual awakening which transcends time and death
The message of the quran by muhammad asad, al kahfi
January 31, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word colloquial
they are constantly able to have sex biologically not just colloquially
January 29, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word preclude
Poor weather precluding my morning outing, we yarned by the peat fire
& the hours sped by like minutes.
January 29, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word Bedlamite
In haste, I bade Henry Goose a good day. I fancy he is a Bedlamite.
bedlamite. /ˈbɛdləˌmaɪt/ noun. 1. (archaic) a lunatic; insane person
Bedlamite | Define Bedlamite at
January 29, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word circumvallate
The settlement is circumvallated by a stake-fence, so decayed that one may gain ingress at a dozen places.
CLOUD ATLAS, by David Mitchell
An excerpt from the Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing
January 28, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word peregrination
Dr Goose looked out to sea. ‘My peregrinations began in that dark hour.’
CLOUD ATLAS, by David Mitchell
An excerpt from the Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing
January 28, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word peregrine
reminds me to Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and Pellegrina from the Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
January 28, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word render
Had the doctor misplaced anything on that dismal shore? Could I render assistance?
render assistance: provide assistance
CLOUD ATLAS, by David Mitchell
An excerpt from the Pacific Journal of Adam Ewing
January 28, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word abet
This is what we get for abetting supernaturalism in defense of tradition. Ah, well, at least we're respected.
January 27, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word hilarity
Howling hilarity upon rereading the book in this context.
January 24, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word haywire
This episode we travel to a future where the 2020 census goes haywire. What happens if we don’t get an accurate count of Americans? Who cares? Apparently the constitution does!
January 24, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word gimmicky
gimmicky selection
January 24, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word twit
"“like a pretentious twit.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word sanctimonious
"“I’m not a sanctimonious reader,” she says, “but I think there’s a cumulative beauty that can be achieved in books that you can’t really get on the internet.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word cumulative
"“I’m not a sanctimonious reader,” she says, “but I think there’s a cumulative beauty that can be achieved in books that you can’t really get on the internet.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word slog
"“It’s a tough slog, but I figured I was going to be at this for a long time.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word brittle
"As a teen, Christopher Hitchens was a voracious but directionless reader, later recalling, “I was too brittle to decide among so many possible treats.”"
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word workaround
"There are only so many hours in a day, but the most common workaround for devoted readers is surprisingly uninventive."
Source: What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word abysmal
"To begin with, if race categories were meant primarily to capture differences in genetics, they are doing an abysmal job."
Source: What Both the Left and Right Get Wrong About Race
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word pernicious
"In sum, racial categories now in use are based on a convoluted and often pernicious history, including much purposefully created misinformation."
Source: What Both the Left and Right Get Wrong About Race
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word convoluted
"In sum, racial categories now in use are based on a convoluted and often pernicious history, including much purposefully created misinformation."
Source: What Both the Left and Right Get Wrong About Race
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word canon
" I consigned him to the minor canon of English enthusiasts for the avant-garde – in the end, not enthusiastic enough."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word consign
" I consigned him to the minor canon of English enthusiasts for the avant-garde – in the end, not enthusiastic enough."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word maunder
"maundering over failed affairs of heart or wallet"
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word indolence
"With an agile and intensely active brain few writers have combined a greater disposition to extreme bodily indolence"
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word agile
"With an agile and intensely active brain few writers have combined a greater disposition to extreme bodily indolence"
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word supine
"Supine for weeks or months at a time, Connolly could spring up when needed and, provided there was secretarial help on hand, thrash out an overdue essay or review, rush a magazine to print."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word thrash out
"Supine for weeks or months at a time, Connolly could spring up when needed and, provided there was secretarial help on hand, thrash out an overdue essay or review, rush a magazine to print."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word frivolity
"Here he anatomizes his worst traits: laziness, nostalgia, gluttony, hypochondria, some essential frivolity of mind that means his writing will always be summed up as “‘brilliant’ – that is, not worth doing”."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word anatomize
"Here he anatomizes his worst traits: laziness, nostalgia, gluttony, hypochondria, some essential frivolity of mind that means his writing will always be summed up as “‘brilliant’ – that is, not worth doing”."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word dissipation
"the distractions of marriage: “a kind of exquisite dissipation”"
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word exquisite
"the distractions of marriage: “a kind of exquisite dissipation”"
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word protestation
"Protestations of debilitating sloth are common among writers, and more frequent among prolific ones."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word corral
" it’s no more than a high-toned commonplace book, corralling quotations from Connolly’s mid-war reading"
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word knowingly
"Observe the tone: genuinely dismal, aspirantly aesthetic, knowingly parodic."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word dismal
"Observe the tone: genuinely dismal, aspirantly aesthetic, knowingly parodic."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word aspirantly
"Observe the tone: genuinely dismal, aspirantly aesthetic, knowingly parodic."
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word tad
"Recently, I wrote about my goal of learning everything. This is more than a tad ambitious, and probably impossible."
Source: The Goal of Learning Everything
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word corollary
"A corollary to this, is that by teaching something to someone, you actually end up understanding it better, because it forces you to refine your thinking."
Source: 8 Ways To Help You Learn Everything Faster
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word flaunt
"their owners are often criticized for flaunting their femininity"
Source: Free The Nipple in Korea? Why Not? Uncovering the history of a taboo
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word flimsy
"No wonder my very well-developed, very active 11 year-old daughter is so reluctant to make the transition from her flimsy training bras. "
Source: Free The Nipple in Korea? Why Not? Uncovering the history of a taboo
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word akin
"Again, the question is more difficult than it appears, and there’s no handy introduction akin to Laura Miller’s “Mammary Mania”"
Source: Free The Nipple in Korea? Why Not? Uncovering the history of a taboo
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word dire
"sometimes as a ‘prophet of doom’ (thanks to his pronouncements about the dire prospects for humanity"
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word pronouncement
"sometimes as a ‘prophet of doom’ (thanks to his pronouncements about the dire prospects for humanity"
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word soothsayer
"a soothsayer of the ‘singularity’ (when humans will merge with machines, and as a consequence live forever)"
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word perdition
"Humans are therefore faced with an invidious choice once they learn about Roko’s Basilisk: they can help to build the superintelligence, or face painful and unending perdition at the hands of a future, ultra-rational AI."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word invidious
"Humans are therefore faced with an invidious choice once they learn about Roko’s Basilisk: they can help to build the superintelligence, or face painful and unending perdition at the hands of a future, ultra-rational AI."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word enticement
"Salespeople competed for attendees’ attention with posh enticements of moleskin-type notebooks and tote bags"
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word posh
"Salespeople competed for attendees’ attention with posh enticements of moleskin-type notebooks and tote bags"
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word vestige
"Adhering adhere'>adhere to a view of history as a teleological climb by humanity to greater and greater heights of rationality, they see religion as an irrational vestige of a more primitive mankind. "
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word adhere
"Adhering adhere'>adhere to a view of history as a teleological climb by humanity to greater and greater heights of rationality, they see religion as an irrational vestige of a more primitive mankind. "
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word eerily
"We usher in the AI future on the wings of angels, because the heavy lifting of the imagination isn’t possible without their pinion feathers – whether we think of them as artificial or divine."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word pinion
"We usher in the AI future on the wings of angels, because the heavy lifting of the imagination isn’t possible without their pinion feathers – whether we think of them as artificial or divine."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word usher
"We usher in the AI future on the wings of angels, because the heavy lifting of the imagination isn’t possible without their pinion feathers – whether we think of them as artificial or divine."
Source: The most avid believers in artificial intelligence are aggressively secular – yet their language is eerily religious. Why?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word titillating
"I'm going to agree with the pornification point. It takes me out of the show. I become aware of the set, and start thinking about how gratuitous it is. It's so posed and unnatural that it's more cringeworthy than titillating."
Source: What are some criticisms of Game of Thrones?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word gratuitous
"I'm going to agree with the pornification point. It takes me out of the show. I become aware of the set, and start thinking about how gratuitous it is. It's so posed and unnatural that it's more cringeworthy than titillating."
Source: What are some criticisms of Game of Thrones?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word pornification
"I'm going to agree with the pornification point. It takes me out of the show. I become aware of the set, and start thinking about how gratuitous it is. It's so posed and unnatural that it's more cringeworthy than titillating."
Source: What are some criticisms of Game of Thrones?
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word contest
"As the West came to look at the Islamic world through the lens of the “clash” of civilizations thesis, seemingly corroborated by terrorist attacks and wars, scholars sharpened their pencils to contest that perception."
Source: Deprovincializing Philosophy
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word corroborate
"As the West came to look at the Islamic world through the lens of the “clash” of civilizations thesis, seemingly corroborated by terrorist attacks and wars, scholars sharpened their pencils to contest that perception."
Source: Deprovincializing Philosophy
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word venture
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errant musings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word proclivity
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errant musings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word musing
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errant musings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word errant
"Ours is a privileged moment: never before has it been so easy to gain access to the errant musings, rapid-fire opinions, and random proclivity-ies of venture capitalists and others we enrich."
Source: How Silicon Valley’s Workplace Culture Produced James Damore’s Google Memo
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word persuasion
"immigrants of any persuasion"
Source: A Moment of Bad Faith
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word smidgen
" His ignorance of history, his specious use of false equivalency and his absence of even a smidgen of moral sensitivity is not only embarrassing, but also quite scary."
Source: A Moment of Bad Faith
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word specious
" His ignorance of history, his specious use of false equivalency and his absence of even a smidgen of moral sensitivity is not only embarrassing, but also quite scary."
Source: A Moment of Bad Faith
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word crutch
"as a result of an education which tended to regard religion at best as a moral crutch and at worst as a dangerous delusion."
Source: Hollywood Actress Emilie Francois Convert to Islam
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word silo
"But we silo discussions about sex as if they have nothing to do with everything else. "
Source: The Great Tech Panic: The Inevitability of Porn
verb 1.isolate (one system, process, department, etc.) from others.
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word smokescreen
"But that’s a smokescreen."
Source: DIY Digital Humanities
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word sequestered
"My one-and-a-half-times veiled (once by the sequestered school and another half by the head scarf), newly pious self appeared sufficiently recalcitrant."
Source: Putting on the Veil: Boys Invade an All-Girls School
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word recalcitrant
"My one-and-a-half-times veiled (once by the sequestered school and another half by the head scarf), newly pious self appeared sufficiently recalcitrant."
Source: Putting on the Veil: Boys Invade an All-Girls School
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word attendant
"Yemen's near-famine conditions and attendant cholera outbreaks are so dire that a child dies there every ten minutes of preventable disease."
Source: What will cure the U.S. addiction to war?
attendant: adj; occurring with or as a result of; accompanying.
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word numinous
" In the light of such new frameworks that are no more dependent on recourse to a numinous entity in order to sustain worldviews and moral imperatives, Iqbāl was left with little choice to critically engage with its foundations, as long as he wanted to sustain his conviction in the absolute inevitability of a religious grounding of all human pursuit."
Source: “I Pine for True Closeness”: Muḥammad Iqbāl’s Uneasy Relationship with Christianity, and the Islamic Social Ideal
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word recourse
" In the light of such new frameworks that are no more dependent on recourse to a numinous entity in order to sustain worldviews and moral imperatives, Iqbāl was left with little choice to critically engage with its foundations, as long as he wanted to sustain his conviction in the absolute inevitability of a religious grounding of all human pursuit."
Source: “I Pine for True Closeness”: Muḥammad Iqbāl’s Uneasy Relationship with Christianity, and the Islamic Social Ideal
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word consult
Groceries are bought after consulting carefully made lists.
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word deus ex machina
Perhaps, this is why that moment in "The Two Towers", when awash in golden light, Gandalf and the Rohirrim arrive in deus ex machina fashion is on my top ten list of movie-manipulated affects.
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word espy
Like Aragorn, I look left, right, east, west, something, and at just the opportune moment, I espy fireworks, orange, fuschia, and dazzlingly green; I am momentarily light.
January 22, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word vegetate
intransitive v. To exist in a state of physical or mental inactivity or insensibility.
I thought that it would doubtless be more to the purpose to try and help my comrades as a doctor than to vegetate or finally lose my life as the unproductive laborer that I was then.
"Others merely live, I vegetate"
Source: The times Literary supplement
January 21, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word bent on
The phenomenon of female anger has often been turned against itself, the figure of the angry woman reframed as threat — not the one who has been harmed, but the one bent on harming.
January 21, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word kitchen-sink
Source: Books and the ‘Boredom Boom’
January 21, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word furor
the reason that this problem has come about like this and has caused such a furor in Western Christianity and has caused so many people to turn away from religion is that they do not want to understand that the world is not God.
January 21, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word take to task
One of the professors taking her to task likened Peterson to Hitler
January 18, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word ouster
There have been several calls for his ouster from the University of Toronto — where he’s tenured — including a recent open letter to the dean of the faculty of arts and science signed by hundreds, including many of his fellow professors.
January 18, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word field
Afterward he will field knotty questions from the audience on whether originality is really possible, the tension between honor and happiness, and the evolutionary upside of solitude.
January 18, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word field
Afterward he will field knotty questions from the audience on whether originality is really possible, the tension between honor and happiness, and the evolutionary upside of solitude.
January 18, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word propagate
Then click Save and wait approximately 15 seconds for the changes to propagate to the KDE menu.
January 16, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word barrage
I haven't watched porn in 3 days because Peterson recommended it. Visions of sexual acts barrage my conscience
January 15, 2018
shanvrolijk commented on the word gist
you only remember the gist...
December 22, 2017
shanvrolijk commented on the word go off
Jordan Peterson: I will not go off on that tangent
December 22, 2017
shanvrolijk commented on the word hajj
I ventured from the hotel and joined the hajj of blue-jeaned yokels that paraded slowly and patriotically past the empire's historic landmark. ~ Paul Beatty, The Sellout
February 18, 2017
shanvrolijk commented on the word aught
As blogging went mainstream in the aughts, a small circle of feminist bloggers—mostly straight, thirtyish or younger, American, and living on the coasts—was elevated along with it to the status of regular columnists.
February 14, 2017