[["Lewis Grosser , esquire , is a porcine man , shorter than even Lizzie, with shiny pink skin that stretches across well fed cheeks ." From : All we ever wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown . Page:217
[[ "There was a flurry of hugs and introductions . "(Tammie Temple ) Guideposts:true stories of hope and inspiration . Author of article: Tammie Temple . January 2010 . Page 39
[[ "Bring on the beer and lenderhosen ."(Kim Smith) . The Bradenton Herald . (09/26/2010) Find a little taste of Germany in Helen , Ga. Author: Mary Ann Anderson . Page XX Travel (back side of section D )
[[ "Failure is delay but not defeat . It is a temporary detour , not a dead-end street ." ( William Arthur Ward ).Chicken soup for the mother's soul . Authors :Jack Canfield , Mark Victor Hansen , Jennifer Read Hawthorne , and Marci Shimoff . Page 75
[[ "Awakening is a shift in consciousness in which thinking and awareness separate ."( Eckart Tolle ) . A new earth : Awakening to your life's purpose . Author: Eckart Tolle . Page 259
[["Children reinvent your world for you ."(Susan Sarandon) Chicken soup for the mother's soul . Authors :Jack Canfield , Mark Victor Hansen , Jennifer Read Hawthorne , and Marci Shimoff . Page 201
Comments by sherry28
sherry28 commented on the word evolutionists
" The following is a list of arguements put forth by creationists and answers put forth by evolutionists." From: Why people believe weird things . Author: Micheal Shermer . Page :139 .
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word creationists
" The following is a list of arguements put forth by creationists and answers put forth by evolutionists." From: Why people believe weird things . Author: Micheal Shermer . Page :139 .
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word heretics
"Excommunication is the final solution for such unreformed heretics ." From: Why people believe weird things . Author: Micheal Shermer . Page:118
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word excommunication
"Excommunication is the final solution for such unreformed heretics ." From: Why people believe weird things . Author: Micheal Shermer . Page:118
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word omniscient
"Her seemingly omniscient ideas were inerrant." From: Why people believe weird things . Author : Micheal Shermer . Page 117.
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word tautologies
" Sometimes tautologies are the beginning of science , but they are never the end ." From: Why people believe weird things . Author: Micheal Shermer . Page 143.
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word hallucination
"To this day, however , I recall the hallucination as vividly and clearly as any strong memory ." From: Why people believe weird things . Author: Micheal Shermer. Page: 89
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word cryonics
"Cryonics is still so new and experimental that the ethical questions have yet to come to public attention ." From : Why people believe weird things . Author : Micheal Shermer. Page: 85
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word perithanatic
"Believers claim that we do know something about the other side through a phenomenon called the perithanatic or near death experience ." From: Why people believe weird things . Author: Micheal Shermer . Page 77.
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word electro-acuscope
"The electro-acuscope was the idea of my chiropractor." From Why people beleive weird things . Author:Micheal Shermer .Page 14.
November 22, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word cosseted
"....cosseted by their illogical faith , there isn't enough space for fear ." From: All we ever wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown. Page 417
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word gratis
" A pndit describes Janice Miller as a greedy Silicon Valley housewife who hasn't earned a buck in her life and expects everything given to her gratis." From: All we ever wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown . Page 400.
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word unencumbered
" ...in a financial mess but totally unencumbered...".From: All we ever wanted was everything. Author: Janelle Brown. Page 384
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word bourgeois
"She's going with her new lover , a free spirit unfettered by bourgeois mores , to live in that yellow sunshine , far from the excesses of American culture ..... ." From: All we ever wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown . Page: 344
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word decorous
"And I really can't belive that you would try to screw me out of everything we built together and then expect me to be decorous about it ." From: All we wver wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown. Page: 318
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word Xanadu
"It had to seemed to her an adolescent Xanadu ." From: All we ever wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown. Page 261
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word proletariat
" The immaculate white sand beaches , the stolidly proletariat mexican fishermen , sunsets on the beach and cold Coronas ." From: All we ever wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown . Page: 244
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word Porcine
[["Lewis Grosser , esquire , is a porcine man , shorter than even Lizzie, with shiny pink skin that stretches across well fed cheeks ." From : All we ever wanted was everything . Author: Janelle Brown . Page:217
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word colloquialisms
"The colloquialisms were blunt and unpleasant on her tongue;" From: All we ever wanted was everything . Author Janelle Brown . Page : 212
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word nirvana
"...she will be granted a glimpse of nirvana ." From: all we ever wanted was everything . Author Janelle Brown . Page: 211
October 16, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word flurry
[[ "There was a flurry of hugs and introductions . "(Tammie Temple ) Guideposts:true stories of hope and inspiration . Author of article: Tammie Temple . January 2010 . Page 39
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word Humane
[[ "Be considerate , Humane , do charity work ". ( Nigel Barker) . People Style watch magazine . Author of article : Holly Carter . 10/2010 . page 115
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word Lenderhosen
[[ "Bring on the beer and lenderhosen ."(Kim Smith) . The Bradenton Herald . (09/26/2010) Find a little taste of Germany in Helen , Ga. Author: Mary Ann Anderson . Page XX Travel (back side of section D )
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word Failure
[[ "Failure is delay but not defeat . It is a temporary detour , not a dead-end street ." ( William Arthur Ward ).Chicken soup for the mother's soul . Authors :Jack Canfield , Mark Victor Hansen , Jennifer Read Hawthorne , and Marci Shimoff . Page 75
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word awakening
[[ "Awakening is a shift in consciousness in which thinking and awareness separate ."( Eckart Tolle ) . A new earth : Awakening to your life's purpose . Author: Eckart Tolle . Page 259
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word unconditional
" The only genuine love worthy of the name is unconditional...." . ( John Powell) . Chicken soup for the mother's soul . Authors :Jack Canfield , Mark Victor Hansen , Jennifer Read Hawthorne , and Marci Shimoff . Page 32
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word reinvent
[["Children reinvent your world for you ."(Susan Sarandon) Chicken soup for the mother's soul . Authors :Jack Canfield , Mark Victor Hansen , Jennifer Read Hawthorne , and Marci Shimoff . Page 201
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word miracles
"Where there is great love there are always MIRACLES ."(Willa Cather); Chicken soup for the mother's soul . Author's : Jack Canfield , Mark Victor Hansen , Jennifer Read Hawthorne , and Marci Shimoff . page 222 .
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word impossible
"As a mother , my job is to take care of what is possible and trust god with the impossible ." (Ruth Bell Graham) Chicken soup for the mother's soul :author's Jack Canfield , Mark Victor Hansen , Jennifer Read Hawthorne and Marci Shimoff . Page 84 .
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word pain-body
" ......almost everyone carries in his or her energy field an accumulation of old emotional pain , which I call "the pain-body ." A New Earth : Awakening to your life's purpose . Author Eckart Tolle . Page 140
September 30, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word psycotropic
What , no definition or anything yet for this . Well that is strange. According to my psycology teacher these are drugs that affect your brain.
September 27, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word scrapper
I didn't really think that this actually meant someone who fights . I thought it was just another slang word. LOL
September 27, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word pyrophoric
So is this another way to describe spontanious combustion?
September 27, 2010
sherry28 commented on the word piloerection
example : goosebumps
September 9, 2010