From DEFINITION: v. tr. To make the same mistake over and over again even though you know it's stupid. n. A compulsively repeated mistake.
A case for holding or carrying arrows, or the arrows carried in said case. May also refer to a collection of surfboards or skateboards.
Finally, it is a term that a fundamentalist Christian sect uses to describe their movement to have as many babies as possible -- Full Quiver Theology, based on the reading of Psalm 127: 3-5: "Children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. As arrows in a soldier's hand, so are the sons of the young. Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them."
Comments by sillygoose
sillygoose commented on the word sagacity
Uses: sagacious; sagaciousness
September 6, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word duhhplicate
From DEFINITION: v. tr. To make the same mistake over and over again even though you know it's stupid. n. A compulsively repeated mistake.
August 2, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word socialholism
An addiction to online social networking (Facebook, Twitter, blogging, and the like).
July 30, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word petabyte
Like, way really a lot of data.
A petabyte is 2 to the 50th power, or 1,125,899,906,842,624 bytes.
July 24, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word twandle
Twitter handle; What users of call themselves or each other.
"Do you Twitter? What's your twandle?"
July 20, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word quiver
A case for holding or carrying arrows, or the arrows carried in said case. May also refer to a collection of surfboards or skateboards.
Finally, it is a term that a fundamentalist Christian sect uses to describe their movement to have as many babies as possible -- Full Quiver Theology, based on the reading of Psalm 127: 3-5: "Children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. As arrows in a soldier's hand, so are the sons of the young. Blessed is the man who has filled his quiver with them."
February 22, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word orly
An Internet term mainly used in games that is substituted for "Oh, Really?"
LOL speak for "Oh, really?".
January 27, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word pontificate
January 18, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word bacn
Impersonal email such as alerts, newsletters, and automated reminders that are nearly as
annoying as spam but which one has chosen to receive.
January 7, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word googlegänger
A person with your name who shows up when you google yourself.
January 7, 2008
sillygoose commented on the word flog
Fake blog, ostensibly written by an individual but actually maintained by a marketing company.
December 30, 2007
sillygoose commented on the word thumple
Verb. The act of thumpling. To thumple. A word to describe what happens to socks when they sag around your ankles inside you shoes or boots.
Adj. Thumpled. "My boots are loose, so my socks are thumpled."
December 28, 2007
sillygoose commented on the word synertunity
Synergistic opportunity.
December 25, 2007